Captain Ska's Theresa May protest single Liar Liar is now battling for Number 1 on the Official Singles Chart
Can Captain Ska's Liar Liar go all the way?

Liar Liar, the anti-Theresa May single that is racing up the Official Singles Chart, is now battling for this Friday's Number 1, can reveal.
By London seven-piece band Captain Ska, Liar Liar has continued to rise the chart ranks overnight and currently sits at Number 3 in today's sales flash (May 31).
Sales of Liar Liar are being driven by downloads, with over 30,000 people picking up a digital copy of the track in five days, while the song has so far been streamed just over 100,000 times.
The song's music video, which includes statistics on UK poverty levels and references to school and police cuts, is now has over one million views on YouTube.
MORE: View this week's Official Singles Chart Update Top 100 in full
There has been speculation whether the BBC will air the song as part of Friday's Official Chart show on BBC Radio 1 due to the current election climate here in the UK. A spokesman has since confirmed that the BBC will conform with OFCOM ruling and stay impartial, stating: "We do not ban songs or artists, however our editorial guidelines require us to remain impartial and the UK is currently in an election period so we will not be playing the song.”
Captain Ska are campaigning for the song to also be played on BBC Radio 1's Ten Minute Takeover, although the station has not featured the track despite the band's campaigns across the week. A clip of Liar Liar was however featured on BBC Two's Daily Politics Show.
The band said in a statement: "The success of this song shows people are fed up with this government of the rich, for the rich. We’re overwhelmed with the support and our message is that people do have the power to change society if we act together.”
Find out Liar Liar's final chart placing here on at 5.45pm this Friday. Follow the Top 40 countdown live on BBC Radio 1's Official Chart show with Greg James from 4pm on Friday, June 2. View the latest Top 100 here.
Image: Rex/Shutterstock
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barrry baptist
Conclusion: Liar Lair was NOT played in the chart show. During the 2nd hour Greg started at number 11 instead.
ENZO Music
Anyone noticed without the video the song kind of ? The 1st verse refers to ALL politicians as liars (which technically includes Corbyn) and then the 2nd verse is just about trump which doesn't make sense considering the chorus. This is just terrible compared to Public Enemy's "Fight the Power", Midnight Oil's "Beds Are Burning" and anything by Rage Against the Machine. If you're gonna make a political song at least have good talking points that aren't just copied and pasted from facebook, jeez
Buying this song is not going to get rid of the Tories – people need to get out there and vote Labour instead.
kenny bear
I don't understand why the BBC can't play the song on the radio if it reaches the chart, they could always get a conservative to talk for the equal length of the song afterwards to say why people should vote for them in newsbeat. If it's in the chart it should be played.
Brian Quinn
Pathetic song. Politics should be kept out of music and the pop charts.
And what are you going to do about that, Drumpf loving silly Yank? Ran out of stuff to worry about at home?
Politics & politicians effect everybody's lives, so why can't people tell the truth in a pop song, and reach millions...
If Theresa & Tory Central Office don't like it then they can always make their own song, which goes like that "Strong & Stable, Fox Hunting", because these seem to be the only 2 policies that remain in their manifesto.....
#JC4PM2017 :)
Sam Ainslie
Politics out of music? As a professional musician I find that a very absurd and un-educated statement as music is mostly written about current events and throughout history music has been made about politics from Charles Mingus to Fela Kuti and everything in between.
Brian Quinn
Elvis refused to get involved with politics and stated that he was just an entertainer and preferred to keep his opinions to himself. Very wise I feel.
Brian Quinn
Trump has nothing to do with this song.
Better go study your music history, politics has long been a subject for musicians especially for those who are politically motivated. The Beatles, Green Day, Joni Mitchell, Pink, U2 etc all have some kind of political vent in their discographies. Hip hop historically has always touched on politics so not sure how politics is meant to stay out of music when musicians have a LONG history of writing songs about the subject matter.
True, but you do. Britain is not the 51st state. Not yet. Jog on.
Jack James
Ed Sheeran needs to get back to #1 make it happen people.
Charlie Risdale
It's not gonna happen again now, he's waaayyy too low on iTunes (don't know about other sales) and his streaming is dropping fast too (thank god), so it's incredibly unlikely he'll get back again now. Hooray!
Brian Quinn
Disgusting song.
Jack James
With a Bieber remix he will.
Get a life.
Charlie Risdale
Please tell me when he's gonna remix it. Give a source too, preferably a couple, I'll believe it when I see it.
I Am A Stegosaurus
That would worsen the song even more. The Stormzy remix was bad enough
Brian Quinn
I would love to hear a right wing song for a change.
I could not give a monkey's. Try Skrewdriver - they have plenty of "right wing songs".
Joseph McDonnell