Chart history of DANDY

Official Charts logo Official Physical Singles Chart

Chart facts

  • Peak position8
  • LabelPROPER
  • Catalogue numberPRP7S137
  • First Chart Date

Weeks on chart

  1. 0No1
  2. 1Top 10
  3. 2Top 20
  4. 2Top 40
  5. 7Top 75
  6. 9Top 100

Chart run

= Peak position = This week

5 weeks - 04/05/2017 to 01/06/2017

1 week - 27/07/2017

2 weeks - 18/01/2018 to 25/01/2018

1 week - 29/03/2018


Official Charts logo Official Vinyl Singles Chart

Chart facts

  • Peak position6
  • LabelPROPER
  • Catalogue numberPRP7S137
  • First Chart Date

Weeks on chart

  1. 0No1
  2. 1Top 10
  3. 2Top 20
  4. 4Top 40
  5. 4Top 75
  6. 4Top 100

Chart run

= Peak position = This week

2 weeks - 11/05/2017 to 18/05/2017

1 week - 01/06/2017

1 week - 27/07/2017


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