Lightning Live

How to register sales of your music from live concerts and events so they count towards the Official Chart.

In 2015, the Official Charts Company created a system to allow for albums sold at gigs across the UK to be counted towards the Official Albums Chart.

The system of collecting sales at live venues, called Lightning Live, was established to support labels and artists using their shows to reach out to fans, aside from traditional retail. It is essential for us to ensure that the data supplied is reliable and robust, so the system is labour intensive to manage by Official Charts / Kantar. For this reason a charge is applied for all labels/managers/artists looking to utilise the system.

We require all participants to provide details on venue/gig capacity, inventory levels going into the venue, inventory levels remaining at the end of the event and time-stamped details of sales during the concert. We also reserve the right to have a representative attend the event to verify sales and often deploy “secret shoppers” to provide an extra level of oversight.

Any labels or management companies interested in using Lightning Live system and therefore having their album sales at gigs count towards the Official Chart, please contact