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Official Albums Chart on 29/3/2015

29 March 2015 - 4 April 2015

The UK's Top 100 biggest artist albums of the week, compiled by the Official Charts Company based on sales of CDs, downloads, vinyl, audio streams and video streams. View the biggest albums of 2024.

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Kendrick Lamar To pimp a butterfly is awesome, it combines rap and hip hop with other genres in an amazing way, highly recommended


Omry Ben Ezry


europe was only 1 week on the chart and at number 50, this chart is stupid


Matthew Hegarty


Oh my I'm actually surprised that While She Sleeps has outperformed Jermain Jackman, don't get me wrong While She Sleeps are ace, but their style is relatively heavy compared to more mainstream genres while Jermain won the Voice but his albums at a lower chart position, that is a genuine surprise as both albums came out the same day, but oh well they're both ace but I expected the opposite chart positions for the albums


Vadge Sinclair


Madonna's not even in the top 20, and it's only week 3.
So much publicity for naught.


John Canning


Yet she is still worthy of comment! She might not sell albums the way she once did but people are still fascinated by her, even those who can't obviously stand her! There are so many radio friendly hits on this album (her finest since 1998) I have no doubt it will be back up in the Top 10 again.


Sparky Nolan


Agreed. And she is still the highest earning recording star on the planet, having now overtaken Paul McCartney.