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Official Albums Chart Update on 2/4/2024

2 April 2024 - 7 April 2024

The UK's midweek official Top 100 biggest artist albums, based on sales of CDs, downloads, vinyl, audio and video streams and other formats. Compiled by the Official Charts Company from Friday to Sunday.

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The standard/quality of the website echoes the ridiculously over-hyped and meaningless chart ...  this week's update actually has NO number 1  ...   that's at least an innovative statement from the so-called OCC for a change!




So fed up of artists and labels price gouging fans with multiple variant formats (staggered so that after they order one limited edition, suddenly a new one is announced that's more attractive) to get a high first week position, only to then disappear almost completely from the Top 30.  Taylor Swift started this bs with endless variants and covers that naive schoolgirls rush to buy, so that the same music is bought ten times over when it can only be played once.  This week's example Elbow, following the likes of Madness, Kylie etc in waiting until 3 days after release and when fans have bought the limited releases, only to announce "Heh! Here's a better version with two new tracks but it's only available until midnight on Thursday" to get fans to buy the wretched album yet again and spook it into the chart.  What is the frigging point of these charts? Every week the same old thing over and over: in at no.1, acts appearing all over the media bragging of their fake no.1 album, and then the next week it's gone! Beyond ridiculous!