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Official Albums Chart Update on 26/12/2022

2 January 2023 - 8 January 2023

The UK's midweek official Top 100 biggest artist albums, based on sales of CDs, downloads, vinyl, audio and video streams and other formats. Compiled by the Official Charts Company from Friday to Sunday.

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jake pepper


I want to continue to thank the loyal supporters of Michael Jackson with all my heart. His sales are indeed picking up after the holidays have now died down. I should not have been worried, but there were a few nasty things said to me that made me decide to defend the honor of both Michael Jackson and the living legend, sir Cliff Richard. With Cliff's Christmas comeback behind him, he can focus on creating new pop hits for the current generation of music fans. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that want to destroy the legacies of certain artists because they remain a threat to their sixties heroes. We all know that as a black man, Michael was railroaded by the irate publicity campaigns of the powerful Beatles empire. Together, we can defeat hatred of daze gone by and embrace the superior music of KING of kings, Michael Jackson!


jake pepper


Go Michael! His hits collection has shot up from #69 to #23 this week on the update.