You've cat to be kitten! An album of music for cats is heading for this week's Top 40
And it was meow-sic to our ears...

Not to blow our own trumpet, but Official Charts has been to its fair share of album launches, and we generally know to expect: a steady supply of canapes, overflowing levels of booze and some serious shape-throwing on a dance floor in a posh London club.
So when we were invited to the launch party of an album made especially for cats, we suspected things would be very different. And they were. They were better, because there were loads of cats there to play with.
Held at Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium - better known as the cat cafe in London's Shoreditch - we were there to celebrate the release of Music For Cats, a collection of classical meow-sic (sorry) interspersed with cat-centric purring noises (seriously) composed by renowned cellist David Teie with America’s National Symphony Orchestra.
David said of the album: "What I'm trying to do is tickle their brains so they think, 'I don't know what that is, but it gets to me. It makes me feel good'." Intrigued? Have a listen to one of the album's tracks, called Lolo's Air, below:
It's the first ever record released by a major label (Universal) that's not aimed at humans, and has apparently been scientifically proven to appeal to our feline friends. And with Britain spending four billion pounds a year on their pet cats, it should come as no surprise that it's on course to enter this week's Official Albums Chart Top 40.
Anyway, back to the cat party. There were canapes aplenty (you can see one particularly zealous cat making a grab for them above), but there was tea in place of booze, and as for dancing, well, all our attention was firmly on the cats.
Here's one particularly camera-shy cat guarding the tea:
And here are two more chilling out to their new favourite album:
Music For Cats started at Number 25 in this week's Official Chart Update - it's final position will be revealed during tomorrow's Official Chart Show (October 21) at 5pm.
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