Win McBusted, The Vamps, Tom Odell, Robert Plant tickets are giving away four pairs of tickets to Forest Live.


You and a friend could be watching McBusted, The Vamps, Tom Odell or Robert Plant, courtesy of

The acts will be headlining Forest Live shows across the UK in June and July, hosted by the Forestry Commission.

Enter below and choose one of the following shows:

June 25 - Tom Odell with special guest Rae Morris - Dalby Forest, near Pickering, N Yorks. 
June 27 - The Vamps plus guests - Sherwood Pines, Edwinstowe, near Mansfield, Notts. 
July 11 - Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters - Cannock Chase Forest, near Rugeley, Staffs.
July 12 - McBusted plus guests - Westonbirt Arboretum, near Tetbury, Glos. 

The competition closes on Monday 8 June at 10am. Find more information on Forest Live here

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Kevin Friend


Would love to win the tickets to see McBusted for my daughter who has been studying very hard for her exams. Fingers crossed. #BestDadEver :)