Watch the video for Ella Henderson’s debut single, Ghost

The former X Factor contestant has unveiled the video for her new track, Ghost.


The former X Factor contestant has unveiled the video for her new track, Ghost.

Ella Henderson has released the video for her long anticipated debut single, Ghost.

After finding fame on The X Factor back in 2012, Ella signed to Simon Cowell’s record label, Syco, and it would seem, after spending the last two years writing and recording her debut album, has found a fan in the man himself, “I really think she is going to be a big star”, Simon recently commented on Twitter, “her debut album is stunning”.

The video release for Ghost follows an aptly named promotional campaign, the Ghost Trail, which saw fans searching for clues across the UK and internet, leading to exclusive content surrounding the single, including a preview of the artwork and a remix of the song.

The track, which was co-written by Ella and OneRepublic frontman, Ryan Tedder, is set for release on June 8 and will be the first single from Ella’s debut album, Chapter One, which will be available in September.

Check out the video for Ghost below and let us know what you think!

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