The 1975 and KSI go head-to-head for this week’s Number 1 album
It's shaping up to be an exciting week on the Official Albums Chart as two huge UK acts battle it out.

A fierce battle between KSI and The 1975 is emerging in the race for this week’s Number 1 on the Official Albums Chart.
Currently in pole position is The 1975 with their fourth studio album Notes on a Conditional Form. Leading on CD and vinyl sales, the mammoth 22-track album takes the lead overall at the mid-week point.
Chasing their tails at Number 2 however is UK rapper KSI with his debut studio album Dissimulation, which is leading on streaming and download formats.
KSI, who is one of the world’s most successful YouTubers with over 30 million subscribers, has so far landed four Top 40 singles – including two Top 10s – from the collection, including the Number 6-peaking Houdini ft. Swarmz & Tion Wayne. Watch KSI talk about the album and being taken seriously as a rapper below:
Meanwhile, The 1975’s record includes recent singles Me & You Together Song and If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know), which is their highest charting song to date, peaking at Number 14.
Also eyeing up a Top 5 debut is rapper Agust D, better known as Suga from South Korean boyband BTS. His second mixtape under the moniker D-2 is currently at Number 3.
US rapper Gunna is poised for a Top 10 debut with Wunna (6), which will be his highest charting album yet if it stays on track.
Charlatans frontman Tim Burgess is at Number 9 midweek with his fifth solo album I Love The New Sky, and Badly Drawn Boy returns with Banana Skin Shoes (14), his first album in a decade and potentially sixth Top 20 collection. Read our chat with Tim all about the record and his Twitter listening parties here.
Andy & The Oddsocks, fronted by CBBC presenter Andy Day, start at Number 31 with their debut album Who’s In The Odd Socks? and finally, American country-rock icon Steve Earle & The Dukes places at 32 midweek with Ghosts of West Virginia.
The final placings for this week's Official Albums Chart Top 100 will be announced on Friday, May 29 at 5pm.
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Coming back to this article knowing that The 1975 got the #1 album & all of the people who threw abuse at us fans have been silenced ever since is so satisyfing! :)
It feels amazing.. I thought KSI was the most famous guy in the world? It’s also nice to know The 1975 won by a large amount. In the end KSI even tried to get last minute sales by doing giveaways for physical copies, to say he wasn’t using reverse psychology and tricks to get #1 would be hilarious.. KSI badly wanted this for his “legacy” and his fans ate it uo.
But The 1975 conquered, and I couldn’t be happier 😁 the KSI fans aren’t so cocky now lol
Yeah, I was so happy when Radio 1 announced the result, but I was also really nervous all afternoon, haha.
I bet so many KSI fans are now going to try & claim that his videos caused The 1975 to reach #1, when given that the band already had three chart-toppers beforehand & sold out arenas of tens of thousands of people worldwide, there probably would be no effect if he hadn't made that bet!
If anything, The 1975 would've had an even bigger lead, because as soon as KSI told his fans to support 'Notes On A Conditional Form', the sales & streams for 'Dissimulation' skyrocketed instead.
Either way, it wasn't enough & now the people back on Tuesday who were throwing all that abuse at us look even more idiotic now! :D
Give us Baldski!!!
🧡 oliviasnoodles 🍜
So, we’re not gonna talk about Gunna at all? Just goes to show how many idiots there are here who need Baldski. Don’t get me wrong, the album is good imo, but I’m here for the music than the memes.
That girl
Hussain Alsaffar
Baldski is coming baby
Just lol
So many people arguing about KSI getting so high in the charts by using "reverse psychology". Just accept the fact that his debut album is gaining traction and doing well in the charts, I'm pretty sure you can't argue with me saying that it's not a good album. Him shaving his head is just a cherry on top. Anyways, just be happy for the guy for getting so high in the charts, if he didn't make that bet, it would still rank high because it is a genuinely good album.
Pepega Otaku
Nothing personal kids but we want BALDSKIE
someone random
For people who haven't listened to disstimulation: it's an amazing album. My personal favorites are Houdini, Killa Killa and Cap. Highly recommend streaming the album.
Shina Mikaru
I would like to respect KSI's music if not because of his fans dropping a racist, negative 1-star review towards Agust D's album where he works equally as hard as KSI... I respect KSI for his hype towards the 1975 and Agust D but I'm totally disappointed with his fans. KSI's music is as good as The 1975 and Agust D and I like to maintain this perception of mine if not because of those fans that dropped those negative reviews before hearing them just because Agust D is asian. How the world still not in their right mind, I'm totally puzzled....
I personally had no idea who the 1975 was before JJ even told us and even then I didn't really like their music but what I am trying to say here is that we have no idea what is going on inside his head. Maybe he just wanted a No1 album or maybe it was just something he said in the heat of the moment but the reason I am constantly streaming Dissimulation is because I love it and as KSI fan I know how hard he worked and the he has been through. KSI fans aren't usually mean or aggressive we are just massive trolls and when it comes down to it, we do genuinely care about jj and we are naturally kind (not some of the ppl in 1 question go though). If anything, both artists deserve the number 1 spot but also the heart wants what the heart wants and right now the heart wants Baldski, so we get to listen to the music we like and on top of that see Baldski rise from the dead. Either way it was a slightly clever way to promote his music by creating a meme out of it but I personally think that jj didn't mean it because he really cares about his hair and has been growing it for 3+ years plus he probably could have gotten a No2 spot just by promoting his music. I do not want to go to war with the 1975 fans, I just want to clear a little bit up so we both understand that we want the best for our favourite ppl in the charts.
I just wanna say that I do think his music career will be taken seriously because he even made a song with offset and other known singers/rappers which is a big accomplishment!
Same applies to The 1975, not many know or care who they are.. only difference is Matt Healy isn't threatening to go bald if he gets #1 and using reverse psychology to make his fans rate immature **** on KSI's album, then again The 1975 fans would never do that because we are listening for the music, not some trollish memes.
I don't think he can be taken seriously at all after this, I think he himself will know this.. he's manipulated his fans into believing he is afraid to shave his head and got all of his friends in on it, it's nothing to him shaving his head.. if anything it'll benefit him for training against Jake Paul because his hair won't be in the way. I'm a KSI fan and I respect the guy but after this display of his fans writing ''Baldski'' and disrespecting other musicians it's just disgusting, I lost alot of respect for him because as Deji stated he uses reverse psychology to get what he wants because he knows his audience are internet warriors so they'll go and spam The 1975 and he knows for a FACT that his promotion done nothing for The 1975's physical sales, what KSI fan is going to buy a 1975 CD for $10 just so he doesn't shave his head? none.
I think The 1975 deserve the #1 or even Agust D. KSI didn't earn his #1, if he wants to earn a #1.. release it and let the music do the talking. The 1975 didn't need to feature with incredibly famous musicians on 50% of the album whilst manipulating their fans in the process.
Nova Clark
I hope 1975 gets number 1.
Hussain Alsaffar
At least they're supporting a group that doesn't have a racist & inconsiderate fanbase.
Samuel Fleet
Yeah, some KSI fans made racist comments against Agust D (a Korean singer) & don't even get me started on how much hate fans of The 1975 have got from them.
Samuel Fleet
That . We don't accept them
Edit: Just read the fact that you doubt that he is taking rapping seriously, because he said he'll go bald. I've lost respect for you. Still don't claim the racists tho.
You're right there! We certainly don't want those kind of people around.
Again, I didn't say that KSI himself wasn't taking rapping in general seriously, I'm just saying that the people that want him to go #1 because of him going bald rather than the music aren't taking him seriously.
As a matter of fact, minus one song of his, I actually think most of KSI's music is decent.
Samuel Fleet
Ok that's fair. I'm sorry i just got defensive because there are a lot of people who don't take his music seriously because he's a youtuber. I personally love the album but baldski is just a cherry on top.
No worries! :)
Yeah, I consider KSI to be a rapper as much as I consider him to be a YouTuber (heck, you could almost call him a boxer as a third profession at this point).
My earlier comments were of no disrespect to KSI at all & I don't even mind memes for the most part! They're funny & they often have a big impact on the singles chart anyway, so why not the same on the albums chart at times?
No, the only reason I got mad was because of a group of fans here were dismissing other people's taste in a really unfriendly way. Hope that clears things up!
Samuel Fleet
All of my comments in the last week I have done are 'Pending' this is so annoying.....
Official Charts
Sorry about that, we're not quite sure why that's happened! Hopefully everything should be showing now - we'll keep an eye on this.
We've been invaded by KSI fanboys....
yep, the 1975 apparently needed his promotion lol.. maybe next KSI might sign an autograph for Will Smith during one of his chubby bunny challenge videos.. if will Smith could be so lucky.
who knows maybe KSI might even host the oscars since as these people state he’s the most popular guy in the world 🙄
Dom Gillespie
why you so salty about ksi being successful 😂😂
How do I check where the album is
Dom Gillespie
what i’m trying to figure out too
It's an interesting battle to say the least, I think The 1975 are going to take the win.
I do like KSI's technique, he knows he can't beat The 1975 so instead he ''thanks his fans for not putting him at #1, because now he can keep his hair''.. making his fans buy his album even more, when that fails? promote the opposite team, this wouldn't work for anyone else but a YouTuber with KSI's personality, his fans are ruthless and in return they will ''buy KSI's album even more'' because they truly BELIEVE he doesn't want to go bald, and that's YouTube entertainment at it's highest point, I'm surprised KSI didn't offer to do the Chubby Bunny challenge for getting #1, then I'm sure he'd have taken the spot.
The thing is, I highly respect KSI but I dislike that his fanbase are underestimating the hard work he put in, but also of the opposing musicians by rating them 1 star to make ''KSI bald''.. this is why YouTubers shouldn't get involved in music, they are just too immature. I want good music to prevail, not music that no one listens to but it got #1 because now this guy has to go bald.
Now KSI will back peddle and claim ''The 1975 went number #1, thank god I promoted them, now I don't need to go bald.'' even though they would have went #1 anyway, for the fourth time.
KSI doesn't care about shaving his head lmao, the dude is minted, happy and living his best life.. I can guarantee you he's all about legacy, as he continuously mentions.. he cares more about the #1 debut album flex than he does his hair.
But his fans will continue to eat it up and think ''he really doesn't want to go bald'' because his friends say so, I can guarantee you his YouTuber friends want him to go #1, not because they want him bald.. but because they can flex that they are in an ''industry'' that can prevail the highest numbers on anything. If KSI's friends really thought he was terrified of going bald, they wouldn't be pushing it all the time, much like they won't push him against Adam Saleh, because they know he's scared of that too.
and also who u think u are u think u undertsand everybody just because of there body language maybe ksi friends want number 1 so he can go bald and they can laugh at it its just fun and games people like u just think to much and ruin youtube with ur big head no cap
If you can’t see it then I feel sorry for you.
His friends care about him getting #1 more than his hair, KSI is balding anyway so it’d do him a favour to shave it down for a meme.
Yooo all 1975 fans and Agust D and Kpop fans. We not disrespecting your favorite artist music album but us ksi fans need dissimulation to reach number 1 on the charts because if that happens he will go bald. We just need yall to help us stream and buy his album. We will never get this opportunity again so please join forces with us and help us.
After this is over there should be a KSI X 1976 collab
I don't think The 1975 even know who he is.
Matt Healy has been pretty quiet as has The 1975, they can't even tour to promote their album.
KSI has been spamming like crazy, making videos to his 20,000,000 subscribers and is still failing to hold the #1 spot. I'm not a KSI hater but his marketing technique has just proved how hard it is to dominate in the Music scene even as one of, if not, the most popular UK YouTuber.
The guy realised he was losing, tried to turn him being bald into a meme, even that made him continue to lose and now he's tried the reverse psychology card as a last ditch effort attempt to win and if that fails he'll claim he helped them win lmao
Alpha Beeta
If KSI didn't do all this mess of "ah stop buying my album, go buy theres" and instead just promoted his own album, he would've easily been no.1, he had two top 10 hits from this very album. 1975 don't have a top 10 hit in their entire career.
Alpha Beeta
That's a lie again. KSI isn't spamming videos to his 20,000,000 subscribers promoting his album. He made on his second channel where he promoted 1975's album not his own album. In fact, he has been promoting 1975's album on twitter and youtuber for a while now, asking his audience to go and buy their album. That's exactly why 1975's album is no.1. KSI has been beating them by a landslide on digital sales and streaming even after promoting them so much, even KSI's deluxe album is higher than 1975's actual album on itunes. The only reason why 1975 are higher in mid week charts is coz of their CD sales which KSI didn't even put CDs out until today. So they got CD sales and KSI helped them get digital sales, hence they're no.1. KSI had two top 10 hits from this very album, 1975 don't have a top 10 hit in their entire 10+ year music career. He was already set to become no.1 prior to it. He literally did an interview with Official Charts where the interviewer said its gonna happen. No one even knows who 1975 are outside of UK. Whereas KSI is known worldwide. KSI was literally ranked the biggest digital star in the UNITED STATES by the Variety magazine, above the likes of bruno mars & taylor swift.
If KSI didn't do all this and instead just promoted his own album, he would've easily been no.1,
You think everything is a lie because you're deluded.. KSI literally lost and even when trying to use reverse psychology he lost.
He hasn't been promoting anything, he's been doing satire trying to make people purchase his album even more because they don't want to support the enemy that'll stop their favourite YouTuber from going bald, honestly bro grow up. Your arguments are tragic and you're just coming across as embarrassing.. Try and understand music and understand proper fame, KSI is only known on the internet, he's nothing compared to musicians/actors. KSI didn't help anyone get digital sales, his phony fans started spamming 1 star ratings and that's about it.. KSI was never set to become #1, I've actually just researched and go and literally search it on YouTube, No one ever expected KSI to become #1 in the charts, they said ''maybe?'' and the response was always the fact that The 1975 are releasing an album so he'll probably lose, they put that in his head early and he attempted to turn it into a meme to get out of it lol.
Keep on reading up about KSI all day long buddy and believing your online speel's, KSI will keep riding the coat tail of 1975 to get some relevancy and you'll keep crying.
Alpha Beeta
No, the only reason KSI is no.2 is coz he promoted 1975 so much to the worldwide audience that had no clue who 1975 even were. If KSI didn't do all this mess of "ah stop buying my album, go buy theres" and instead just promoted his own album, he would've easily been no.1, he had two top 10 hits from this very album. 1975 don't have a top 10 hit in their entire career which is just sad considering they're full time musicians whereas KSI just music on the side. KSI has 15 times more subscribers than them. 1975 have only 2 mill subs. KSI has more followers, more subs, more views, more clout, more money, more everything than 1975. 1975 are a bunch of irrelevant nobodies who no one even knows outside of UK. KSI is known worldwide. There's a reason KSI was literally ranked the biggest digital star in the UNITED STATES by the Variety magazine, above the likes of bruno mars & taylor swift. Again, in the UNITED STATES.
And yes he did the interview with Official Charts and the interviewer from the Official Charts literally said you're gonna get no.1 and he would've easily if he didn't de promote his own album.
So yeah keep crying about the fact that no one knows who 1975 is outside of UK. And keep crying that KSI got more money than your entire family tree combined.
First, KSI started the bald meme before his album was released, second, he doesn't want to go bald, third, who wouldn't hype their first ever solo album and fourth even if he doesn't get a number one he has easily made top 3 so that kinda counts as "dominating the Music scene". Know all the facts first
Dominating the music scene would be releasing music and dominating naturally like The 1975 do, not lining up a troll army to stream your music on multiple devices because if they do “he’ll go bald” and that’s oh so funny.
It makes him look like a fake musician lol
Mahi Abedin
we need baldski
Judging by the comments/votes on my initial post, I feel like most people are trying to get 'Dissimulation' to #1 on Friday just to see KSI shave his head, rather than because of the album's actual quality.
Here's a bit of advice for you guys... if you actually want me or the other regulars here to check out KSI's album, then actually recommend some of the tracks from it to us!
No offence, but when a post about me supporting one of my bands gets that many negative responses, it doesn't give me a good first impression about the other artists' fanbase, nor the artist they're trying to support!
I think many other commenters would agree. :)
Alpha Beeta
I mean KSI has also been promoting 1975 album a lot on twitter and his youtube asking his audience to buy & stream it so if anything its a good thing for you since you like 1975.
Hope so! :)
Just a weird bet to make though. Surely KSI knew before he released this album that he had enough virality to be a #1 contender, so why say he'd shave his head unless he actually wanted to?
I agree completely, it leaves a bad impression to new listeners when they see other credible acts get negativity just because it's not KSI. I've actually checked out the album and it's alright, I think it tends to use a bit to much auto tune at times but overall it's enjoyable and I would recommend Killa Killa.
By the way have you checked out Agust D's new album? I'm excited to see it potentially debut in the top 5 :)
You're a good sport... I actually like both but I just got into listening the 1975 after them headlining Coachella and I've been on JJ's music since the whole diss track era ...regardless of the music in the end the memes are what it's all really all about yo me and the memes would be a lot better if he went bald
Azlaan Abbas
Ksi redit page wants to see him bald so they can troll him. If u ask me he deserves to get no.1 the music he uploaded shocked us all and the singles he have posted are great(nvm Poppin). Two singles down like that and Houdini are top 10 which was amazing for the YouTuber and great songs from the album are millions,domain,Killa Killa, cap(current uploaded single) and bad lil vibe and all 4 songs in the deluxe edition are great too including the Poppin remix I will like it. This is guy has came so far from being a FIFA guy and calling his mum and shouting "I GOT A HAZARD" when he gets eden hazard. He deserves no.1 judging by the music and he wants other's to get no.1 so the haters on the redit page doesn't roast him.
KSI knows his audience and he realised the ''shaving his head'' thing wasn't a meme, the only way it will become #1 is if he turns it into a meme.
So he plays on it in videos/tweets and more, uses smart marketing to make his audience genuinely believe he doesn't want to shave his head because his audience are ''troll characters'' and will continuously purchase and stream his music just so that he has to shave his head, the guy is a genius when it comes to his fans but it also seems quite fraud as a musician, I just can't imagine him ever being respected as a musician when he doesn't let the music do the talking but rather let's the ''memes'' do the talking.
It's not really an accomplishment to win it in such a ridiculous way, but he will claim he ''helped'' The 1975 get that #1 spot none the less, even though they'd have gotten it regardless.
Alpha Beeta
If KSI didn't do all this mess of "ah stop buying my album, go buy theres" and instead just promoted his own album, he would've easily been no.1, he had two top 10 hits from this very album. 1975 don't have a top 10 hit in their entire career.
Alpha Beeta
No, he was already set to become no.1 prior to it. He literally did an interview with Official Charts where the interviewer said its gonna happen.
If KSI didn't do all this and instead just promoted his own album, he would've easily been no.1, he had two top 10 hits from this very album. 1975 don't have a top 10 hit in their entire 10+ year music career. Like I said if anything, it just shows how even after KSI promoting 1975 so much, linking them in his description, begging his fans to go and stream/buy their album (even though they've never even heard of 1975 before), they're STILL struggling to hold the spot even after so much free promoting from one of world's biggest youtubers.
KSI has been beating them by a landslide on digital sales and streaming even after promoting them so much, even KSI's deluxe album is higher than 1975's actual album on itunes. The only reason why 1975 are higher in mid week charts is coz of their CD sales which KSI didn't even put CDs out until today. KSI is not a full time musician, a no.1 album doesn't matter to him as much. He already has more followers, more subs, more views, more clout, more money, more everything than 1975.
Budi Rahardja
JJ genuinely didn't want his hair that he's been growing for 3+ years to be gone
Thanks for that! :)
Glad at least someone here can support the album because of its music & be respectful of other #1 contenders.
I'm listening to 'Killa Killa' now... I really like the singer & the hook is so catchy. I'm not sure how well she fits in with KSI though as the transition between them is a bit abrupt, but I don't mind his flow here. Decent on first listen, with potential to grow on me!
As for Agust D, I only checked out 'Deechwita' as it was getting an insane number of downloads, but while he brings a lot of presence & firepower in this song, the production really lets it down for me, sorry! That being said, I generally tend to like a lot of BTS' music.
I just love how the article contains a video about KSI "being taken seriously as a rapper"... when by looking at the technique he's using to try & get a #1 album, that's about the last thing that's happening! :P
I personally disagree about the memes being more important than the music, but hey, at least you're one of the commenters here who can respect other people's music tastes! :)
Looks are Deceiving
It was a meme from the beginning u may not be a ksi fan but if you have Reddit and are on the ksi page you can see some of the most upvoted posts are of him having trash hair and of ppl telling him to shave and what he did was strategic way of promotion by telling ppl if they do so and so they get what they want and ppl like annoying ksi so the more he says not to do it or distressed about the situation the more ppl thought It would actually happen making them to join in and tell others to do so aswell and it's a continuous loop from there(also he made at least 3-4 videos with the topic of his hair with easily over 1 million views.)
Looks are Deceiving
Btw he obviously believed he would get higher in the ratings but not number 1 as a result he began to promote 1975 to distract ppl from his album which did contribute considerably to 1975 Place at the top and him being second.
In a video you can even see him freak out about actually losing his hair and breakdown due to the thought so he obviously believed it wouldn't have worked so well
Looks are Deceiving
Ppl do respect good music but baldski is the cherry on top to it that's like side other popular guy makes terrible music but says he'll do something crazy if it gets number 1 I guarantee it wouldn't get half the amount ksi got
Looks are Deceiving
Its the only five he's done this and probably the only five he will do this stop taking a lot of things out of context the amount of hate comments u posted about ksi is sickening just because you are not fan of his doesn't mean you have to hate on every move he makes promoting this 1 song out of all his other songs. And you can't say I'm wrong because I can guarantee you are in no comment section of any other ksi blog or post ಠωಠ it's just disgusting to see someone stoop so low about an artist from his fanbase after preeching to others about recieving hate for supporting an artist is wrong then saying how someone who worked a so hard to become a rapper and just flat out saying he's not a rapper man all of you are just idiots that's the only way to describe all you biased loons
I'm a huge KSI fan, been watching him for the past 10 years and even met the guy.. I have nothing against him.
I will however state I think that what he is doing is wrong, he wants to be taken seriously as a musician but he's making it seem pathetic, pretending he cares about losing his hair so his audience spam purchase his album was his last ditch attempt at getting attention since naturally no one was buying his album.. he knows his audience like the ''don't unsub deji'' situation, his fans always fall for his reverse psychology so his whole ''don't buy my album, but The 1975's'' was the perfect ploy for him.
Notice in his latest video he's already pulling the ''I Take no L's card''.. even though he is taking an L by getting 2nd to 1975, he knew he was going to lose and the only way he can wriggle out of it is by attempting to earn the #1 spot with reverse psychology and if that fails he can pretend he pushed The 1975 to the #1 spot even though they'd have had the #1 spot regardless if he mentioned them or not, tbh if KSI didn't do the reverse psychology thing I reckon he'd have gotten 4th in the charts rather than 2nd.
If KSI really cared about his hair, his friends wouldn't be promoting his album to make him go bald.. even in his new video at the start he's promoting his album again, the dude cares more about a Debut #1 album on his legacy than he does his hair.
KSI wants to be a respected musician, but now the music industry will know him as the YouTuber who attempted to use reverse psychology on his impressionable fans by telling them to stream his album countless times if they want to see him go bald and then failing by getting the #2 spot lmao
That wasn't anything against KSI himself though, it was more for his stans who, based on a majority of the responses here, care more about him going to the top of the charts to see him shave his head rather than the achievement of actually getting a #1 album!
Besides, where did I say that KSI wasn't a rapper? Oh, that's right, nowhere, because that's not what I said! My last comment was that the people who are buying & streaming this purely because of the bet he made aren't taking his music seriously.
Also, it's KSI's fanbase who are; 1) attacking The 1975's supporters by spamming hate & downvoting praise to 'Notes On A Conditional Form', 2) giving NOW! 105 one-star reviews with posts like "BALDSKI" beneath them & 3) making racist remarks about Agust D, who is another contender for #1... yet you're calling us the "biased loons"?!
That's the most hypocritical & outright pathetic statement I've ever seen!
I believe memes are a way transcend from just making music to something else in the end staying more relevant for a longer time, and I feel memes help with that regard in the long run
Vance, I couldn't have put it better myself!
Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't mind memes in general, but the music behind the songs comes first for me.
To be honest, I'm more annoyed that some (not all, but some) KSI fans making nasty remarks about other artists in the race for #1 & their respective fanbases!
There are alot more vicious fanbases out there than KSI's if we're bring honest here😂
And this isn't the first "battle" that the fans have gone through to secure his victory in everything he does, like with the Logan Paul vs KSI boxing era(both sides were really toxic😂), and for KSI's fans to feel like they lost after literally trying everything in their power to a group that is commonly seen as underrated plus 25% of his fanbase not from UK didn't even know of The 1975 until this whole thing... that would really break their spirit, and we(the fanbase) need to learn how to take an L and not lash out on others in the process it's a step forward we need to take if we really wanna follow JJ till the end😞💔
Best of luck to both artists either way though! :)
It's gonna be an interesting week on the album charts, I was hoping Agust D could get the number 1 but a debut in the top 5 would still pretty amazing and I'll be pleased with that.
It looks like 1975 have got the physical side down while KSI has got the digital side so it's gonna be close
Thomas Jago
We want Baldski!!!!
Do you guys count deluxe album numbers with the main album?
Yes they do, that's the whole point of the deluxe, it's a tactic to increase the sales of the album and try and get a better position on the charts
🧡 oliviasnoodles 🍜
Good luck to you both! I’ll be happy if either comes on top. But it’s a close race so it could be any of yous.
Also happy to see Gunna predicted to be #6! :)
Hmm, good luck to both artists involved!
can som1 tell me where u can actually see the ranks for the albums
Ranks? Like their positions now?
ya but in this wher is ksi and 1975
Later at 5:45pm it will update at
🧡 oliviasnoodles 🍜
It says in the article that The 1975 are currently #1, while KSI is just behind at #2. It’s close though.
Alpha Beeta
Those are last week's official charts, this week's official charts will come out this friday.
Looks like it’ll be one of the most interesting chart battles in a while!
Not sure who’s going to take it now, but I hope it’s The 1975. :)
But we need Baldski
Oh yeah, didn't KSI say he'd shave his hair off if his album debuted at #1?
I don't know, I like most of his music (except 'Poppin', which I couldn't stand), but I've been a fan of The 1975 from the start, so I've excited for their new album for a while now.
I guess 'Notes On A Conditional Form' is just more of my personal music taste than 'Dissimulation' really!
Alpha Beeta
He did, that's why KSI has been tweeting for several days & even made video promoting Agust D & 1975's album, he even asked his fans to buy their albums and stream it. However, KSI is still no.1 on itunes & his deluxe which he dropped mid week is no.3.
Oh wow, so even KSI doesn't want his own album to go to #1! That's very unusual. :O
So essentially, he's either not going to have the biggest album of the week, or he's going bald?
alexisv ftw
No, stream dissimulation. Bring Baldski back
He has to go bald if his album hits no.1 on the charts, he defenitely wants to have a #1 album but he'll lose his hair which took him 3 years to grow
I'm pretty sure he does want it to go number 1, I think he's just pushing the other artists more so his fans will work harder at streaming and stuff to get him to number 1.
Alpha Beeta
Yes. KSI is a troll, he should've never made that bet.
Alpha Beeta
Nah he's been begging his fans to stop streaming & stop buying his album so he can save his long hair which he took 3 years to grow. He's also been constantly promoting Agust D & 1975's album both on twitter and his youtube channel so that he doesn't have to go bald since he made a bet.
I've actually just summarised this at the top of the page. Hope you agree with what I said! :)
Yes I know he's been doing that but I feel like he's purposely exaggerating the fact the wants the other acts to get to number 1 so that his fans will want to get get him to number 1. If he was just quiet about it all then there would be less discussion about his album in general
KSI is using reverse psychology because his album sales were dropping, he knew the only way to get sales was by ''pretending'' he didn't want to go #1.
KSI cares more about the #1 Album Debut flex than he does his hair, don't fall for him, he's a smart marketer lol
KSI doesn't care about going bald.
KSI knows his fans like the back of his hand, it's all a marketing technique for him.. he knows his fans won't buy his album and get him to #1 naturally, so instead he plays on the reverse psychology card and pretends he wants his ''opponents'' to win.. KSI's own brother Deji said he has this smart way of doing things where he says ''please don't attack Deji'' and that makes his fans attack deji.. the exact same applies when he states ''Please buy their album and not mine.'' it makes people buy his album more because they are gullible lol
I'm glad someone is smart enough to realise this.. I can't believe KSI fans genuinely believe he cares about his hair more than a #1 Debut album lmao
Alpha Beeta
Again, there is no marketing technique, KSI has been promoting 1975's album since day 1, even on his private spotify, he's been listening to them on loop and begging his fans to stream their album coz he doesn't wanna lose his hair. KSI is not a full time musician, a no.1 album doesn't matter to him as much. He already has more followers, more subs, more views, more clout, more money, more everything than 1975. Also lol at his album sales dropping, KSI has been beating them by a landslide even after promoting them so much. The only thing 1975 were beating him were CDs which KSI didn't even put out until today.
If KSI didn't do all this mess instead just promoted his own album, he would've easily been no.1, he had two top 10 hits from this very album. 1975 don't have a top 10 hit in their entire career. And yes, he did helped 1975 coz 95% of KSI's audience didn't even know 1975.
Alpha Beeta
Nah, if KSI didn't do all this mess of "ah stop buying my album, go buy theres" and instead just promoted his own album, he would've easily been no.1, he had two top 10 hits from this very album. 1975 don't have a top 10 hit in their entire career.
You think he wants to go bald? The guy finally has a fresh trim after 3 years of growing it, just to get to this point. Now, because he made that stupid bet, he's gotta get rid of that, and I think he's regretting making it.
Exactly! KSI is promoting other artists knowing full well his fans won't support them. :/
We want BALDSKI! he must win!
Mateusz Pytel
why are you guys counting the cd's and vinyls when dissimulation doesn't have a physical version
Official Charts
Hi Mateusz, the Official Chart is always compiled by combining physical (CD + vinyl), downloads and streaming sales. Physical copies of Dissimulation are expected to be released in the near future :)
Geoffrey Etoru
It does buy it off the website its 6 qui
Mateusz Pytel
are physical copies counted the same as an itunes buy?
Geoffrey Etoru
No they are CDs and vinyls buy them instead of iTunes this us good for us as if he is second and close to first without submitting any physical sales he could be first with them
So what this means is that it's an unfair competition as Dissimulation doesn't have physical copies.
Tiy Cesny
yeah basicly i stg this is stupid. You shouldn't count it until the physical version is released for Dissimulation then you can count everything... smh
As if you have asked that question.... up until a few years ago the majority of album sales are made up of physical sales and I would say it's artists who are more urban get more streams instead due to there younger audience
1 itunes purchase is equivalent to 1 cd purchase :)
If they waited for the physical version then the album would chart lower since the digital would of already been out for a while and the streams would of slowed down a lot. It's up to KSI's label to decide when to release the physical and they chose a later date since most of his sales would be digital anyway
Official Charts
Buying a physical copy of an album (either on CD, vinyl or cassette) or downloading it both count as 1 sale.
Alpha Beeta
At first I thought KSI is easily gonna take the no.1 spot, although KSI has been constantly promoting 1975's album both on twitter and his youtube channel so that he doesn't have to go bald since he made a bet. So now idk who's gonna take the no.1
KSI if anything got himself more sales doing that, if KSI didn't do that.. his fans wouldn't have supported his music, they always say he's a ''YouTuber'' and not a musician. KSI's reverse psychology worked perfectly, it made people want to see him bald so bad by thinking he didn't want to lose his hair, so they all ''stream it'' to spite him and wind him up, it was quite genius.. but I still don't think it's enough to beat the 1975.
Only thing bugging me is the fact that he'll act as if he's the reason The 1975 got their fourth consecutive number #1 album when it would have happened regardless, I doubt KSI telling his young audience to buy the ''opponents'' albums done anything other than make people buy KSI's album even more, he knows his audience and knows exactly what he is doing.
You'd never hear him promoting Logan Paul/Jake because it doesn't fit his agenda in what he does, he isn't one to promote other people and is only known to bash/attack them when he's insecure about losing a la calling out Logan Paul as soon as he overtook his sub count.
I think KSI knew he didn't stand a chance against The 1975, attempted reverse psychology as a last ditch attempt (which looks quite dumb as a musician) and it failed, now he'll back peddle on the excuse that he WANTED them to win and promoted them and his fans will believe that.
Also people are stating KSI's friends say he isn't using ''reverse psychology'' because he wants to keep his hair so bad don't understand how desperately his friends want this so they can flex that YouTube is ''mainstream'' lol.. I can guarantee anyone KSI cares more about a #1 Debut Album on his legacy than he does his hair.
Alpha Beeta
If KSI didn't do all this and instead just promoted his own album, he would've easily been no.1, he had two top 10 hits from this very album. He was already set to become no.1 prior to it. He literally did an interview with Official Charts where the interviewer said its gonna happen. 1975 don't have a top 10 hit in their entire 10+ year music career. KSI has been beating them by a landslide on digital sales and streaming even after promoting them so much, even KSI's deluxe album is higher than 1975's actual album on itunes. The only reason why 1975 are higher in mid week charts is coz of their CD sales which KSI didn't even put CDs out until today. KSI is not a full time musician, a no.1 album doesn't matter to him as much. He already has more followers, more subs, more views, more clout, more money, more everything than 1975.
No one even knows who 1975 are outside of UK. Whereas KSI is known worldwide. Whereas KSI was literally ranked the biggest influencer in the UNITED STATES by the Variety magazine, above the likes of bruno mars & taylor swift.