Take That documentary featuring fan stories about the band to air of BBC One this year

Take That And Us will feature fan stories plus previously unseen footage of the group.


Take That's 30th anniversary will be celebrated by the BBC with a special one-off programme.

Take That And Us will air later this year and will feature fans from all over the country and beyond sharing their stories of how the boy band has touched their lives.

The documentary will film the group reacting to stories, adding in their own favourite memories and reflecting on moments in some early and previously unseen footage shot by the band across the years.  

Fans can share their own stories for possible inclusion in the programme by visiting www.mytakethatstory.com.

"Has it really been 30 years?" Take That pondered. "There’s only one way to find out we said, as we accepted the offer of taking a closer look at our three decades in music. We’ve handed over our own personal camcorders from the 90s, we’ve asked fans to share their stories from over the years and we’re bringing the story up to date by sharing some behind the scenes from our lives today as we prepare for the launch of our Greatest Hits record." 

Take That recently announced details of their new album Odyssey, which features re-workings of their biggest hits, on November 23, plus a UK-wide arena tour for 2019.

To celebrate three decades of Take That, we're asking which is your favourite of the group's studio albums? Vote below: 

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