Pet Shop Boys reveal details of new album Super and Royal Opera House gigs

The duo will release their latest collection in April.


The Pet Shop Boys have announced details of their new album, called Super.

The electro-pop duo will release their 13th studio album on April 1 via x2 Records, preceded by new single The Pop Kids. The collection was executive produced by Stuart Price, who's behind albums including Scissor Sisters' Night Work, Take That's Progress and Madonna's Confessions On A Dancefloor.

The release comes almost three years after Electric, which became their highest-charting album in 20 years, hitting Number 3 on the Official Albums Chart in 2013. 

MORE: Check out Pet Shop Boys' full UK chart history

The album will be supported by four shows - dubbed the Inner Sanctum - at London's Royal Opera House between July 20-23. The event is being staged by long-term PSB designer Es Devlin and choreographer Lynne Page.

The pair said: "It was fantastic to be back in the studio with Stuart Price continuing from where we left off with Electric and we're thrilled with the results. It’s also very exciting to take electronic music into the Royal Opera House - such a grand and beautiful venue. These will be four very special nights for us and our only UK concerts this year."

The Super track listing is: 

The Pop Kids
The Dictator Decides
Inner Sanctum
Sad Robot World
Say It To Me
Into Thin Air

Super is available for pre-order on iTunes now, with Inner sanctum available for immediate download. The CD pre-orders start from January 22.

Tickets for the Inner Sanctum shows, priced between £25 and £100, are now available from

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