Paolo Nutini’s Sunny Side Up reaches huge sales milestone

Singer/songwriter Paolo Nutini achieves a rare sales milestone in the UK with his second studio album.


Paolo Nutini’s Sunny Side Up album has reached a rare sales milestone in the UK.

The record, which hit Number 1 on the Official Albums Chart in June 2009, has now passed the landmark of 1.8 million copies sold in the UK.

The feat means the LP now earns a prized 6x Platinum certification by the BPIthe trade body that represents the recorded music business and which also administers the UK’s iconic Platinum, Gold & Silver Certified Awards Scheme.

The BPI’s Gennaro Castaldo said: “Sunny Side Up not only cemented Paolo’s reputation as a leading British talent of his generation, it also helped to propel him to international stardom.

“Now well on its way to becoming a modern classic, with 6x Platinum status and nearly 2m sales in the UK alone, Sunny Side Up is one of those career-defining recordings that remains in permanent demand as new fans discover Paolo’s outstanding qualities as a singer-songwriter.”

Since the album’s release just over five years ago, only eight artist albums that have come out since then have sold more copies in the UK than Sunny Side Up, including Adele’s 21, Michael Bublé’s Crazy Love, Take That’s Progress and Emeli Sandé’s Our Version of Events.

Meanwhile, Paolo’s latest album Caustic Love has already notched up sales of nearly half a million since its release in April and is currently one of the Top 5 best-selling artist albums of the year so far. Click here to check out the full list.

The Official Top 40 Biggest Selling Artist Albums of 2014 so far!

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