Noah Stewart: from opera star to chart star

Noah released his debut, self-titled album yesterday (Monday, March 26), so decided to get him in for a chat to find out how he is managing to balance his career as an opera singer (he is currently performing at London’s Royal Opera


With his sportsman-like good looks and sharp dress sense, Noah Stewart appears every bit the pop star. However, while you could easily mistake the Harlem, New York native for the lead singer of a boyband or a soulful, R&B crooner, he is, in fact, a classically trained opera star.

Noah released his debut, self-titled album yesterday (Monday, March 26), so decided to get him in for a chat to find out how he is managing to balance his career as an opera singer (he is currently performing at London’s Royal Opera House in Judith Weir's Miss Fortune) with being a rising chart star.

Watch the video interview below:

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