Nickelback, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga named top musical turnoffs

Coldplay and Ke$ha also make Top 5 in new survey.


If you’re single and have a thing for Nickelback, Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga you may have have real trouble getting a date.  The Canadian arena rockers, the teenage charthrob and the new queen of pop have been voted the Top 3 musical turnoffs in a new survey by users of internet dating site Tastebuds.

Nickelback took 11.8% of the vote from male users, and a staggering 14% of the vote from female users, while Coldplay, who are Number 1 in this week's Official Albums Chart took fifth place.

The full Top 10 musical turnoffs are as follows:

01 Nickelback
02 Justin Bieber
03 Lady Gaga
04 Ke$ha
05 Coldplay
06 U2
07 Creed
08 Katy Perry
09 Lil Wayne
10 Britney Spears

Do you agree? Or is there another act out there that would make you fall rapidly out of love with a potential new boyfriend or girlfriend?

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Rosemarie Caspersen


I actually agree with the list, other than Nickelback or Coldplay. They're BOTH fantastic live in concert or on tape in the studio. Period.