Jessie J teams up with Robin Thicke for DJ Cassidy’s new single

Former The Voice coach Jessie J and Blurred Lines star Robin Thicke join forces with DJ Cassidy for his new single, Calling All Hearts.


Former The Voice coach Jessie J and Blurred Lines star Robin Thicke join forces with DJ Cassidy for his new single, Calling All Hearts.

To quote the old adage, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know and New York’s DJ Cassidy knows everybody.

When he’s not spinning tunes for the likes of the President of the United States, Barack Obama, or the first lady of television, Oprah Winfrey, DJ Cassidy can be found in the studio with a whole host of A List musicians working on his forthcoming debut album. The first fruits of which is going to be his new single, Calling All Hearts, featuring none other than a certain Miss Jessie J and Mr Robin Thicke!

The trio recently completed work on a promo video for the track, which you can check out below. Calling All Hearts is released in the UK on April 6.

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