J Hus in running for first UK Number 1 single with Who Told You ft. Drake
The Stratford superstar returns after a three year hiatus.

J Hus is on track to debut at Number 1 on the Official Singles Chart with Drake collab Who Told You. It would be the Stratford star’s first-ever Number 1, while it would help Drake land his landmark seventh chart-topper.
Recently returning from a three year hiatus, It's Crazy become Hus's 13th UK Top 40 entry when it debuted at Number 15. Who Told You would also become his first Top 10 single since Must Be peaked at Number 5 in 2019.
The tracks lay the groundwork for J Hus's forthcoming third studio album. His last release, 2019's Big Conspiracy, debuted at Number 1 on the Official Albums Chart while 2017 debut Common Sense was nominated for British music's most prestigious award, the Mercury Prize.
MORE: See where all of J Hus's singles and albums have charted in the UK
After reaching the Top 10 last week, Rudimental, Charlotte Plank and Vibe Chemistry’s Dancing Is Healing could vault into the Top 5 (5).
Fresh from scoring her highest-charting UK hit in over a decade, Kylie Minogue’s Padam Padam continues to hypnotise, and is expected to rise two to Number 10 on Friday.
The UK’s current Number 1 artists Dave & Central Cee could see two tracks from their Split Decision EP climb; Trojan Horse (11) and UK Rap (13) are both up for new peaks.
Dundee DJ Hannah Laing and vocalist RoRo’s breakthrough hit Good Love is also on the up (16) and finally, Nathan Dawe, Joel Corry and Ella Henderson are on track to take 0800 Heaven to a Top 20 debut (20).
Official Chart First Look Top 20 - June 11 2023
3 | 4 | GIVING ME | JAZZY |
7 | 8 | TATTOO | LOREEN |
17 | 13 | UK RAP | DAVE & CENTRAL CEE |
6 | 14 | CALM DOWN | REMA |
11 | 17 | CUPID | FIFTY FIFTY |
©2023 Official Charts Company. All rights reserved.
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"This is a UK chart website"!
That's interesting considering the same Kylie loon kept harping on about Billboard / Finally Enough Love last year, but all of a sudden it's all about the UK charts now that Madonna has just got a billboard record. lmao.
The fact that streaming giants like The Weeknd and Sam Smith asked Madonna to collaborate is a testament to her greatness and power in itself, as opposed to Disco Dolly Kylie, who has to BEG for the likes of Z-listers such as Jessie Ware, Ollie Alexander and the Wiggles for a collaboration. .
Not only is "Popular" at 27 Million streams, but Madonna's monthly Spotify listeners have increased from 22m to 34m within a matter of days. Detractors will give full credit to the Weeknd, but If the GP genuinely thought she was uncool then why would so many people be "following" her and listening to her music? How does that make sense to you? Surely her numbers wouldn't be rising if they genuinely thought she was awful. I wonder what that tells us about Kylie and her poxy 11m listeners. lol
At 55 Madonna was performing at the Super bowl and scoring #1 albums. and from what I hear, Give Me All Your Luvin was on track to become her 14th #1 until the charts changed their rules. Padam is doing well, but let's not act like a UK top 10 placement in one country is something to gush over. It's hardly setting the global charts alight.
Will Kylie be lucky enough to score a top 20 ten years from now like Madonna's doing? Very doubtful, but I'm sure Jake will still be here working his fingers to the bone trying to convince us otherwise. lol
This is the UK chart website. Madonna's fans keep harping on about the American charts because Kylie is in the UK top 20 while Madonna isn't, despite having two new songs with two younger artists with massive streaming numbers behind them. If Madonna had a new lead single sitting at #13 in the midweeks (with the potential to climb into the top 10 in the upcoming weeks), her fans would be ecstatic. Kylie is already outperforming Madonna at 55, so I doubt she'll have any trouble outperforming her when she's 64. Madonna's fans insist that Popular's lack of UK chart success isn't disappointing because it's just a fun, last-minute collaboration (saving face springs to mind, especially after all the gloating on Madonna's forum and Pop Justice), yet they're excited because it's entered at #43 in the US (it will drop like a stone next week). Make up your mind.
You beat me to it! I was going to say that global success is irrelevant on a forum for UK charts. Thank god there are still some people with a bit of sense!
So now Billboard is irrelevant, how convenient after Madonna broke the record. I guess that means Kylie's fans won't be mentioning Australia or other places, since the UK is all that matters now.
Fair play to Kylie. I think Madonna should follow her lead and get someone to write and produce all her next album but I just don't see her doing that.
Dame Needy
Madonna and Sam Smith already down to #55 in today's chart update. It'll have vanished by Friday.
Hilarious considering you said last year that Madonna would never crack the Official Singles Chart Top 100 ever again, and what's even funnier is she's done it twice within a month. lmao
Madonna has now earned a new Hot 100 hit in each of the last five decades (1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s and 2020s). The Queen of Pop wins again.
Does no one monitor the comments on here? The level of toxicity and childishness from what are supposed to be adults beggars belief! Seriously, why don't some of you just take a moment to relax and look at the way you are behaving? The two ladies you are fighting over have both achieved something most other singers can only dream of. Not everyone is going to like the same music, if they did, the charts wouldn't exist. Just accept that there are different tastes, and grow up.
Dame Needy
Oh dear. Madonna and Sam Smith are at #48 in the chart update, lol. Unholy it isn't.
It's not very commercial friendly so not a surprise. Needs a good remix or something. Popular should hang around top 40 and get a boost when the OST is released.
Good to see Popular go top 50 in the BB100 tho and number 20 in their global chart.
thierry henon
Congrats to ELLA and JOEL for, hopefully, getting another Top 20 under their belt! another great single for both of them!
thierry henon
Really hope to see KYLIE making the Top 10 next week but unfortunately i don't think she will...shame really!
She is close to top 10 and still has cassette sales to be added on Thursday so might scrape in this week.
thierry henon
Very happy to see LOREEN remaining, maybe, for a 5th consecutive week in the Top 10!!
thierry henon
Sad to see JAZZY and ELLA already dropping this week!!
thierry henon
OMG! not again the overrated DRAKE at number 1 please!!!
Would be Kylie’s first Top 10 hit in 12 years if ‘Padam Padam’ makes it!
Come on Kylie…well-deserved top 10 in your sights!
Dougie McGilvray
Shame to see one of Anne Maries best songs not even breaking the top 40 yet! Unhealthy is a tune....The Padamic is going strong though!
Jason Lindley
So happy that Kylie is climbing and a great performance at Summertime Ball at Wembley as well.
Jack fitsy
Same time in her career Madonna gave a groundbreaking performance at the US superbowl, the most watched tv event at that time in history, Kylie? Capital FM summer ball 😬 bet she wishes she could fill wembley on her own like Madonna has, over 10 times to be precise.
Jason Lindley
I’m sure 90 per cent were not watching for Madonna. Kylie would easily outsell Wembley Stadium. Wow Kylie must live in your head a lot.
How’s Madonna doing this week not in the top 20 I see. But Kylie and Madonna are both legends and you need to stop with this negativity
Vulgar isn’t even going to be top 40, don’t get brave
whistle blower
What's with the whole Kylie Versus Madonna thing anyway? It's like Aldi versus Harrods. Yes Kylie would probably sell out Wembley but Madonna sells out stadia worldwide and Kylie's niche has become the UK. I don't get the obsession with comparing the two of them. Madonna and Whitney Houston maybe. Or Madonna and Mariah Carey. It just seems like a moot point to me. Anyway, Happy Monday. :-)
Jack fitsy
What planet have you lived on??? More people tuned in to see Madonna in 2012 than for the actual Superbowl game itself. The only act to achieve this. Around 100 million tuned in ontop of the 75 million football fans. Fact. She drew in the largest TV audience in history before they starting added satellite views and youtube streams for later performances by Katy Perry & Beyonce. Kylie at the same stage in her career is a suprise guest at a local festival where much of the crowd stood bemused as to who she was 😂
Jack fitsy
Its a fun last minute collab with only 1 format, no promo, no video and no remixes. They're both unavailable as both are on tour or prepping for touring. Popular is at 28 million streams in 1 week, and will enter billboards hot 100. It made the top 30 in the UK, will Kylie do the same at 64???? Kylies novelty song has just 12 million streams after 5 weeks. Its not on any global chart that matters bar the UK where she has practically had to sell her soul in relentless promo and paid for media. Who's brave now???
Jack fitsy
Kylie has never played 1 stadium anywhere off her own back. If she could, why hasnt she?? Shes had 35 years to do it. Because she cant thats why
Stephen Goodwin O'Neill
Wow you sound like a child upset because other people like another artist more than your favourite. Take a look back at the number of toxic messages you have sent about an artist and her fans in a few days. It's actually disturbing and I doubt Madonna would appreciate this toxic support. Do you think Madonna who has protested about sexism and ageism in the industry would want her fans tearing down another successful and celebrated female artist of her generation? If you can't say anything positive about a Kylie story why go on it and send abuse and insult her fans? Celebrate who you like without bringing down another incredibly talented star who deserves to be celebrated.
Jack fitsy
Shouldn't you be telling that to Kylie's fans, Ya know, the ones that actually started it in the first place|?
Stephen Goodwin O'Neill
Wow really, the they started it, how old are you. I made it very clear I don't believe in tearing down any artist. I called out the person who has been maliciously attacking an artist and their fans on every post I have read with probably 20+ negative messages in a few days. It just isn't necessary at all. There are artists I don't understand their popularity or I don't like their songs but I don't feel the need to attack them or their fans I just choose not to read the articles or listen to them.
it wasn’t “last minute” it was announced over a week before it released 😭 don’t come on this platform if you’re going to interrupt the regulars here just to slag off successful women as a whole a** man.
Jack fitsy
Erm a week prior is last minute, kylies novelty song was touted over a year in advance. Vulgar was recorded less than a month ago.
whistle blower
Expected to see more interest in Vulgar but so many people just don't like Sam Smith. His new creation of himself has turned a lot of people off compared to In The Lonely Hour which is still a popular album. You can see how she hit top 20 with The Weeknd. It's him. He's horrible!
Jack fitsy
His transformation just seems too calculated. She's carrying it, just like she did with Beyoncé's Break My Soul. The Queens remix sold more copies than the actual Single. And they say she has no fans?! Lol 1.8 million concert tickets sold in a week and that missing out most of the western world like Asia, Australasia & south america
PP is performing better than any lead single Madonna has released in the last 14 years. Living for Love couldn't even scrape into the top 20, despite the press talking non-stop about Madonna falling on her backside.
Padam Padam was a last minute addition to the album. Kylie hadn't even
heard it a year ago. Your bitterness is palpable.
"Popular is at 28 million streams in 1 week"
Because of The Weeknd, lol. Even fans on a Madonna forum were gloating and predicting that Popular was going to smash the charts because she'd worked with The Weeknd. It's not even in the top 20 in the chart update. Things aren't working out, are they? The same goes for her collaboration with Sam Smith, which is outside the top 40 in the chart update.
The Weeknd has 106.6M monthly listeners and half a dozen songs that people have streamed over a billion times on Spotify. Madonna has 34 million monthly listeners, and her highest streamed song - Material Girl - hasn't even reached 400 million streams. Medellin -Madonna's last lead single from a studio album - has generated 68 million streams in four years. Do the math.
"and will enter billboards hot 100. "
Again. because of The Weeknd. Living for Love and Medellin both failed to make the Hot 100.
"Kylies novelty song has just 12 million streams after 5 weeks."
It came out just over three weeks ago.
Oh here's that infamous Madonna hating troll again. Knew it wouldn't be long before you reared your head again.
tell me you know nothing about releases without telling me you know nothing about releases
Jack fitsy
You have a selective memory. She didnt 'fall' she was dragged. As for Living For Love it hit number 1 in 13 charts world wide and sold over a million copies. Back in 2015 streams were not counted in major charts and the single wasnt released with a myriad of formats like Kylies novelty song has been, and at a discount price! Rebel Heart the album, despite a massive worldwide leak, still managed to shift more than 1.8 million copies... more than Gaga's Artpop & Joanne albums.... where did Kylies Kiss Me Once effort land??? Nowhere! And also saw her switch labels for the 6th time in a bid to stay afloat. Her novelty single is a massive flop WW with only the UK showing an ounce of respect for it.
Jack fitsy
Not as palpable as her desperation to get a UK only hit single
Jack fitsy
Madonna has 34 million listeners on spotify, the most for a female artist of the pre streaming era. Kylie??? 😂 nobody knows her hun. As for Madonna's collabs, lets just say these fellow A Listers gravitate toward her. Because she sells. These are THEIR singles, ask yourself where Kylies last 'featured' singles landed? Jessie Ware? Dua Lipa? Jack Savoretti? Ollie whatever he's called??? Lol The lower reaches of the UK 100 only! the Z listers she roped in to that god awful money milk project, Disco the Guest list edition were barely even known. And non made any impact on that Confessions ripp off Disco effort. Madonna is in the middle of prepping for a sell out world tour thats sold more tickets in more countries than Kylies last 4 local tours combined. Sad
Jack fitsy
Ive been buying music since 1983 child. Go stream Kylies novelty single. It needs the help
whistle blower
Yes indeed it's all very contrived. There's no doubting that the guy has talent but this whole aggressive new attitude is really putting a lot of people off. ANd one hundred percent agree with you about Break My Soul which personally I just thought the original version was a complete rip off of 1992/3 hit Show Me Love by Robin S. Madonna gave it a real kick!
In 2014, age 60, Annie Lennox made the Hot 100 with I Put a Spell on You, and she didn't need to sing a verse on a song by the biggest streaming artist (The Weeknd) to accomplish it. Madonna never had a global number one smash, including a number one on the Hot 100, in her 50s like Cher did with Believe. Madonna was 42 when she last topped the Hot 100 with Music in 2000. Her last global smash ( 4 Minutes - thanks to JT and Timbaland) was 15 years ago when she was 49.
In the early 1990s, Madonna fans asked if Kylie would still be successful in a decade, only for Kylie to come out with Fever and Can't Get You Out of My Head in the early 2000s. She's been around for just over 35 years. She isn't going anywhere. She's just scored another U.K. top-20 hit at age 55, which continues to get added to more radio playlists worldwide since its release only three weeks ago. Also, she broke Glastonbury attendance records in 2019, playing to over 100,000 people.
It's time you removed the Kylie-shaped stick from your behind. I can't believe you are getting this angry about a pop star. You're a grown man. Get a life and some perspective. I mean, you were trolling iTunes over a decade ago. Let it go already.
Madonna wishes she was selling out stadiums the way Taylor Swift is on her current stadium tour. Taylor is playing 2-4 nights at venues that can fit 80,000+ people per night. Madonna wasn't even doing that at her peak many, many moons ago.
Dame Needy
I certainly wouldn't compare Madonna to Whitney and Mariah. Whitney had the best voice of her generation, and Mariah, even on her worst day and with a cold, could effortlessly outsing Madonna on her best day. Also, Mariah has sold more records in the US than Madonna. Only Barbra Streisand has sold more.
Dame Needy
LMAO @ people claiming Madonna is the reason why Popular has entered the Hot 100 at #43, which will be its peak, by the way. It'll drop out of the charts nearly as quickly as a new Madonna album. Despite The Weeknd's huge streaming presence, the song is already plummeting on Spotify. The majority of his fans aren't interested in a vocally challenged Marilyn Monroe tribute act whose last hit single was two decades ago.
This is that loser, JAKE, trying to start a war between TS and Madonna's fans. Don't fall for it, guys. He'll use ANYONE to trash Madonna.
I see Jake's been busy creating new aliases again:
Dame Needy, RR87, EZL.A.
Jack fitsy
LOL taylor swift????? Stupid child!!!!! Seriously 😂 ok lets go! Madonna holds the second and first highest grossing tour for a female artist, of all time. She also is only 1 of 2 female artists to break the world attendance record for a 1 nights show. Paris, France 1987 138'490 attendees Whos That Girl Tour. Shes the only female artist to sell out stadiums on every continent. Wembley in the UK 4 nights straight (300'000). In July 2009 she broke the Argentine, Danish, Swedish concert records for highest number in attendance per gig. In September 1993 Madonna broke ALL Australian records for attendance's as EACH city stop. The demand so high she was forced to play cricket grounds in Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane.... her touring is legendary. Nobody is more successful, she is the most successful female touring artist of all time. Her new tour has sold over 1.2 million tickets with only 8 countries covered. More to be added.
Get the picture
Jack fitsy
As of January 2023, Madonna remains the highest-grossing female touring artist of all time according to Billboard Boxscore and Pollstar. From just 12 tours in a 40 year career. She is widely renowned for providing the bluprint for modern day tours.
Taylor cant even sell out arenas outside the US. Madonna has broke and retains many attendance records on every continent. Feel stupid now?
Jack fitsy
I'd say the world is more interested in Madonna than some faux Madonna impersonator that barely has any chart presence outside the sad old UK . As for popular, its at 30 million streams ww with poor kylie still plugging a novelty song that going to crash put the charts along with its follow up. Madonn is about to embark on a proper world tour, nit some desperate festival add act like Kylies last outing around the UK 😂😂😂
And what of Kylies last collaborations???? LOL who was to blame for all those failing to chart anywhere..... i think we know....
Do you even know what effect your venom is having? You are actually starting to turn me against Madonna, and she hasn't even done anything wrong!
Jack fitsy
The way you demolish the trolls so effortlessly really is a sight to behold. Ak-Kylieda have had this coming for years, so well done, Jack.
Talk about selective reading. Jack is responding to all the vitriol spewed by deluded Kylie fans. Kylie gets a morsel of success and it's gone to their heads. Why can't they enjoy the song without sh*tting on Madonna? Did you expect her fans to sit back while Al-Kylieda attacks her?
Don't you dare try it. I've read some of Jack's opinions on here. No other female artist is safe from their vitriol. Madonna truly doesn't deserve such toxic people as "fans".
and going under the name "behold" to write your nasty reviews on iTunes. Seriously you need to get some help.
Try what, speaking the truth? I'll do as I please with or without your blessing. Kylie's fans aren't just talking sh*t on here, they're being nasty about Madonna everywhere and it's getting out of hand. I just thank god there's fans like Jack correcting their lies with factual information. and what's this about "no female artist is safe from his vitriol"? That's complete and utter BS and you know it.
Jack fitsy
WTF?! Lol im pretteeeeee sure the last time i checked i have no apple account nor do i own any apple products. Kylie has many detractors. Dont be so deluded.
The nerve, considering there's a specific Madonna detractor on here with at least 10 different aliases. The same person that's written nasty Amazon reviews for each and every product associated with Madonna, and it's been happening for AT LEAST a decade. You Kylie fans certainly are "special".
I don't think you are in any position to accuse someone else of selective reading when you only choose to see pro Madonna comments as positive ones. When it comes to Madonna and Kylie, I'm Switzerland. My neutrality for them means that I can see who has the most poisonous fans. I don't deny that some Kylie fans should be ashamed of some things they may have said, but they are nowhere near as bad as a select few Madonna fans. Just let the Kylie fans have their moment. When Madonna is on the verge of another top ten single, we can come and celebrate that too. Maybe instead of showing your support for Madonna by slagging off Kylie and her fans, you could change your profile pic to a more up to date one instead of using one from over 30 years ago.
whistle blower
Talking about chart performance, sales, concert tickets love. Nobody compared vocal ability or cup size of anything else. And this is a UK site. That is all.
No need to show off cause Kylie got lucky with someones song lol Lets see if she can get a second hit from her new album then we can call it a comeback.
Karen Moore
Come on Kylie, her first top 10 since 2011
Craig Wainwright
What a surprise another crappy rap song going to number 1.
it’s hardly rap 😭
Craig Wainwright
Of course it's rap.
omg a little bit of spoken words is rap 🔥🔥💯💯
Craig Wainwright
Just played a bit, and it's rap to me, slow dreary rap like all of Drake's song. Also it's absolute .
and you’re probably here still streaming songs from the 60s. grow some Craig
Craig Wainwright
There's nothing wrongwith 60's music, I wasn't born then but the 60's is probably the most popular decade with 60's music still remembered and getting played today. The music in the chart now is absolute garbage.
0800 HEAVEN at 20!!!!!
Nooo, Britain, don't let 'Dance The Night' fall. :/
Glad to see 'Good Love' and '0800 Heaven' both getting a push into the Top 20 at least!
At long last, 'Calm Down' finally looks to be heading for ACR! 👀
Not heard 'Who Told You?' yet, but hey, cool to see J Hus heading for a first #1 single!