Greg James recreates Kiesza’s Hideaway video- crop top and all!

The Radio 1 DJ has recreated the one-take video for Kiesza’s debut single, Hideaway.


The Radio 1 DJ has recreated the one-take video for Kiesza’s debut single, Hideaway.

Following his Miley Cyrus Wrecking Ball parody racking up a massive five million YouTube views back in September, Greg James has recreated the video for Kiesza’s new track, Hideaway.

Earlier today (April 16) Greg shared a still from the video, which includes a cameo from dance impresario Louie Spence, with his Twitter followers, prompting a swift reply from Kiesza herself!

Hideaway has taken the Official Singles Chart by storm this week and looks set to knock Sigma’s Nobody To Love off the Number 1 spot on Sunday. The video for the track sees Canadian singer/songwriter Kiesza dancing her way through the streets of Brooklyn, accompanied by a band of dancers, with all 4:35 minutes being shot in one-take!

How do you think the ‘Gregza’ verison compares to Kiesza's original? 



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