George Michael's Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1 to be reissued, lead single Fantasy with Nile Rodgers out now

The album reissue also features George's MTV Unplugged performances from 1996.


The first posthumous single from George Michael has arrived, and it comes with more exciting news.

Originally a b-side on Freedom! 90 in the US and Waiting For That Day in the UK, Fantasy has been reworked by Chic's Nile Rodgers and features new vocals recorded by George shortly before his death.

Nile has been giving updates on the song's progress on social media over the last few months, explaining: "I love it and he sounds unreal".

MORE: The albums that spawned the most Top 10 singles, including George Michael's Older 

In the days before his death George was also working on a documentary about his career, entitled Freedom, which he also narrates. Commissioned by Channel 4 and BBC Worldwide, the film features Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Liam Gallagher, and Mark Ronson, and is released soon. 

The Fantasy single and Freedom documentary were part of George's planned comeback which also included plans for a remaster of 1990 album Listen Without Prejudice Vol 1. George's sisters are continuing the works "exactly as Yog would have wanted", and the reissue of the classic album will be released on October 20.

Listen Without Prejudice Vol 1., which originally peaked at Number 1 on the Official Albums Chart, will be packaged with MTV Unplugged, a 1996 live set from George featuring some of his biggest solo hits and WHAM! tracks.

Look back at George Michael's full UK chart history, featuring seven Number 1 singles and seven Number 1 albums.

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Horrible song and production.


Howie Roscoe


Shame you can't listen to the track because the ads keep cutting in . You need to sort this out OCC ad interference is seriously messing up your website, it is getting to the point where I only visit your site if absolutely necessary. I am sure I am not alone in this :(


Graham Clarke

