Gary Barlow and Lady Gaga pay tribute to Amy Winehouse

Gary Barlow and Lady Gaga pay tribute to Amy Winehouse in a special radio documentary about the late star’s 2006 album, ‘Back To Black’.


Gary Barlow and Lady Gaga are just a few stars who will be paying tribute to Amy Winehouse in a special radio documentary about the late star’s 2006 album, ‘Back To Black’, which will be broadcast this evening (Tuesday, November 22).

While Gary Barlow compared her to The BeatlesJohn Lennon, Lady Gaga had this to about Amy:

"It's interesting that celebrities sometimes get such a bad rap for being sad but in truth Amy was incredible at singing the blues – she lived the blues, she lived jazz. I believe she will be remembered as a musical legend."

To hear those interviews in full, tune in to Radio1 tonight from 7pm.

Amy Winehouse - Back To Black on MUZU.

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