Fleetwood Mac's Dreams enjoys huge sales boost following viral video on TikTok

The video of a man skateboarding and drinking cranberry juice to the track has seen the Rumours single make huge gains.


Fleetwood Mac's classic tune Dreams logged over 1 million streams last week thanks to the success of a viral video. 

Originally uploaded to TikTok by user 420dogface208, the video shows a man vibing out to Dreams, skateboarding down a street whilst drinking a carton of cranberry juice. 

And to make things even better, band founder Mick Fleetwood has even posted his own take on the video, mimicking the original.

MORE: Fleetwood Mac's Rumours is the best-selling vinyl album of 2020 so far

Following the video's initial viral success on Twitter, being retweeted over 201,000 times alone on one post, it seems that the iconic band are also reaping the rewards. 

As of last Friday's Official Singles Chart, Dreams had a 60% week-on-week increase of chart sales (downloads and streams combined) after the video was posted.

Furthermore, it experienced a 341% uplift in downloads alone compared to the previous week. Total audio and video streams tallied 1.08 million plays in the UK last week. As a result, Dreams returned to the Official Singles Chart Top 100 for the first time since June 2011 at Number 85.

Dreams was originally released as the second single from legendary LP Rumours in 1977, where it became the band's only US Number One, but over in the UK, it only managed to peak at Number 24.

Rumours does have the distinction, however, of being one of the longest-charting albums in Official Charts history, logging a total of 795 weeks in the Official Album Chart Top 100. 

MORE: View Fleetwood Mac's Official Charts history in full

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so 1 million plays= no 85