Duke Dumont posts video for new single Won't Look Back

London DJ and producer Duke Dumont reveals the follow up to his Number 1 single, I Got U.


Duke Dumont has unveiled the video for his new single, Won’t Look Back.

The track, which is the follow-up to his Official Singles Chart Number 1 I Got U, will be released in the UK on August 24 through the London-based DJ and producer’s Blase Boys Club label. Duke Dumont's as-yet-untitled debut album will be released later this year.

Check out the accompanying video below:

Chart Facts

Duke Dumont, AKA Adam Dyment, has two Number 1 singles to his name: I Got U FT Jax Jones topped the chart in March of this year, while his debut release, Need U (100%) FT A*M*E spent two weeks at Number 1 in April, 2013.

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Rene Napoli


Duke Dumont Music Video WON'T LOOK BACK stunts are incredible. This is one of the best projects I have ever been a part of. The production staff, producers and TIM MAIN (Director) are the best! Thank you for a fantastic experience.