Dizzee Rascal and Robbie Williams reveal video for Goin' Crazy

Dizzee Rascal has posted the Quadrophenia-themed video for his new single Goin’ Crazy FT Robbie Williams online.


Dizzee Rascal has posted the video for his new single Goin’ Crazy FT Robbie Williams online.

As previously reported, Dizzee Rascal has teamed up with Robbie Williams for his new single, Goin’ Crazy. The track, which is taken from Dizzee’s upcoming album The Fifth, is set to be released in the UK on June 16.

Dizzee and Robbie filmed the Quadrophenia-themed video together in London last month, although they swapped the scooters for um, mobility scooters! Goin’ Crazy also features a cast of look a likes dressed up as Slash, Elvis Presley and Grace Jones, amongst others.

Check it out below:

"Having Robbie involved has been good,” Dizzee told The Sun last week. “When his name came up, I was excited about it. We went to his house to record it. It's not often on these things you sit in the same studio anymore.”

"I was expecting Dizzee to come round to my place in LA for an hour: he got round at 6pm, we chatted for hours and he left at 6am,” added Robbie. “Then he said he wanted the song to sound like Queen. It was a great night!"

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