Breaking News: Westlife split up

After a 13 year long career and 14 Number 1 singles, Westlife are splitting up.


Westlife announced this evening that they are splitting up.

The Irish chart toppers, who have enjoyed a 13 year long career and notched 14 Number 1 singles (click here to see their artist page) and have sold a staggering 44 million records worldwide, released the following statement:

"We today announce our plan to go our separate ways after a greatest hits collection this Christmas and a farewell tour next year.

"The decision is entirely amicable and after spending all of our adult life together so far, we want to have a well-earned break and look at new ventures."

The band’s ‘Greatest Hits’, which features a second disc of Christmas classics, album will be released on November 21.

Westlife - Safe on MUZU.TV

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