April drops glittering alt-pop track That Feeling

This strong statement of self-assurance sees April explore new avenues sonically


We've been singing the praises of alt-pop gal April Lawlor (you can call her 'April') for a while now. Hailing from County Kildare, she released her When It Comes To You EP earlier this year and counts Annie Mac among her many champions. Fancy.

Now, April's back with her latest track That Feeling; a shimmering alt-pop song promoting self-assurance which sees the star venture to new places sonically.

For this one, April's teamed up with Cat Burns collaborator RISC, with That Feeling offering the first taste of much more music to come throughout 2022.

Chatting about the track, April says: "That Feeling is about being independent. A lot of my coming songs are roughly based around this feeling - it wasn’t on purpose, but I suppose it was how I was feeling. That Feeling was written post-relationship, about when after a long time of relying on somebody for happiness and reassurance in yourself, you find a new confidence in yourself.

"It's about when you realise that you can feel those things on your own - through different experiences, like moving away, meeting new people, going to new places etc. It's a very special song to me and I remember making it and feeling a weight lift off my shoulders, like I'd found a new sound and could have fun with it."

Listen to April's new track That Feeling below:

If you're loving the sound of April and fancy catching her live, she's playing Oxfordshire's Truck Festival on July 22 and Tramlines Festival at Sheffield's Hillsborough Park on July 24.

That Feeling is out now via Atlantic Records.

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