Apple Music Replay 2024 is now available
Apple Music users, it's your time to shine!

The end of the year means two things for music fans: one, the annual battle for Christmas number one; and two, the chance to see which songs we've been absolutely hammering over the last 12 months.
Apple Music Replay works a little differently from Spotify Wrapped in that it updates weekly throughout the year. Users can check in every Sunday for a running tally of their their favourite tracks and how many times they've streamed them.
You can also find out the exact amount of time you've spent listening to a song, artist, album, playlist, genre and station. Seriously, this feature is complete heaven for streaming geeks.
But, to capitalise on our fondness for shareable end-of-year content, Apple Music Replay also gives users a year-long Highlights package. You can share this handy summary on your socials just like Spotify Wrapped.
When does Apple Music Replay come out 2024?
Apple Music Replay just dropped today, Tuesday December 3, which means it's arrived ahead of Spotify Wrapped. So if you're an Apple Music user, it's your time to shine and get sharing.
How to see and share your Apple Music Replay 2024:
It's really very easy. All you need to do is...
Open the Apple Music App
Go to Home or Listen Now
Scroll down to Replay: Your Top Songs by Year.
From here, you can open your latest Replay playlist, see your Replay playlists from previous years, and share your Replay playlist to Instagram, Facebook and other social media
Play your year-end highlight reel: an audio and visual recap of the music you listened to the most
What were the most-streamed tracks globally on Apple Music Replay 2023?
2023's Top 5 most-streamed tracks on Apple Music globally were:
1. Morgan Wallen – Last Night
2. Miley Cyrus – Flowers
3. SZA – Kill Bill
4. Drake and 21 Savage – Rich Flex
5. SZA – Snooze
Who do you think will top your 2024 Apple Music Replay?
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Congratulations to Drake’s ghostwriters for making the 2023 list.