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- Peak: 36,
- Weeks: 11
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Lewis May
Please Check out: DJ PLATINUM ft Teejay Platinum Girl (Louis Dutch Prod.) [Official Audio Only]|
I'd like to present to "Platinum Girl" a UK afrobeat style sweet melodic tune that as smooth as it is catchy!
provided by the ever talented oxford based "Teejay" and produced by
London producer "Louis Dutch" and co-produced and arranged by Myself "DJ
DJ Platinum
James England
I think this is one of the best new songs out this month!
Very catchy! Hopefully it can chart high. :)
I Am A Stegosaurus
Wasn't he that guy who did the stole the show song with Kygo?
James England
Have no idea who he is but It's a cool tune! If James Arthur can get to number one with that depressing song of his, Parson James' Sad Song can! We need a catchy up-beat song at number one! It's a sad song but it makes you happy! :)
James England
Here's my top three songs of the year so far...
1) Catfish and the Bottlemen – Heathrow
Instant classic, moody pop song. My number one song of the year.
This is not the original version - that's not online. But this sounds close to the original:
2) Christina Agueliera - Telepathy
Remix version:
Tremendous vocal from Miss A. Should have been a number one song!
3) The Monkees - You Bring The Summer
Guaranteed to put a smile on your face!
Calum Pk7
I'm surprised latest DNCE, 21pilots and Years & Years songs failed- they were all doing well recently.
Scott Harris
Me too, I really wanted the latest DNCE song to break their "One hit wonder" status, I mean, it sounds like a hit!
Sunshine Gal
and is anyone here a fan of wet wet wet?? piran was telling me about them, i don't need to reiterate that i never heard of them before :D. are they still making music?
Sunshine Gal
alright, it don't take a brain surgeon to know i'm not from the uk :D....so i got some questions regarding the uk music scene (and if anyone ever wants to ask me about the u.s. music scene, past and present, just ask! :)) who are: digital farm animals, giggs, joel adams, cheat codes....?, neiked...? :D well, interesting names...sorry mates, i've never heard of these artists and some others on the chart...they're doing well in the uk currently?
over here, the biggest news is bruno mars' upcoming single will possibly debut somewhere in the top 10. remember 'uptown funk'? over here it locked the #1 spot for 14 straight wks...1st time in a long time we had a #1 run like that. but mariah still holds the all time record with boyz to men 'one sweet day' @ 16 wks. i was tracking 'one sweet day' during that time...and talk about holding your breath each and every week! and this was before the internet! the uk group 'take that' were also in the top 10 around that time, but i don't recall them back then.
Hey Sunshine Gal! I hope you're having a good day. :)
Well 'Millionaire' is Digital Farm Animals' only appearance on the UK charts, but he's a DJ & singer, but has also been a producer & songwriter for many artists. Giggs is a grime artist (grime is a sub-genre of rap that emerged in Eastern London a few years ago)... no major hits from him here, but he did have a #2 album earlier in 2016. Joel Adams is Australian & 'Please Don't Go' is his debut single, which is currently on the Bubbling Under Charts in the US. Cheat Codes are an American electronic music trio from Los Angeles, who only charted before with '' earlier this year, which went Top 10 in the UK. Neiked is a Swedish producer, who has only had moderate success with 'Sexual' here in the UK & in parts of Northern Europe. I hope that answered your question! :D
Incredibly, 'One Sweet Day' couldn't even make the Top 5 over here, but Take That have had 12 #1 singles & 7 #1 albums in the UK. Of course, 'Uptown Funk' was easily the biggest song of last year in this country! ;)
Calum Pk7
Cheat Codes are absolutely amazing. They make a song about -you know what-, like Neiked, as you would expect given the name
Sunshine Gal
haha!! cool, but sorry mate, i've never heard of them. who the is galantis and hook n sling...? did i get it right? :D and joel adams? british solo artist?
That James Arthur song sounds like something Ed Sheeran would dismiss for being too cliched and shmaltzy. And Niall Horandous is desperately trying to out-bore him with his anaemic solo dirge.
And why is Mr Brightside still stubbornly clinging in there lol? I'm not complaining btw, it's actually quite heartening to see an actual decent song amongst the generic EDM/Autotune/prossie pop
I Am A Stegosaurus
Why does everyone like Sexual so much? At least it's not some promiscuous urban trash like I first thought but the vocals are horrible and annoying, sounds like La Roux on speed.
Calum Pk7
It's an amazing song
I Am A Stegosaurus
I see Shawn Mendes at 42! Ooh! Also, good one on Green Day Number 1 in album chart!
I Am A Stegosaurus
Olly Murs' new song only hits 52, it's not even that good but if a song by someone called 'Neiked' can chart in the 40 then what's up with Mursy entering?
What does the name of a band have anything to do anything??
Calum Pk7
1) Neiked is not a band, and 2) in his case it means quite a bit given parents won't like their kids and teenagers listening to or buying the song due to its title and artist. That's quite a bit of the market gone.
I vaguely remember that song from Cheat Codes called '' charting quite high. And i doubt in this day and age parents have much authority over what their kids listen to. And regardless of song titles, many songs today have questionable content for children anyway.
And i'm confused, you say Olly's song is but you're confused why it doesn't chart higher. I guess it's simply just a case of quality (or lack thereof) speaking for itself.
I Am A Stegosaurus
It's a band, is it?
I Am A Stegosaurus
That wasn't my point, I meant that for me, the name alone was enough to judge it. Basically I'm appalled that is in the 40 and Grow Up isn't.
I Am A Stegosaurus
But your point makes sense
Calum Pk7
Grow up was disappointing for a 2nd single though- it could've been a better song
I Am A Stegosaurus
True but still deserved the top 40 at least, but why does Olly need to do a song about immaturity?
Scott Harris
Hopefully "Closer" can return to number 1 next week, It's obviously the better song. I'm really surprised that "SYWLG" lasted this long at the top, I don't know how or why.
A Taste Of International Music
UK-Chart fans, are you in it for more music from all over the world? Take a look at my facebook page, give it a like and start discussing what's hot and what's not. Thanks!
Sunshine Gal
too bad for niall, he had an amazing leap but quickly fell out of the top 10. anyone feel all 5 of them should become a group again? :) here in the u.s., niall's @ #25, so we'll see by mond. (when bb updates their hot 100 chart) if he was able to go up on the chart. anyone here a fan of the u.s. bb charts?
Niall got to number 5 in Australia and should still stay in the top 10 (I'm from there but follow all three charts)
Sunshine Gal
really? well, that's good to hear :)
It dropped to number 14 this week though
Sunshine Gal
well, good for him for staying in the top 20. believe me, on the hot 100 over the years, i've seen more plummeting falls.
bored chart..ZZzzzz....
Sunshine Gal
you should see the hot 100 over on bb ;). borrrring!! same old same old.
Yeah exactly.
Sunshine Gal
do you follow the uk music charts?
Not always, but sometimes I like UK Chart more than BB HOT 100, what about you?
I Am A Stegosaurus
Billboard Hot 100 is awful. Basically, you have to be a young, American urban artist to chart there.
this is most interesting about the variety...
NZ top 40 is cool too.
Sunshine Gal
not really, we've had lots of international artists achieve success over here and on the bb charts. justin bieber is one and so is zayn from 1D. ed sheeran locked the #2 spot on the hot 100 for about 8-9 wks straight with 'thinking out loud.' it really depends on how popular this artist is and esp. with u.s. radio.
Sunshine Gal
cool, is this the mexican singles chart? well, i've been following bb going on 25 yrs over here ;). back in the early 90s esp. with mj and whitney houston doing so well on the hot 100, it was hard not to be a hot 100 addict :P
Sunshine Gal
well, since i just found out about the uk singles chart from piran :D i prob. prefer the hot 100...but there's also a lot of uk artists i've never heard of. i've been following the hot 100 for quite some time (since mj's 'black or white' was #1) so it's hard not to still be a hot 100 addict. but i will say, this isn't the only time gap where the chart is boring as . there's been plenty of times over the years following the hot 100 was way worse.
Sunshine Gal
in fact there's many international artists that still hold unique feats on the bb charts...the beatles of course ;). 1D is still the only group to have their first four albums debut @ #1. the spice girls were the first uk group *and still only uk group* to have their debut single go directly to #1. it didn't enter @ #1, but climbed up to #1. no other uk group had their debut single go to #1, not even the beatles.
elton john is the very first artist to have an album debut @ #1 back in the mid-70s and he was the first uk artist to debut a #1 song with 'candle in the wind'. so it really depends what's going on currently. i've seen canadian artists like celine dion, the weekend, shania twain and alanis morrisette do very well on the charts. alanis' album 'jagged little pill' spent 1 yr in the top 10, she was the first female artist to do so.
Yeah, I like it too.
jajajaj no! its the most important chart in radios from Spain! im from BCN :)
i wanna recomend u my summers favorite songs! i hope u like, understand and enjoy it :P
I Am A Stegosaurus
Well ture, I should have added 'Canadian' to the above statement as well
Sunshine Gal
cool, thanks :) have you ever followed the hot 100 on billboard?
Sunshine Gal
and then you have rihanna or riri as i call her, she's notched an impressive string of top 10 hits in the u.s. and she's from barbados. also, isn't lorde from new zealand or australia or something like that? her song 'royals' was locked @ #1 for something like 9 wks.
did u like it?
yes, always i follow the music charts around. i like to know whats the popular songs nowadays and compare between countries. sometimes i discover really musical treasures.
I Am A Stegosaurus
That was three years ago TBF
I Am A Stegosaurus
Fine, add Australian to the above above statement or whatever, lol, lots of Aussies score it big in the US. so yeah, just Americans, Canadians or Australians
Sunshine Gal
what are you talking about?? her song 'work' was #1 for many weeks over here...she even had a top 10 hit with paul mccartney and kanye west, i think it was called 'fourfiveseconds'.
Sunshine Gal
it was interesting...i only understand english :D. well, other than billboard, i really don't know too much about other countries' music charts. but the bb charts have tons of history :). i've put up tons of hot 100 throwbacks on past articles, when i have more time i'll bring 'em over here. :)
Sunshine Gal
just sayin' ;) that you don't have to be an urban type of american to make it big here...if people like you, you'll succeed. i've even seen international artists do even better than the u.s. artists. it really depends on what's going on in the current music scene.
basically what i've said for a number of years (i've been a billboard member for quite some time) the u.s. music scene is so big that there's room for everyone :)
I Am A Stegosaurus
I was referring to Lorde, not Rihanna
Sunshine Gal
oh ok...yeah i haven't seen lorde in our top 10 in a long while...whereas riri has been doing pretty good. i'm not a big fan of hers, but she's notching top 10's left and right over here.
Paul Mount
Good Lord these charts are a disgrace. Virtually nothing moving, a terrible no 1 by a has-been who has for some reason come crawling out from under a stone and,seriously, Robbie goes out after just one week? The chart compiling system needs a massive overhaul because some good, quality pop songs - remember songs? - by proper career artists, aren't getting a look-in and they should. This is shameful.
David Poza
I am listening to the charts from the 60s and they reflected what the people were really listening to: a little bit of rock and roll of Elvis and Cliff, a little of instrumental music, a little jazz (Take Five by Dave Brubeck really kicked a**!) and inbetween, non-harmful pop. But this? Well... no personality at all, just the same songs week after week. No climbing whatsoever (which, to be fair, is what pop charts are about, the new entries going up and down), no innovation... Better stick with the classics and f*ck the modern music.
Josh Dransfield
Do people ever understand that there's always been bad music on the chart? There's always been bad music, it's the music that appeals to the general youth of the age. Like even back in the 60s you had songs like Tiptoe Through The Tulips, Henry VII, Surfin Bird and an epitaph of boring ballads. Quite a few of these songs are good to someone of my age for example, and I'll probably say that these songs are better than whatever exists in the mid 21st century.
Also, about people listening to rock, the music back then was seen as new and cool. Nowadays it's tropicana and low-blow EDM that's seen as cool.
David Poza
Just to clarify... Tiptoe Through The Tulips and Surfin' Bird never made the UK Charts (at least when they were released). There was bad pop? Of course! Take 1975 and '76 as a clear example (Hello Telly Savalas! Hello Demis Roussos! Hiya JJ Barrie!); but give me the Summer of 76 rather than the summer of 2016.
James England
James Arthur is the Donald Trump of pop. Most people can't stand him but he's doing well. P
Artists can't stay popular forever, Robbie Williams will continue to sell albums (probably better then many singles artists). I'm born in 99 so his career is older then me I'd say it's pretty impressive he's still charting.
By 'most people' you mean celebrities, right?
Robin Summers
I'm all for Starving to keep climbing. One of my favourite newer songs out there <3
Scott Harris
Same, but my most favorite Hailee song is "Love Myself" which I'm really surprised it didn't do as well as "Starving"!
'Starboy' is down I repeat 'Starboy' is down.. 1 place, Robbie William's has dropped out the top 100, regardless of what I said about it last week it has actually grown on me, but a curious choice for first single, seems more like a second single than a door opener and starter if you ask me, Olly coming in really low, not to worry though Olly boy your album will still be massive any way, see at least Olly does not do the acoustic thing every song he has a lot of variety in his album, same number 1 holding firm, Bruno Mars getting in the top 10 just with his new party song, not much else new here to write about here, time for a sandwich now me thinks.
James England
Robbie Williams lack of success shows how much the chart has changed since streaming took over. I'm sure his current release 'Heavy Entertainment Show' would have charted much higher pre-streaming. I don't think it's one of his better songs but I still reckon it would have charted much higher - top 10 or top 5 - a few years ago.
I think the most successful 'older' artist/group to chart well in the streaming era is The Stone Roses. Their last two singles hit the top twenty five. Pretty impressive considering the last hit song was in 1999! Acts like Pet Shop Boys, ABC, Duran Duran, Robbie Williams, Melanie C, Britney Spears, U2, All Saints, Madonna etc all struggling to make any impact on the top 100 streaming/combined sales chart but all major chart acts of the past. Basically if you're not Coldplay and you're not a 21st century group or singer you've got no chance high up the chart!
I Am A Stegosaurus
And Coldplay IS a 21st Century band
Sunshine Gal
i know robbie williams might be big in europe, over here in the states, i've never heard of him! my mate piran keeps me updated on the international artists. but if he had any success over here, it was very brief and i barely recall it.
Yeah but they do well in albums, cos it is 1500 album stream's to a sale instead of the lower amount needed for a single sale, know what you're saying though.
I think he means cos they started in the late nineties and older groups in general really now.
Awwww you got a mate, he toured the US in 1999 with a compilation album called 'The Ego Has Landed' and got 'Angels to 53 and Millennium to 72 their, but he could not be bothered to keep touring the huge country so chose to focus on the UK and Europe instead.
Sunshine Gal
sorry mate...i vaguely recall take that on the charts. if robbie williams made a splash over here, it was very brief. i only know about him thru my mate piran ;D
Kind of impressed with just some movement and Bruno mars new single being considerably high on the chart a Be entry in the top but the rest of chart so stagnant glad 2 see starving & sexual climbing and such a shame ain't giving dropped a bit but hopefully it can climb again
Sunshine Gal
here in the states bruno may debut somewhere in the top 10 or in the top 5...nothing unique about it, but still not bad for a comeback single.
Dan Love
I'm glad that All We Know is falling.
I don't like James Arthur's song but it's way much better than Closer, so I want him to stay at the top.
Bruno Mars' new song is catchy so I hope it does well. It seems like we can't stop Starving (which is sad) from climbing up the charts but I hope that Ain't My Fault isn't going to get much further.
Outside the top 40, the new entries and climbers are OK. Lady Gaga has a massive flop (as if Perfect Illusion wasn't), Olly Murs may or may not climb next week and Fifth Harmony are probably definitely going to be climbing next week. :(
Crank It (Woah) is a catchy song and I hope it can enter the top 40 in the next few weeks. Love On Me is also a good song and I hope that it will enter next week, while Shawn Mendes is taking his time to get into the top 40. I also hope that When You Love Someone will continue rising.
Sunshine is falling really quickly, I wish it could have fallen a bit slower.
Also, has anyone seen Mr Brightside and Chandelier hanging on in the chart at #85 and #88? Thinking Out Loud is also at #95.
I agree with your points regarding Galantis and Kideko, i hope they enter the top 40
I Am A Stegosaurus
Yup, Mr Brightside is latching on the top 100 still despite only having SIX weeks in the top 40! Should have had six-ty!
Calum Pk7
I understand you dislike the Chainsmokers but I like their songs especially Closer. Starving, Ain't My Fault and That's My Girl are AMAZING songs so please don't diss them. One thing I agree with you on is 24K Magic which is sick, but Crank It is SO BAD. It's just such a weird song- how do people like it? I sure hope it doesn't get in the top 40. Olly Murs' song was disappointing as a 2nd single especially compared with You Don't Know Love, and Mercy should get in the top 40 deservedly next week.
And those old songs are SO BAD- how do people buy them years on? Baffles me.
As for no.1, out of the top 10 I hope Side To Side gets to no.1, as it's a really good song especially compared with this slow stuff from James Arthur and Niall Horan.
Calum Pk7
No way.
Calum Pk7
Yeah, Love On Me is amazing although not as good as No Money, But Crank It is such a weird song which should get nowhere near where it is.
I Am A Stegosaurus
Ain't My Fault, Side to Side and I'm just assuming That's My Girl are just a bunch of sexual made for typical teens. Also, I'm pretty sure he didn't badmouth That's My Girl at any point in his comment
Calum Pk7
he put a sad face next to the fact that it would climb
Calum Pk7
anyway that's my girl isn't about
Congratulations to James Arthur for a 3rd week at #1 with 'Say You Won't Let Go'. This song is currently selling more than twice as much as 'Closer' (#2 on iTunes) & James' X Factor performance last week really boosted downloads for 'Say You Won't Let Go' even more. Interestingly, if 'Say You Won't Let Go' is #1 next week (which is very likely at the moment), it will be the longest UK #1 by a British artist since Ellie Goulding's 'Love Me Like You Do', which was released 1 year & 8 months ago! :)
I'm pleased for Bruno Mars getting a Top 10 debut this year with '24k Magic' this week, but I wish Niall Horan got longer than 1 week in this region with 'This Town'. It looks like 'Still Falling For You' has missed it's chance of the Top 10, but I'm now hoping that 'Starving' can eventually get there... I'm really happy that Hailee Steinfeld is getting more recognition in the UK. :D
I'm surprised that none of the new singles from: Lady Gaga, Olly Murs & Fifth Harmony couldn't debut in the Top 40 this week though. Hopefully the latest songs from The Vamps & Maroon 5 can enter high, as both are really great groups in my opinion.
The vamps will definitely be in the top 40 come next week. Thing is they normally fall away after a few days. if they can maintain sales they have a chance of entering highly :).
Dan Love
Glad that James Arthur is holding off Closer, but if Closer hadn't existed then I wouldn't want James Arthur at number 1. Niall Horan's song is boring so I'm glad Bruno Mars is replacing him at #9.
Starving is terrible.
Yeah I remember when 'Wake Up' was expected to debut at #1 on a Monday update, but ended up entering at #12 on that Friday. :/
Well I think they might be able to get a Top 20 debut with 'All Night', or Top 10 if streaming in on their side. :)
I saw your thoughts below & I agree with pretty much all of them. I agree that 'Starving' is going Top 10 next week, because it's been racing up iTunes over these past few days. :D
Bruno Mars debuted lower than I expected, but '24k Magic' seems much more stable on sales now, so I have a feeling it will climb the Top 10 in the coming weeks.
What don't you like about 'Starving' then? :/
Robin Summers
Exactly what I was thinking lol. There's nothing terrible about it lol. If anything I was expecting the person to say Sexual was terrible because that tbh isn't great or anything.
Dan Love
I don't know, I guess it just seems a bit unfinished to me and the lyrics are generic and uninspired.
Well I really love Hailee's vocals & I'm a fan of EDM music, so it's good to see that she has Grey & Zedd featured on 'Starving' (the latter is one of my favourite DJs this year). :)
So what song do you want to see at #1 next then?
Sunshine Gal
hey mate!! too bad our mate niall couldn't keep that momentum going. what are the factors for the uk singles chart? much like the hot 100, radio, sales and streaming? the uk radio stations aren't playing his song too much after the 1st week?
Actually, sales & streaming are the only 2 factors that affect the UK charts & radio has no effect.
Niall is probably out of the Top 10 because downloads for 'This Town' plummeted on downloads after it's 1st full week of release. :/
Sunshine Gal
radio airplay doesn't affect the singles charts @ all!!?? wow!! that's so different from over here...all my life, radio airplay has always been a huge factor on the hot 100 chart (in fact, back in the 80s when we were still buying cassette albums *no cassette singles in the early-mid 80s*) radio airplay would be the only factor on the chart.
when we were still buying records, you'd still have record singles to buy. but when cassettes first came about, i don't recall cassette singles avail. right away.
Well in the UK, before 2013, you had to buy a song for it to climb the charts & pre-2004, you had to buy it physically (no digital sales before then). ;)
I actually disagree with radio airplay in the charts, because you can decide what you buy & stream, but not what you hear on the radio. What do you think of our Top 10 by the way?
Sunshine Gal
that's crazy! cuz over here, the hot 100 has always factored in radio airplay. but i do agree with it, because radio *@ least u.s. radio* usually plays what's popular for that genre.
well, there are a handful of artists on your chart i've never heard of ;D. who the are digital farm animals...did i read that right? :D interesting...are you a fan of theirs? listen mate, i'm gonna take a lunch break, then i gotta grab some groceries and i'll head over to the library and chat some more ok? talk to you later! :)
I like UK CHART more than BB HOT 100, James deserves the top position.
Yeah, James' new song is great! :)
Do you think it will be able to chart on the Hot 100 at all then?
Thanks alot Piran :)
Do you think Bruno Mars new one can stay in the top 10, i think it will be in the top 6 next week, do you like it? I really do.
Also, i asked last week and you wasn`t sure, do you have an opinion yet on Sexual by NEIKED, just cause it`s climbing rapidly and looks set to hit the top 20. I really like it personally.
I don't know, but it mostly won't happen. You know streaming is so huge in the US, even here in my country Closer is still no.1 both on streaming and Itunes(no.2 now behind Don't Wanna Know by Maroon 5).
Hi, Piran, I know you like a lot Dancing On My Own by Calum Scott, but do you like the original by Robyn?
Honestly, I like Kings Of Leon's version more and then Calum, The original by Robyn I don't really like, it's like dance or upbeat doesn't fit with the lyrics.
You're welcome! :)
Yeah I think Bruno will definitely stay in the Top 10 next week & even though I wasn't a fan of '24k Magic' at first, it's really started to grow on me now. I think it sounds too similar to 'Uptown Funk' though, so I'll probably continue to like it until it gets overplayed. :D LOL
I think 'Sexual' may even have a chance at the Top 15 next week, but the song seemed to really catchy & the vocals are decent, especially the high-pitched part in the chorus. So do you think 'That's My Girl' can go Top 40 next week then? ;)
I like the original 'Dancing On My Own' by Robyn, but I actually prefer the Calum Scott cover. Incredibly, Calum's version was the best-selling song of the summer in the UK. I've not heard the Kings Of Leon version yet, but I'll certainly check that out soon. :)
So what country are you from then? I'm sure you've told me before... but I've forgot now! LOL
I really love James Arthur's new song, hoping it can knock of closer in Australia. It's very unlikely to chart in the US though it still hasn't reached bubbling under yet unless they are very behind on it. Agree with Hailee Steinfeld it's doing well in Australia so I'd be surprised if it didn't do similarly in the U.K.
Well if I remember correctly, the ARIA charts update every Saturday, so I also hope that 'Say You Won't Let Go' is the next #1 in Australia (as it has huge sales right now). 'Closer' is a good song in my opinion & it did become the longest #1 of 2016 on the ARIA charts, but I'm starting to get tired of it now. :) LOL
I think 'Starving' should be able to reach the Top 10 & maybe even next week considering how fast it is rising on iTunes here in the UK. Yeah James Arthur has never been recognised in the US unfortunately, but it has took songs week or sometimes months to cross over onto the Hot 100 after charting well across the rest of the world.
Yeah, the original is good, I just don't really like it, I can't believe his audition version on Ytube has been watched more than 80 Million times and 35 M with his official video, I think Calum made the song more famous. You have to check it since I love rock/alternative I think Kings Of Leon version is the best to me.
I'm from Indonesia.
Hey Piran, what do you think about Madonna is honoured as Woman Of The Year 2016. Do you think she deserves it?
Fifth Harmony are doing well in the sales chart so i think they have a chance. I think That`s My Girl will be like All in my head, stay around for a while but not go to high.
What are your thoughts btw on the new Maroon 5 song ?
It has just been update and say you won't let go went to number one (closer dropped to 3). I love closer as well just ready for something new to hit the top spot and a first number for James Arthur is well deserved.
I Am A Stegosaurus
I bet Vamps will be in and out in the space of two weeks.
I Am A Stegosaurus
Can't believe that fact in the top paragraph
I Am A Stegosaurus
True, I'm glad Niall is in and out of the top 10, that will take quite a dip in the next few weeks
Do you like 'Say You Won't Let Go' then? :)
Yeah, they usually are unfortunately. 'All Night' has fallen enough in sales to be out of the Top 10 on iTunes already. :/
I really was hoping that 'Impossible' could do the same, but I prefer 'Say You Won't Let Go', so I'm very pleased with the result. Are you from Australia then? :)
'That's My Girl' is getting slightly better sales than 'All In My Head [Flex]' at the moment, so Fifth Harmony's new single could still go Top 20 when streaming rises for it. :)
Well I think Maroon 5 have done better, but I liked their new song at first listen. Do you like it then?
Well looking through the article & seeing all of the records & achievements that she has made, I can understand why Billboard would've give her that honour. I always thought that it was based on success throughout 2016, so I was thinking Rihanna or Adele could've won it. I'm really pleased for Madonna though & I think she deserves it. :)
Im not sure yet, need to listen a few more times, could be a grower.
Where do you think 'Don't Wanna Know' will debut on the charts next week then? Unfortunately it looks like The Vamps are falling in sales quite fast now, but I'm pleased that Hailee Steinfeld is currently #3 on iTunes! :)
Sunshine Gal
your top 10 is pretty cool...prob. stagnant like ours, like not too much new movement. and i keep seeing robbie williams' name on here...sorry mate, i still don't know anything about him except he was in the take that group.
Calum Pk7
Yes, Maroon 5 are amazing- I'm excited for their new track! They have had 3 of the best songs of all time for me- Payphone, Sugar and Moves Like Jagger.
As well as being part of Take That, Robbie Williams has had a hugely successful career here in the UK. :)
On the albums chart, he's had 11 #1s (9 studio albums & 2 'greatest hits' albums). Only 1 of his studio albums didn't go to #1 & he's releasing his 11th studio album next month! :D
On the singles chart, he's had 10 #1s as a solo artist (7 as a lead artist & 3 as a featured artist). ;)
I agree with your Top 3 Maroon 5 songs, but I would swap 'Sugar' with 'Daylight'. What is your favourite album of theirs then? :)
Calum Pk7
Not sure- all have had great songs on. what about you?
I also love pretty much all of their albums, but 'Overexposed' is definitely my favourite studio album of theirs. :)
So are Maroon 5 your favourite group then & are there other artists that you really like as well? My favourite is Taylor Swift.
Calum Pk7
Flex should've got way higher given it was at one point 15 on iTunes and 23 on spotify
Calum Pk7
Yep- 24K Magi defo has uptown funk vibes- I knew it from the start, Great song though- as uptown funk was initially until it was played every 10 minutes.
Calum Pk7
sexual is sick
Calum Pk7
Next week will be great- new entries from Maroon 5, The Vamps and 5H, and climbers from hailee, neiked and hopefully galantis too! A change from all the boredom around at the moment.
Yeah I'm excited for next week as well & all of those songs you mentioned are great! :)
So what has been your most & least favourite #1 of 2016 so far?
Yeah I think '24k Magic' will be fun until it gets overplayed. Where do you think it will peak then? I'm hoping it will go at least Top 5. :)
I think Maroon 5 new song will do what most big songs have done this year and debut at 11 just missing out on the top 10, The only thing with their new song tho is that i think it sounds almost identical to Let me Love You by DJ Snake, what do you think?
Shame about the Vamps because i actually really like there new song with Matoma.
Speaking of Matoma, what do you think of 'False Alarm'? It's been one of my favourite dance songs of 2016 so far. :)
Yes I am Australian. Even though impossible didn't go to number one it's still a very well remembered song
I Am A Stegosaurus
I Am A Stegosaurus
It's pretty boring and the first time I heard it, I had to stop after the second verse as it was so cringey
I love false alarm . i think its a really good song and becky`s vocals and wicked
Calum Pk7
if its streaming improves (its not currently in the Spotify top 10) then it should get top 5, yes. I hope so.
Calum Pk7
Not sure about best no.1 as to be honest this year has been bad for no.1s as most of the songs that have been no.1 have been there for weeks and weeks and have got so boring. As for worst, it has to be One Dance as by the fourth week it was so boring and I hoped it would go off no.1- never mind the 15th! You should see my comment when it went off no.1- I was literally screaming with everything in capitals as I was so happy!
From our previous chats, it sounds like you're fan of dance music! :)
I may have already asked you this before, but who is your favourite artist? Mine is Taylor Swift.
For me, 'Closer' or ITAPII have been my favourite #1s & 'Pillowtalk' was the worst. I didn't mind 'One Dance', but 15 weeks at #1 was pretty ridiculous, so I can understand your reaction! :)
Also, I found out that if we don't get 2 more #1s this year, then 2016 will have the lowest number of #1s in a calendar year of all-time (excluding 1952). I wish CSTF or 'Perfect Strangers' hit #1 though.
Calum Pk7
Yes, Closer was probably my favourite actually. And they should've got to no.1, yeah. Stupid One dance and its streaming.
Yeah I'm looking through the ARIA charts right now & it's good to see that 'All We Know' reached the Top 10! Do you like The Chainsmokers then? :)
Another thing I remember is seeing 'This Girl' atop the Monday updates 3 times, but never finished at #1 on any Friday unfortunately. Do you have a favourite artist then? :)
I love dance music with a passion.I`m not sure who my fav artist is, Drake and he chainsmokers are my fav this year tho.
I love dance music a lot as well! Drake seems fine & I even bought his 'Views' album, but I love all of The Chainsmokers' songs though (except '#selfie'!) ;) LOL
So what are your thoughts on 'One Dance' getting 15 weeks at #1? I like the song, but it shouldn't have been at the top for that long.
I love the chainsmokers aswell, although Roses did really well over in the US, i think it did not get the praise it deserved over here only peaking at 16.
Yeah One Dance definitely didn`t deserve to be number 1 for that long, i don`t know how Kungs didn`t beat him one of those weeks. But whether you like Drake or not, you have to give him massive praise for what he did. Streaming may of abused its way to the top on One Dance but 15 weeks at number 1 is a brilliant achievement. the fact that he not only thought of competition from some of the biggest songs of the year, he sold 170,000 copies in ONE week. thats impressive. Beating Sia, Calvin and Rihanna, JT (which im pretty sure will at be in the top 10 come chart of the year), kungs, Jonas Blue, Chainsmokers AND Calum Scott deserves praise whether you like him or not.
And no doubt One Dance will be the biggest song of 2016 as it`s close to going x3 platinum
Sunshine Gal
11 #1 albums?? dang! over here jay-z has 13, the most for any solo act. and 10 #1 songs?? i think janet jackson has something like that. good for him :). too bad i never knew about him for the longest time.
Well Elvis Presley had 21 #1s over here, which is more than any other artist. Techfan was telling me that he would have the same record in the US if the Hot 100 had started in 1952, like the UK charts did.
I do, I'm still shocked they managed to become popular after Selfie (a top 3 hit in Australia) I wasn't a fan of don't let me down but I absolutely love All We Know, Roses and Closer
Yeah I thought they would be one-hit wonders after that, but I've loved every other song that they've released. Do you have any other favourite artists then? :)
Calum Pk7
Not sure- I like lots of songs
Calum Pk7
I'm surprised- I look at the Spotify charts and see that none of Don't Wanna Know, That's My Girl, All Night and Love on me have got in the top 50 yet! That'll defo slow their chances of high positions next week! Not surprised about all night as the vamps rarely have streaming on their side these days. However, the return of Maroon 5 is a massive thing, and 5h and galantis have been really successful on Spotify recently, namely work from home and no money, with flex still in the top 50 now despite being like 150 on iTunes. worried some of these songs wont make the 40 on Friday!!
Official Charts just posted their usual Monday update & I left a comment there. James Arthur is still at #1 & Hailee Steinfeld should jump 17-4, Neiked bounds 24-11, Maroon 5 are predicted to debut at #13, Little Mix are in at #14, they've got The Vamps debuting at #29 & Fifth Harmony's 'That's My Girl' could leap 60-30. I expect Little Mix to be much higher by Friday though as they currently have at least a 3:1 lead on sales... I'm saying possibly a #1 debut or at least #2. :)
Calum Pk7
was their song released on a Saturday or sunday? if so that's wierd
Calum Pk7
thanks btw
It was released last night, but I'm also very surprised Little Mix didn't release it on Friday though.
What are your thoughts of the group in general then? :)
Calum Pk7
they're okay. they've had good songs like move but then bad ones like black magic which was overplayed even before its release. and I liked hair initially but then it got overplayed too and I really dislike it now.
Calum Pk7
5H are better
Iggy Azalea (watching x-factor mainly for her), Ellie Goulding, Calvin Harris (but I really don't like my way), Little Mix, Years and Years, Justin Bieber, G-Eazy and Tinie Tempah are probably my favourite artists . What about yours?
Well Taylor Swift is easily my favourite artist, but I also love: Jess Glynne, Adele, Justin Bieber, Zara Larsson, Hailee Steinfeld, Kygo, Tinie Tempah, One Direction, Ariana Grande, David Guetta, Coldplay & many others. :)
Sunshine Gal
really? and yes, he notched his blazing trail before the hot 100 started in 1958. that year is when he was inducted into the army. his red-hot period would be 1955-1957.
I'm surprised it took this long for James Arthur's cover of "Impossible" to re-enter given the huge buzz around his current #1.
Sunshine Gal
hey buddy! :P
Congratulations to James Arthur on 3 weeks at number 1. Still not sure on his new song but it`s impressive how he is still selling so highly. Also happy to see the chainsmokers back up there challenging as i still really like Closer.
Good to see Ariana Grande continue to climb and see Sia back in the top 5. Also very happy to see Bruno Mars in the top 10 as i really Like 24K magic. Also well done to Calum Scott who has one of longest singles in the top 10 this year with dancing On My Own.
Elsewhere, i`m happy to see Hailee Steinfeld climb. I think Starving could hit the top 10 next week. Also happy for NEIKED, really like that sexual song by them. And it`s good to see Controlla back in the top 40 as it hasn't got the airplay it deserves i think.
So overall, the top 10 is starting to get abit stale, but not a bad week on the charts.