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Official Singles Chart Top 40 on 08/3/1970

8 March 1970 - 14 March 1970

The Official UK Top 40 chart is compiled by the Official Charts Company, based on official sales of sales of downloads, CD, vinyl, audio streams and video streams. The Top 40 is broadcast on BBC Radio 1 and MTV, the full Top 100 is published exclusively on OfficialCharts.com. View the biggest songs of 2023.

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My lord cromwell


A good chart, the Beatles & john's plastic Ono band occupying the top 10 along with wacko jacko & co & canned heat! Some good tunes in top 50 Jimmy ruffin, white plains, the temps, Nilsson, Edison lighthouse, Bob & marcia, boris gardener, frank, vanity fare, jethro Tull, the tams, pickettywitch, the only drawback is that convicted Rolf Harris.