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Official Singles Chart on 23/8/1987

23 August 1987 - 29 August 1987

The Official UK Singles Chart reflects the UK’s biggest songs of the week, based on audio and video streams, downloads, CDs and vinyl, compiled by the Official Charts Company. The UK Top 40 is broadcast on BBC Radio 1 and MTV, the Top 100 is published exclusively on OfficialCharts.com. View the biggest songs of 2024 so far.


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Phil Davis


At 87, label doesn't mention 'AND LISA KEITH'.


Phil Davis


At 78, correct title is 'THE WAY THAT WE WALK'.


Institute for Music Research


No 30. Beggars Banquet BEG 195 is a 7" single, a-side 'Wild Flower', b-side 'Love Trooper'. This chart position was based upon sales of BEG 195 (7"), BEG 195P (7" picture disc), BEG 195T (12"), BEG 195TR (second 12"), and BEG 195C (Cassette single).

No 63. Beggars Banquet BEG 195D  is a four-track double single. Tracks: 1a 'Wild Flower', 1b 'Love Trooper', 2a 'Outlaw (Live)', 2b ''Horse Nation (Live)'. It was provided a separate listing under prevailing chart eligibility rules.


Al Swearengen


Pos. 63 (24) must be incorrect! Pos. 30 (24) is almost the same. So there must be a mistake and it goes up to next week