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Official Singles Chart on 28/12/1986

28 December 1986 - 3 January 1987

The Official UK Singles Chart reflects the UK’s biggest songs of the week, based on audio and video streams, downloads, CDs and vinyl, compiled by the Official Charts Company. The UK Top 40 is broadcast on BBC Radio 1 and MTV, the Top 100 is published exclusively on OfficialCharts.com. View the biggest songs of 2024 so far.


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James Taylor


How come Gallup did not put last week positions from 76-200 to the top 75 did CIN do the same in the 1990s thru to 2022. OCC should look at their mistakes and look at the exclusion rules and find records that did climb from below the Top 75.


James Taylor


fatback band I found lovin' & aled Jones walking in the air are both re entered the chart because they are the original singles that are now in the next 25 section of the singles chart.