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Official Albums Chart Top 100 on 14/6/2024

14 June 2024 - 20 June 2024

The UK's Top 100 biggest artist albums of the week, compiled by the Official Charts Company based on sales of CDs, downloads, vinyl, audio streams and video streams. View the biggest albums of 2024.

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Poor Kylie fans lose again. It appears Madonna was among the top 10 listened to artists in the UK last year even though she didn't have a new album out. It's almost as if Pension or that god awful Padam song didn't exist: https://www.musicweek.com/talent/read/ppl-ed-sheeran-was-the-most-played-artist-of-2023-in-the-uk/089977




David Bowie almost loses his 295-week top 75 run. Almost 6 years consecutively on chart includes the whole of 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 in the top 75.




I like Taylor but I'm disappointed here. Those last-minute sales from her really weren't necessary, especially when it meant denying an artist from #1 who she previously toured with. :/ 

Well done to Charli XCX and Bon Jovi on debuting in the Top 3! 




taylor, i hope you’re happy - you robbed your former tourmate of a number 1, with her best album since 2019. we were gonna see a photo finish but you fvcked up the good exhibition we were witnessing with your chart manipulation. i wouldn’t have been mad if bon jovi got it over charli because they’re legends and deserve their flowers - taylor is too, but this is just greedy and i’m burned out from her now. stop focusing on numbers and stealing your fans’ hard earned money and give others a chance. you just robbed an aoty contender. justice for brat.

someone get taylor a pint while she’s in the uk and ill get my swiftie status back ❤️