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Official Albums Chart on 22/11/2019

22 November 2019 - 28 November 2019

The UK's Top 100 biggest artist albums of the week, compiled by the Official Charts Company based on sales of CDs, downloads, vinyl, audio streams and video streams. View the biggest albums of 2024.

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Take that was #3 in midweek. why there is difference?




Great to see old school.artists such as Westlife, Celine and Take That in the top 5!!


thierry henon


Morning Dami! How are you today? Hope you had a great week end...Love Westlife, love Celine Dion!! So happy to see them both on the top of the charts!! Just checked the Billboard 200 and guess what? Celine Dion has scored another number 1 there!! Her first in 17 years...Well deserved but still over the moon!! Have a great day and a fantastic week...




Morning dear Thierry!! Woww, so good news to see Celine having a 1 after 17 years on the BB 200!! What an achievement!! Hope you really be ok and have a great week mate!




Boney M, Village People n Michael Bolton all doin Gold this week, good to see them in ere n all wot with all the rubbish we get from the male n female warblers in there nahadays.


thierry henon


DERMOT KENNEDY VS LEWIS CAPALDI?! i bought both albums as i really love that kind of music....Lewis is massive in USA and UK when Dermot is big in Ireland...VERDICT: DERMOT'S 2nd ALBUM is much better!! I mean, already OUTNUMBERED is an amazing song BUT ROME is even better!! i mean the whole album is just very good... Before that i listened to LEWIS...okay, i like some of his songs..but don't listen that much to his whole album...All the best songs have already been released as singles and the remaining songs aren't that good!! I mean DERMOT deserves much more success in UK !!


thierry henon


I was hoping to see DIDO back into the album chart with her deluxe edition...Shame really...Unfortunately, like EMELI SANDE, people seem to forget about these 2 talented women...They both were so huge at one time....


thierry henon


Now that Xmas is on the way...We always see Buble and his Xmas collection back into the Top 20....buy why not the amazing MARIAH CAREY??? I mean i like Buble a bit but Mariah's offering is much better!! I acn't believe her Xmas album never made it to the Top 20!! maybe her deluxe edition release this month will boost the sale...Hope so!!


thierry henon


I was hoping LADY ANTEBELLUM to get a higher position, like in Scotland: Top 10...They are massive in USA but never broke trough the UK market...shame really, they are so talented!!


David N'jama


That's because country music is not so popular in the European continent at large. They're just lucky to have a spot here TBH


thierry henon


Great to see SUMMER WALKER still in the charts...Was afraid she will be out of the Top 100 after a couple of weeks!! Like LIZZO, she is much more successful in USA...


thierry henon


LIZZO at 68...yeah, she is climbing back the charts!! I am still surprised her great album never made it higher than 40 in UK!!


thierry henon


I am so happy! I love that band...If Celine Dion would have been number 1, that would have been great as well!! As their 4 singles from the album didn't sale well in UK, but great in Scotland, i didn't expect the amazing Westlife to have another number 1 album!! Congrats guys, you deserve it