- LW: New
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 1

- LW: 1,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 112

- LW: 6,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 13

- LW: 5,
- Peak: 1,
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- LW: 3,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 21

- LW: 4,
- Peak: 4,
- Weeks: 2

- LW: New
- Peak: 7,
- Weeks: 1

- LW: 2,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 3

- LW: New
- Peak: 9,
- Weeks: 1

- LW: New
- Peak: 10,
- Weeks: 1

- LW: 7,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 4

- LW: 10,
- Peak: 3,
- Weeks: 51

- LW: 9,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 7

- LW: 8,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 28

- LW: 12,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 94

- LW: New
- Peak: 16,
- Weeks: 1

- LW: 14,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 136

- LW: 21,
- Peak: 5,
- Weeks: 100

- LW: New
- Peak: 20,
- Weeks: 1

- LW: 16,
- Peak: 3,
- Weeks: 10

- LW: 15,
- Peak: 5,
- Weeks: 47

- LW: 17,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 81

- LW: New
- Peak: 25,
- Weeks: 1

- LW: 11,
- Peak: 2,
- Weeks: 3
- LW: 20,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 6

- LW: New
- Peak: 28,
- Weeks: 1

- LW: New
- Peak: 29,
- Weeks: 1

- LW: 23,
- Peak: 2,
- Weeks: 264

- LW: 26,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 31

- LW: 31,
- Peak: 12,
- Weeks: 66

- LW: 27,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 805

- LW: 32,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 378
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- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 53

- LW: 37,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 76

- LW: 29,
- Peak: 8,
- Weeks: 5

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- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 35

- LW: 39,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 318

- LW: 33,
- Peak: 33,
- Weeks: 2

- LW: 99,
- Peak: 7,
- Weeks: 15

- LW: 40,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 52

- LW: 41,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 898

- LW: 36,
- Peak: 15,
- Weeks: 6

- LW: 44,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 910

- LW: 58,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 129

- LW: New
- Peak: 51,
- Weeks: 1

- LW: 65,
- Peak: 3,
- Weeks: 53

- LW: 45,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 277

- LW: 49,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 405

- LW: New
- Peak: 57,
- Weeks: 1

- LW: 53,
- Peak: 3,
- Weeks: 294

- LW: RE
- Peak: 4,
- Weeks: 7

- LW: 56,
- Peak: 5,
- Weeks: 151

- LW: 95,
- Peak: 11,
- Weeks: 131

- LW: 55,
- Peak: 5,
- Weeks: 147

- LW: 63,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 416

- LW: 64,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 317

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- Peak: 5,
- Weeks: 7

- LW: 61,
- Peak: 17,
- Weeks: 42

- LW: 57,
- Peak: 4,
- Weeks: 16

- LW: 52,
- Peak: 40,
- Weeks: 17

- LW: 60,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 32

- LW: 67,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 261
- LW: RE
- Peak: 5,
- Weeks: 12

- LW: 50,
- Peak: 11,
- Weeks: 5

- LW: 46,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 25
- LW: 68,
- Peak: 3,
- Weeks: 82

- LW: New
- Peak: 76,
- Weeks: 1

- LW: 71,
- Peak: 10,
- Weeks: 141

- LW: 78,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 257

- LW: 66,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 328

- LW: 83,
- Peak: 3,
- Weeks: 31

- LW: 81,
- Peak: 4,
- Weeks: 333

- LW: 80,
- Peak: 22,
- Weeks: 52

- LW: 70,
- Peak: 3,
- Weeks: 12

- LW: 85,
- Peak: 4,
- Weeks: 189

- LW: 74,
- Peak: 9,
- Weeks: 45

- LW: 77,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 24

- LW: 82,
- Peak: 7,
- Weeks: 11

- LW: 69,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 275

- LW: 89,
- Peak: 8,
- Weeks: 6

- LW: 76,
- Peak: 2,
- Weeks: 27

- LW: 90,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 210

- LW: 86,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 390

- LW: 92,
- Peak: 3,
- Weeks: 76

- LW: 91,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 58

- LW: 98,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 149

- LW: 96,
- Peak: 3,
- Weeks: 43

- LW: New
- Peak: 99,
- Weeks: 1
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After 2 years of retrospect, The Darkness must have been psychic with their ominously correct prediction :-)
John Leonard
Nice to see The Beatles back in the charts with four albums. They generally have two bubbling away all the time, that’s Abbey Road and 1.
Mika used to be king of the charts back in the day and now he debuted so low
thierry henon
Hi Dami! How are you today? Long time no speak...I know Mika no longer has much success in UK but he is massive in FRANCE!! If you check his chart history on lescharts.com , you will see how big he is still there...Have a great week..
Hi dear Thierry! Nice to hear again from you. yep! I know he's big in France but I wondered why he lost popularity in UK. Have a great week!!!
Lars Van Moer
Nice to see prog bands like Opeth (last week) and Flying Colors (this week) in the chart, with their varied melodic music
There mont kennedy was an indie singer since 2015. REcord Companies discover them one by one. I wonder who will discover justina Maria soto. Her voice is as strong as adele
I prefer Amy meself.
who is emmy?
jake pepper
The Beatles were promptly dethroned off the top of the albums charts after only just one week. It is one of the saddest state of affairs for hopeful Beatles fans. It is time they were officially removed and replaced with real modern talent.
Thanks for the info Sgt Pepper. Are you feeling good now that you said your 2 cents worth. First of all Abbey Road had its run at number 1 all those years ago.. At least 50 years after they formed and over 40 years after that they split up they are still hitting the charts with their albums unlike some of the so called modern talent who are gone after a few years. Beatles must be important if it drives people like you to write about them.
jake pepper
I see that you bypass the fact The Beatles were dethroned off the top of the charts in just one week. In the US, "Abbey Road" failed to reach to top. And yet, people like you still brag. Despite payola, sales for your aging heroes have been terrible. Hey clown, Apple should release another Beatles live recording to officially hear The Beatles sing out of tune, so we can all walk out on them.
Seriously you are a idiot. For someone who hates the Beatles you sure are going out of you way for them and keeping informed on what's happening. Who cares they were dethroned within a week on the top spot. You fail to see Abbey Road did very well when it was first released, and if it goes back on the charts some 40 years later, at the top spot even for a second, more power to the Beatles, and you will just have to it up. You really need to get a life. You are the one bragging like a spoilt bratty kid.. Grow up. The Beatles wrote a song about you,
no.... its not Sgt Pepper but rather that song" The FOOL on the hill.
Here is my advice to you. Better for someone to wonder if YOU are a IDIOT, and not speak, rather than you speak, and ALL doubts are removed.
jake pepper
Hmmmmm....reduced to calling names? Like The Monkees, Herman's Hermits and Dave Clark Five, The Beatles were just another manufactured boy band that somehow got lucky because of the services of Brian Epstein. He dressed them in little collarless suits as they lip synced on black and white television. They certainly were never a very good live band. They only did brief thirty minute concerts, but could barely stay in tune through out their performances. Of course, for the elegant man's expert help in making them famous, John Lennon agreed to a romp in the hay in Spain with his love starved manager. The two men enjoyed some eye popping whoopee as Johnny opened up more than his lonely heart. If they were as unbeatable as you claim, the four swinging mop heads would be able to hold on to the top spot for more than just one week. Instead, with loads of publicity, payola and the skin of Paul McCartney's sagging granny chin, The Beatles officially slipped down from the top spot after just one week and replaced by a modern artist. Actually, I believe the inspiration for the "Sgt Pepper" title song was a bottle of Dr Pepper. Didn't John and Paul write "The Fool On The Hill" about little Adolf? Oops.....Paul is on record as saying that his song, "Blackbird" is about African American gals. Sir Paul calls women birds. Nice, Of course, like Yoko and Linda, Heather Mills was also beaten by an angry puppet man. "Someone knocking that door, someone ringing the bell, do em' a favor, open the door, let em' in." 'She came through the bathroom window." lol.
I stand by what I said... You are a idiot.. The Beatles were not manufactured as they knew each other ( apart from Ringo) from school days and were doing gigs way before they became famous. Plus who cares if a group is manufactured. You are a Beatles fan living in the closet. You know so much about the Beatles because you love them, and spend your time doing research about them. I mean who does that on someone they hate. Or are you a weirdo.. Thin line between love/hate. You come across as a very very angry person- perhaps getting a "Life" might help...I know you will be getting back to me real quick as I am probably the only interest in life you have, apart from The Beatles off course:)
I like the Beatles music n all, iss worth listenin to all over again.
Naturally I agree with you :)
jake pepper
And I also stand by what I said. The Beatles were nothing but a manufactured sixties boy band that were easily copied by other British and American bands of the era. Actually, after doing research and listening to a wide selection of their work, I believe that they are perhaps the most grossly over rated rock band of all time. Not only are their songs cheesy, they obviously could not play their instruments. Their early stuff is laughable. "My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean" "Love Me Do" "Eight Days A Week" "She Loves You" "I Want To Hold Your Gland" and "It's Been A Hard Days Night And I've Been Sleeping Like A Log." Seriously? Of course, you should take your own advice, clown. They were also a terrible live band, judging by all their laughable live performances. Any teenage garage band could probably learn their acts faster than the sloppy Beatles. Their last concert in Candlelight Park, in San Francisco, in 1966 was especially embarrassing with fumbled notes and out of tune guitars. The Beatles were very unprofessional. Even The Monkees eventually learned how to play their instruments, and they were manufactured as a clone of The Beatles. I am definitely not angry, but I do not live behind fake publicity and payola of a bygone era. Most people were on drugs and their ears were clogged with excessive wax. Apparently, it was lower standards that welcomed the untalented Beatles with open arms and swinging wigs. Suddenly, full flying haired boys wanted be girly men because of The Beatles. May the truth someday set you free. Lol....
Beatles started off with great songs- which they wrote when they were very very young and their music developed. They grew with their music and fans. Yes they could sing. You just have to hear Lennon on his Double Fantasy album and his voice is incredible strong and deep. You are just jealous of the Beatles , and you with too much time on your hand, and spend your days reading up on the Beatles. . You know so many detail on the Beatles yet you dislike them. You go out of your way to read about them. .I don't think you are weird-I KNOW IT..
If Beatles were no good they would not of sold so many millions of records, and still selling.. Each time I read up on the Beatles it always says The BEST band ever- not ONE of the best. Haha must really get to you that they are forever being mentioned. Mentioned again too on the charts.. Rubbish them all you like but you can NEVER change the history of the Beatles, and unlike you, people will remember them 50 years from now.
Now repeat after me:
I Jake Pepper will always love The Beatles, they are in my blood and I will love them till I take my last breath. The greatest group that ever existed.
Haha see how I can control you..
Now quickly go and send me another nasty email concerning the fab 4:)
jake pepper
The Beatles started off not passing an audition and being rejected by a professional record label, clown. Those lads sung laughable ditties like "Three Cool Cats" "Hippy Hippy Shake" "Your Feet's Too Big" "I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate" and "Mr Moonlight." The Beatles only grew because of having doors opened up for them by their manager, Brian Epstein. He certainly had eyes for Paul, then Johnny. Those teddy boys sure would do just about anything to be successful. Later, Lennon wrote about their little romp in Spain, telling Epstein that "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away." The poor man was heartbroken that Johnny only used him like a mean woman. Of course, to hear John Lennon on his last album released while still alive, you have to also listen to the screaming Yoko Ono, Oh no....the home wreaking woman that kept Johnny from Julian and wore the pants in the relationship. Your dead idol was forced to be a house husband, too weak to be a real man. Ahhhhhh..... again, you should listen your own advice because I am far from jealous. Instead, I simply utter the honest truth. I do not wear rose colored glasses. Like many delusional fan boys, sales are always mentioned as a standard to which greatness is measured. If that was the case, such number ones as "Physical" "Bette Davis Eyes" and "Pac Man Fever" would be masterpieces of art. You read about The Beatles being "the best" ever because of constant hype and publicity. Certain aging hacks in the media love slobbering over the lovable old ham with the granny chin, Sir Paul McCartney. Apparently, you need to be told what to listen to and who to like. To many, The Beatles are grossly over rated. However, millions of folks that grew up on modern music of artists who are alive and making new musical memories today, have never heard of your self proclaimed fab four. Two of the members are long dead. Those mop heads broke up in 1970. (that is almost 50 years since they split, not 40) Time seems to breeze on by to mop head fanatics who seem to be clueless what year it is. Only real old fossils seem to remember the late sixties or "Early 1970." It is just about time for your nap, granny or grumps. Ahhhhhh....dreaming of those old days gone by. Liver spotted, balding skulls put on their Beatles wigs and bop those old heads, side to side, the horse hair brushing against the glazed eye. Look at that old packer go. He is definitely not half the man he used to be. Oops....why look at how the mighty have fallen. On the Billboard 200 album charts, The Beatles "Abbey Road" has dropped a whooping ten notches from #3 to #13 in just one week. Tears fall just like rain from sagging, wrinkled eyelids. It has already left the top ten in America. Sales have definitely been extremely disappointing for the desperate Apple records. Now repeat after me....we hate you Beatles, yes we do....lol.
If I disliked an artist as much as you do the Beatles- I would certainly not spend my time writing comments on them. I think you are a very strange man and you just keep talking rubbish and talking about Beatles did this Beatles did that blah blah blah and wont shut up.
I love the Beatles as you do, nice words huh..
Oh and FYI those record companies that did not sign up the Beatles- regretted it. You only tell half a story- bad side not the good but what does one expect from someone like you.
jake pepper
Hey clown, I would practice what you preach, hypocrite. The reason why things happened at all for The Beatles was because of Brian Epstein. The poor man opened up a lot of doors for your over rated band. I love the fact that I am merely rubbing your twisted mug into the dirt with true statements. Of course, record companies regretted signing the boy band to their labels. Because of the efforts of George Martin, he helped the mop heads sound fairly decent in the studio. They certainly weren't very good at performing live as it happens. Ahhhhhh....I see that you are ignoring their quick dip off the Billboard Album charts in only its second week. The US is obviously a tough market, but it is definitely embarrassing, especially to people like you, who are suddenly cut down to size, and forced to eat crow. Since you love to spew rubbish on other artists, you certainly do not like it when the tables are turned, do you, freak?
I see you're back from a temporary ban after spouting off about Madonna two months ago and here you are spouting off again and throwing insults into the mix. You really don't get it do you? Your inane comments are tiresome and I think I can speak for everyone that we're not interested in what you have to say. You come across as having a lot of anger issues perhaps a psychiatrist may help. Any sarcastic comment in response to this will prove what a complete 'clown' you really are.
jake pepper
I have no idea what you are talking about. I was never temporary banned two months ago. As for the rapidly aging granny Madonna, millions of folks are making fun of the old hag. It has been all over the social media for at least a decade. It has something to do with her inability to keep her clothes on and exposing her greasy armpit hair. Of course, I have no anger issues. That is just your imagination. I have every right to share my opinion as you do, clown.
Go take a look in the mirror and you will see a loser. You are just a ugly person inside.. Are you gay??
You seem to protest too much where Beatles are concerned and deep down you are probably attractive to them and hate yourself for it. But don't be as its nothing to be ashamed off.
I am probably the only person who talks to you. I have seen your other comments and you even upset people and you still do not think that maybe something is wrong with you. Not 100% there.
You need to go to your mommy and ask her to change your nappies as you are just a very overgrown baby.
If you love the Beatles with every breath you take write back to me and this will be proof. And you stupid moron the record companies regretted not signing up the Beatles, dummy cant read properly Have a nice life all by yourself.
Ha ha another person ( Vikingman) who thinks you are weird, Haha you stupid man no one likes you but hey we all love the Beatles. You are the hypocrite and now knocking another artist, to yet another person, and only seeing things from your point of view.. Gee wonder why no one seems to like you.. And banned also. Gee you really like pumping up your chest.. haha looks like you better go and take that egg of your face as you are looking pretty stupid. Jack Pepper is a loser. I think the Beatles wrote a song called Im a loser- maybe it was about you???
Gotta go loser unlike you I have a life..
Strange guy. Terrifying that people like him are allowed to roam free.
I think there is more to him- a very dark side.
jake pepper
Wow, someone is quite irate. The spewing insults only prove that you cannot dispute my claims because you know that every bit of what I said is the truth. I am currently married to a woman, so it is obvious that you believe that being "gay" should be some kind of insult. We all know that John Lennon teased his manager Brian Epstein and mentally murdered him by his cruelty. He tore the man's heart out and caused him to overdose. Brian Epstein was a lost soul as Lennon continued living as nothing happened. However, in 1980, Johnny had his "Instant Karma." It only proves that your idol was definitely not a man of peace, especially making fun of crippled bodies in wheelchairs. Of course, just because I do not wear rose colored glasses for your heroes, does not mean there is a total hatred of them. That would be not worth my time. Instead, I rather keep things real. I do not deal with fantasies and fabrications. Beatles fanatics tend to inflate claims that can easily be discounted. "Helter Skelter" and "I Want You, She's So Heavy" were not the first Heavy Metal songs, especially since Jimi Hendrix's debut came out in 1967. Besides that, Link Wray's "Rumble" Johnny Kidd And The Pirates "Shakin' All Over" and The Troggs "Wild Thing" were way before any song recorded on The Beatles "White Album." You clowns are still spreading falsehoods, which need to be corrected. I am definitely not all by myself if I am married. You are simply a hypocrite, and I have no problem with pointing those things out to you. I know the truth must hurt, but that is just too bad. Someone has to put clowns like you in their lowly places. Swam, you little toad. lol.
jake pepper
No, John Lennon obviously wrote "I'm A Loser" about himself. He beat women, teased his gay manager, abandoned his son Julian and let Yoko Ono control him like a slave.
jake pepper
Again, I was never banned. You should read what thousands of others say about the aging Madonna all over the internet. I simply agree with them. It is like going to a party and seeing your grandma french kissing your friends as she exposes her old body. It would be terribly embarrassing. Of course, I am going to criticize the old hag. She told millions of teenage girls that "Papa Don't Preach." Millions of unwed eighties girls had babies with older men because Madonna said it was perfectly fine. She has been a bad influence on the downfall of modern day society. The hag recently mentioned her desire to blow up the White House. She should be arrested for making a terrorist threat against the US government.
jake pepper
Actually, I am a very intelligent man, who knows the absolute truth about The Beatles. I laugh at the term, "pumping my chest" which definitely has a Brian Epstein/Lee Liberace connection. It seems that you enjoy implying certain things when Paul McCartney recently admitted that John Lennon yelled out Winston Churchill during chicken choking sessions. Of course, you can choose to ignore Paul McCartney's eye opening claims, but it is now a matter of The Beatles folklore. They should release the newly found dirty versions of "Do You Want To Know A Secret" "Please Please Me" and the raunchy, "I Want To Hold Your Gland." I can only imagine John Lennon in the crystal blue waters off the coast of Spain with the barrel chested Epstein at the beautiful beach resort. "Hey, You've Got To Hide Your Love Away." Johnny was so thankful that he got drunk and the two lovebirds woke up the next morning with sore cans. Didn't Johnny say that he was the egg man?
jake pepper Listen, man, everyone has an opinion, and so are you. Although I can agree on some of the tons of info you are mixing here, the truth is you are completely wrong about the music of the Beatles. Yes, John Lennon might have been gay and Paul McCartney might beat women..but in the end of the day it's all talk in the coffee shop. It's the music that matters. And The Beatles wrote the best music EVER. It's simple as that. "Hey Jude", "Let It Be", "Eleanor Rigby ", "The Long And Winding Road", "Yesterday"..etc. No-One can compare with this. And by the way, Paul McCartney have one of the greatest voices in the music, period. Have a listen to "Oh! Darling", "Monkberry Moon Delight" , or "Why Don't We Do It In The Road". ok. Be well.
WTF?!? I am replying to a specific person, but it turns out my reply goes to another one?? Anyway, Ginger, it was meant for the pepper guy. 👍
jake pepper
I appreciate that you have an opinion. However, Paul McCartney did mostly ballads mixed with soft pop and children's songs. I like rock.
Am curious. What makes you think that John Lennon was gay?
I also very much doubt also that Paul McCartney beats on woman. I say this because a friend's friend of mine went out with Paul as she said Paul was a gentleman. Pretty sure, if true, this kind of news would of been well known. I just do not think a persons character should be questioned unless we are speaking the truth, as people can and do sometimes believe every thing they read- regardless of who says it.
Dear Mr Pepper
Thank you so much for reaching out to Iconic Beatles.
Sorry for the late reply but your email was sent to the wrong department. In future please address the correct department that you are after, which is:" Help me if you can" to assure your email is not misplaced.
Iconic Beatles was established in 1964 and founded by the Beatles, who apart from the music that we all love and enjoy, they wanted to give back to the many millions of fans and to help them in any way they can.
I have worked for Iconic Beatles for 6.5 months as a therapist and am well respected within my field with 6.5 months experience. Reaching out to me for the help you so desperately need, I commend you. I just wish more people would do as you do and realise they need help when things just seem to get too much.
I have viewed your comments and must admit that you seem to have a lot of anger with in and I think it is great that you can at times, simply let it out. Trolling is something though that is not really a good thing to do as it can lead to people making a assumption about a person. I was very impressed that the Beatles seemed to influence you , more noticeable the song you've got to hide your love away, as in that song the word Clown was used and its good to see you also are using that word rather than a offensive one. I normally do not take on new clients especially if they do not need my help, but I am happy to say you are not wasting my time and I am sure after a few sessions you will be able to see things as they really are. Here at Iconic Beatles we never judge anyone- especially when a person is in desperate state of mind. When the Beatles established the company they made it quite clear to all employee's that no one was to ever be made to feel uncomfortable of or discriminated against, and that men and woman were equals, as their roles in life was also very important and this can clearly be seen by John giving up his music career for a number of years to be a house husband and be supportive of his wife, and Paul loving and marrying a woman who tragically lost part of her leg, as they knew that the outside of a person is not what counts, but how you are on the inside. I am 100% sure Mr Pepper that I can help you see the light, and replace that anger within you and replace it with love. I am very glad that you are keeping yourself occupied and doing lots research on the fabulous Beatles. This is very good therapy for you and you can also help yourself more by listening to some of the many wonderful songs that the Beatles sung. While listening to their music you can also try to meditate as the Beatles did this in India and apparently works wonder. I am slightly concerned though, about your wife, and your temperament. We must remember that at times some people cannot take to, being yelled at, by their husbands. Please do not take offence as I certainly am not applying that you mistreat your wife. I say this because, looking at your comments, especially towards woman you seem quite aggressive, and angry and I find it hard that you can switch to lets says another personality with your wife, and if you could, this itself might be a huge problem. Looking at your recent comments I can see this all started when The Beatles hit the top of the charts. Yes its true that the littlest things can trigger something inside you. I for now suggest you take a breath count to 10 each time the Beatles chart or simply do not engage in conversation with anyone who loves the Beatles. I do realise this limits you to people to talk to but there is a old saying: Keep your temper because no one wants it and until we can sort out your mental issues I suggest you try to help me in helping you.
Once again thank you for reaching out to me. Our session for now is over and please email me
anytime at IconicBeatles.com
Warm Regards
Penny Lane
Therapist/ Specialising Head of Mental State Of Mind
Mr pepper you can say all you want about the Beatles but it will get you nowhere. You are a troll and have you noticed that no one wants anything to do with you as you just seem to enjoy hurting people with cruel words then point the finger at Lennon for his words. You also twist things around to suit you. You try to make yourself look good and others bad. You wrote to me that I believed that being "gay" should be some kind of insult. Those are your words not mine. I asked you if you were gay, and I explained to you that I was asking you that as you seem so very interested in the Beatles- especially Lennon, and maybe found him attractive, and I then said there was nothing wrong with being gay. I think you need to see someone about the issues that you are having with the Beatles and with anyone who says they like a artist who is over 50 years old. All you seem to do all day is write comments to people, and you seem to think you know it all. If you are like this with strangers goodness knows how you are like with your family.. Each time you write you just keep repeating yourself and its always a negative thing about anyone and you finish it off with a lol which just gives me the creeps. Seriously I think there is something wrong with you. If you had any pride you would simply just stay away from making comments to people. If someone wants to say wow the Beatles are number 1 again, you need to chill out and not think that you must respond negativity . We have a right to our say without people like you putting down our favourite artist and you saying we are seeing things through rose coloured glasses and forever saying, you have no problem with pointing those things out to me. You also said we are spreading falsehoods.. You said I know the truth must hurt, but that is just too bad. Someone has to put clowns like me in their lowly places. Swam, you little toad. lol. (creepy)
OK Then.
Me To You. Do you have kids??
You to Me... Why are you asking Clown lol ?????
Me To You. Do you tell the truth?
You to me. I don't spread falsehoods-needs to be corrected????
Mmm I ask the above as if you do have kids then you will have to tell
them that there is no Santa, as this after all is falsehoods- your words not mine. You will also have to tell them there is no Easter bunny- except for maybe on a plate for dinner.
And no tooth fairy as that's another falsehood and we certainly cant have that..
Mr pepper are you smart enough to see where I am going with this. Or is it OK to lie when it suits the occasion.
Remember there is always someone smarter than someone who thinks they are smarter. I am not that person but you seem to think you are. I know the above will just go over your head and you will continue to be as you are as you thrive on this and this is probably your bad addiction, and no doubt you will quickly pick at what I said and again turn it around to make yourself look good.
jake pepper
You are comparing the legacy of The Beatles to Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the tooth fairy and the boogie man? I basically tell the truth that you seem to ignore by wearing rose colored glasses. Heather Mills claims that McCartney beat her during their brief marriage. John Lennon was also known as a violent woman beater. Yoko Ono even admits this. She also said that Lennon was a bisexual. Just because you rather believe in fairy tales, it has absolutely no reflection on me. I simply want to deal with the reality of their less than sunny legacy. Any good mental health professional would agree that it is unhealthy to put popular pop music stars on some kind of magical golden throne. You are taking what I do way too seriously because you are a delusional fan boy that likes to put down other dead artists, but pops a blood pimple when criticism is applied to your four mop head heroes. That is being a laughable hypocrite. You obviously do not follow your own advice when pelvis fans happened to comment. Like a pit bull, you viciously attacked them. As for my criticism of granny Madonna, she definitely does not count, but was allowed in the rock n roll hall of fame anyway. It is no skin off my can if you can't take the heat thrown back at you. The Beatles were far from perfect as well, clown. Your obnoxious behavior needed to be nipped in the bud by pure facts, which I gladly provide. Sorry, but no fabrications or fairy tales for me. I want to keep it as real as possible.
I have read your other comments about John Lennon on other sites and you seem to have a very deep hatred towards him. You make it so personal and I have seen other comments to people TELLING YOU to basically chill out. Now why do you not listen when so many people are telling you to go away. Now all of a sudden you say I am comparing Beatles legacy to Santa Claus. You fail to see that you said I are blind to the truth about the Beatles and yet it is OK to tell lies to children . A lie is a lie and you are the one who started all this. I do not care if John was gay, and do not listen to hear say. If you do listen to hear say then why do you not believe it when people tell you to get lost or chill out. Why are you always going to other Beatles site and leaving comments. I stand by what I have always said and that is that you are a idiot and you are way too obsessed about the Beatles- especially John Lennon. Get a life, take out your wife instead of sitting at a computer bad mouthing the Beatles. Oh and have you seen the latest charts. Haha your artist that you said has more talent that the Beatles have oh my gosh to number 14 while the Beatles are still in the top 10. Haha all that EGG on your face. You said John Lennon said he was a egg man well baby he now has put that egg right into your ugly face and I am sure you are very busy now with your hands taking it all off. Haha you stupid fool. I am having the last laugh. Enjoy your day and we will catch up real soon.
jake pepper
You've read my old Topix discussion persona of my criticism of Lennon? Actually, I've sympathized with John's family when Beatles fan, Mark David Chapman wanted to be granted an out of jail card. The reason certain people want me to go away is because the truth happens to be a bitter pill to swallow. No fabrications are needed by me. Again, I am not a delusional fan boy that attacks other dead artists. Olivia Newton John mocked the disabled, you say? I tried to google such event, but all I got was her breast cancer battle. John Lennon however, is on You Tube making fun of the cripples in wheelchairs, in the front row because Brian Epstein allowed them access to see the shows. I guess because some believed your half hour miracle band could heal them, it is perfectly fine to hurt the weak, lame and timid instead of being real men. It only shows that Epstein was a kind human being that did not deserve to be teased and used by a selfish John Lennon. He generally wanted the best for your heroes, but Lennon repaid him with teeth grinding cruelty. As for your accusation that any of these modern acts are my artist, I have to laugh, especially when it is yet another modern artist at number one. The Beatles "Abbey Road" has fallen to number six in their native country. You seem to have forgotten that the remix has dropped out of the top ten in America in only its second week. Of course, you know nothing about my wife or where I take her out for dinner. At least, I do not beat women like The Beatles do. Sir Paul McCartney is on record admitting that he called women, "birds."
Hi there. It was in a quite famous book in the 80's about John Lennon that has this story. It was concentrating on the last 5 years of his life.. 1975-1979 actually. Stories about young boys coming to visit him too often in his room. These stories were told by his housekeepers at the time. Anyway. Yoko Ono denied it. But she is such a lying witch you never know. I think the book was by a guy called Gouldman or something. A d about Paul McCartney I said "might" have done it just because he might have done it. I don't really care. That's life. More important is what your legacy will be for the generations to come. And McCartney is a gift from God, so I enjoy the fantastic music he gave all of us. The same with Freddie Mercury. Cheers.👍
Hey man, cool down. Troggs and The Pirates..you call this "heavy"? Heavy is The Beatles at the Star Club 1962 - the wildest brutal rock you will hear in a lifetime. By the way John Lennon was never my idol. Strange as it seems my idols were Elvis and Agnetha Faltskog. I loved them crazy. Anyway. I assume you must have a reason for hating Beatles, but man you are wrong with your facts. The things you say might went with somebody who doesn't have a clue what about is the conversation for, but we here are music lovers. Which includes real facts, not rumours or gossips. Be well.
jake pepper
"The Beatles At The Star Club" is heavy and brutal? I have the CD, and it's a pretty bad recording in performance and sound. However, I also have the amazing Jerry Lee Lewis with The Nashville Teens "Live At The Star Club." I believe it was recorded in 1964. It's in stereo from a superior sounding German soundboard. It is often hailed as the greatest live rock n roll live recording ever. It puts The Beatles to shame. It is definitely the killer at his blazing best. Hype does not always tell the truth. I have no idea who Agnetha Faltskog is, perhaps because I'm American. Again, I do not hate The Beatles. I just believe that they are over hyped and grossly over rated. I've already expressed my opinion, and have given straight up reasons why I have come to that conclusion. Obviously, I have given you all real facts. Just because you choose to not believe them is not my problem. The Troggs "Wild Thing" was later covered by Jimi Hendrix. Johnny Kidd And The Pirates "Shakin' All Over" appeared on The Who's "Live At Leeds" album, which is regarded by many as the most essential live album ever officially released by a legit record label. I could even pinpoint Roy Orbison "Pretty Woman" and The Kinks "You Really Got Me" as early examples of a heavy metal vibe. The Beatles were certainly late in the game on doing anything that could be classified as early forms of hard rock or metal. For that, you would have to go back to the late fifties, early sixties Link Wray, Dale And The Deltones and early surf music before The Beach Boys toned it down to light pop. You are talking to someone that loves real rock music, not manufactured BS that was tinkered down for mass acceptance like The Beatles or The Monkees.
jake pepper
I've posted you a reply, but it was removed. My guess is they believed I had touched the subject before. Anyway, speaking my opinion, based on actual facts, does not mean that I hate The Beatles. "The Star Club" boot is far from a live album. You are probably thinking of the Jerry Lee Lewis and Nashville Teens "Live At The Star Club" album, recorded in 1964. It is a superior soundboard recording of the killer in action. Elvis and Abba is definitely a strange mix. I am a music lover that loves rock n roll. Two other early examples of could be classified as hard rock or heavy metal are Roy Orbison "Pretty Woman" and The Kinks "You Really Got Me." Both were recorded before The Beatles "White Album." I am even giving you facts to back up why I have come to my conclusions, but you still feel that I am dealing with rumors or gossip. I think they are two different things. Just because you choose to ignore the what you rather not read, does not mean it is not the absolute truth. By the way, your opinion that Paul McCartney is the best singer or the best songwriter ever is yours. I have a totally different view. I do not need a critic from a magazine or book to tell me who is the best, especially since Paul's entire solo career is mostly lightweight with sappy elevator music. John Lennon was much better, but he simply ruined the top sales potential for his albums by allowing Yoko Ono to scream on many of them.
jake pepper
Whoa....Lennon often had young boys in his room? I've never read those accusations before. The only thing I did read was the vacation in Spain with Epstein, and how Lennon reacted to a reporter or disc jockey when he was confronted about it. The angry Lennon beat up someone smaller than him. I never would've believed that the late John Lennon was a late blooming . Heather Mills claimed that McCartney beat Linda often, which to be fair, was never proven. His marriages should be private, and to Linda's credit, she kept her personal dirty laundry a secret.
I never heard of Graham Gouldman so I looked him up. He was in a few bands( mainly 10cc) and also a song writer. He seemed to have connections to people , but nothing connecting him to John Lennon. Nor did it mention that he wrote any books.
But thanks anyway for getting back to me, much appreciated.
For some reason I cannot send my full replies to you. Having trouble last few days.. Lucky lucky you. Untouchable huh?They are pending(for the record no swear words/threats IN IT) and I did not realise it and sent another off and so on, and in honesty I really do not care. But.... if you do end up getting a few from me, don't go mental on me and think I have sent them off all at once. So instead left you the message below, because out of respect this is my reply to your message, and I cant be rude, can I. But first.... just want to clear up that thing with Olivia. Back a few moons ago, it was some what accepted, if you made fun of a disable and no one really said anything. Olivia did not do it out of disrespect as she is a warm soul person.. Now back to being mean. here is my reply to you.
A day In The Life Of A Pepper
Baby Pepper: Sniffing wailing softly
Mother: Honey what's wrong
Baby Pepper: Pointing at a boy who has a ice cream.
Mother: Oh sweetie would you like a ice cream.
Baby Pepper: Gimme chocolate???
Mother: Here you go honey!!
Baby Pepper: Looking at ice cream and sniffling..
Mother: Oh honey what is the matter.
Baby Pepper: Crying pointing to a boy saying his ice cream is bigger.
Mother: oh honey no its not it the same size.
Baby Pepper: Crying uncontrollably, no its not.. you are seeing things through rose coloured glasses.
Mother thinking.. gee I hope my next kid is not so bratty.
jake pepper
He meant the Albert Goldman book, "The Many Lives Of John Lennon." Myself, I've never read the book, but I read that Lennon damaged his little son's hearing very badly. I never knew the kid he had with Yoko was officially tone deaf. That definitely explains why his music . Poor kid. I always thought the neglected Julian had it bad. In fact, he was the lucky one.
jake pepper
Sorry for the repeat, but they did not let this through the first time. However, I did go and read their rules of conduct.
jake pepper
I thought maybe Olivia singing "Physical" (let me hear your body talk) was why you claimed she mocked the weak and timid. So you outright lied about Olivia making fun of the disabled? You spin around so many times, we should start calling you, "Dizzy Miss Lizzy." Hey, Ginger is "Mean Mr Mustard." Just a mean old man. It was never acceptable to make fun of the disabled, because anyone can have a terrible accident and wind up crippled for life. It happens. Actually, had he lived, John Lennon would have probably been in a wheelchair, his body twisted with drool dribbling down his plastic bib. Too bad Beatles fan, Mark David Chapman didn't aim higher to Lennon's brain instead of the back of his shattered heart.
jake pepper
That is funny, because "Help" was the title to the second Beatles movie, this time filmed in color. The soundtrack was great, but the movie was again, absolutely terrible. It reminded me of The Monkees silly television show. Ringo even sang a country song about being in the movies called, "Act Naturally" on the soundtrack album, which contained both "Ticket To Ride" and the British release of "Yesterday." Hey Ginger, do you know why The Beatles slept in beds that were cut into the floors? The four mop heads lived together in one room. Of course, The Beatles never pretended to be actors. However, Ringo did a few cult films. I remember the hilarious "Caveman" in which no one in the movie had even one line of dialogue. Ringo's co star was his beautiful wife, Barbara Bach. My wife is a good woman, but like every couple in the world, we can have an occasional spat. I do not beat defenseless women, especially ones with just only one leg. That was Sir Paul. Unlike Yoko and Linda, Heather Mills quickly contacted a divorce lawyer and your idol had to give her more than he did to Michael Jackson, who paid forty million dollars for The Beatles catalog in the eighties. Every single time Paul sang his own work live on stage, Jackson got paid. It was like he was his first ex wife. Hey Ginger, there is nothing wrong with cutting the baloney and getting down to the honest the goodness truth of the matter,
Yes, that's the book and the author. It has also accusations that some of the early Lennon compositions and in general some of his songs are stolen or "influenced" by some material from not-so-famous performers from the 50's. And that he was actually in love with McCartney, but because Paul was having none of it Lennon later turned his love into hate. And these are Yoko Ono's words. I mean she claim Lennon told her that. The same author - Goldman did a book about Elvis which by all accounts was quite scandalous, but I never had the chance to read it.
The problem with McCartney is, that he wrote so many songs it is in a way difficult to discuss it in a single conversation. People mostly say "Oh, he was the soft one", or "He wrote ballads". And then it's "Silly Love Songs", "We All Stand Together", and "Pipes Of Peace". I say to that F*CK IT. McCartney started his top level in terms of composing and producing in 1965. And kept it that way nearly 20 years. I mean Lennon had some good songs, but in the 70's he was laughable. Called a clown by the press and releasing albums that suited him and his Japanese thing. He was nowhere near the popularity or sales McCartney has with Wings. And then FBI or a crazy mf shot him dead and he became a legendary peacemaker and a prophet. Which is bullsh*t anyway. McCartney on the other hand made some fantastic albums and songs. Try "RAM", or "RED ROSE SPEEDWAY", or "VENUS AND MARS". F*ck the critics. YOU give it a listen and make your opinion. Or "Hi Hi Hi", "Get On The Right Thing", or "Wild Life". Nobody, and I mean NOBODY make songs like this. Phenomenal! And by the way what's the problem with the ballads? Elton John's best songs are ballads, so are Queen' or even John Lennon's.
jake pepper
Yoko has no problem exposing Lennon's skeletons in the closet, but neither does Paul. He claims that he and Lennon jerked each other off in several sessions, when The Beatles were just starting out. I could not believe that McCartney would actually admit to that embarrassing revelation while promoting his new album last year. I never really would have thought in a million years that Lennon/McCartney skimmed the idea of the two having homosexual experiences as a songwriting partnership developed. I always knew that their manager, Brian Epstein was gay, but assumed the fab four were straight and liked women sexually. Anyway, I know Lennon had a lot of anger towards his mother for abandoning him, but I think there is more dark secrets in his childhood we do not know regarding his involvement with other boys. Lennon was obviously angry at something, which explains why he could be so cruel to people at times in adulthood. Apparently, Yoko accepted John as he was, but she was never some innocent victim herself. I feel bad that her husband was gunned down in front of her, but that did not stop her from using his tragic death in her own art. I always thought that was strange, especially the "Season Of Glass" album cover. Yoko does not seem to care that most Beatles fans hate her. Albert Goldman was a writer that used his talents to go after dead artists that could not defend themselves. It's interesting to note that Goldman got coverage for his so called bio on Elvis when Rolling Stone publicized it in their magazine, but when Goldman's book on Lennon was published, not one peep from anyone in the media. To this day, information from his Elvis book is used in other Elvis bios as if Goldman's words are bond. The only reason Rolling Stone continues to build up The Beatles is because they are a liberal mag, still catering to the sixties culture. Because Elvis did not refuse to be drafted in the US Army in the late fifties, he is often labeled as a Republican, when in fact, he did not belong to any political party. Those clowns in the liberal media certainly do not like when their own heroes get trashed though.
No I did not lie about Olivia-unlike you I do not hide behind lies, its too hard to explain it all as I like to use right words not like you, who throws around the word mocking, and other stuff that so easily come from your mouth and making people look bad. You twist things around not me. You are the type of person who tells half a story, and the bad half.
You point a finger at John for being mean, and what are you- a saint.
Also concerning you and I. I am the leader, not you. Capiche… Twice now when I have come up with something- you have copied me. If you want to be a smart at least be original. like me, oh and Lennon.
Mr Pepper: Where r u going so early????
Wife: I'm off to work.
Mr Pepper: What do you mean work, you just finished your shift last night.
Wife: I'm doing a extra shift, Eleanor Rigby has a doctor's appointment today.
Mr Pepper: Jeepers woman, why the did you offer to do another shift?????
Wife: Honey with only me working and you refusing to look for work
I thought we could use the extra money...
Mr Pepper: Grrrr well I suppose breakfast is out of the question.
Wife: No honey- I already made your breakfast for you...
Mr Pepper: What u make ???? Better not be EGGS????
Wife: No, I made your favourite..
Mr Pepper: What time are you going to be home then?????
Wife: Actually I will be home around 7.
Mr Pepper: Well what bout me lunch grrrr..
Wife: Honey, can you maybe, just for once, make your own meal..
Mr Pepper: Woman, I'm too busy at the computer to fix myself lunch.
Wife: Are you kidding me???
Mr Pepper: Look clown, don't give me any lip, I get enough of it on line and don't need it here
Wife: Well then, I suggest in the meantime you snack on something till I get home from work, and cook your dinner..
Mr pepper: Are you crazy?? I cant wait that long. Snacks are rubbish. I need nourishment other wise I cannot function and think clearly mixing lies/truth on Beatles, especially that John Lennon, who last time threw eggs into my face when I made the slightest mistake. Took days to get that egg of me face. Grrrr
Wife walking off and thinking to herself, Mother was right, I did marry a loser.
I have the Jerry Lee album and The Who' as well. Great albums. Especially Jerry Lee's. But The Beatles at Star Club is the one. The quality is terrible on the original LP. But there are some newer (at least 3 different versions) cds that are quite improved concerning the sound. It's the rawest, brutal rock ever man. Give it a listen again. I agree You Really Got Me and All Day And All Of The Night is probably the earliest hard rock officially released. I never said it was The White Album that had the first hard rock. In my opinion I Saw Her Standing There is one of the greatest rock songs ever recorded, but it's nothing to do with the hard rock. Probably it's Drive My Car that was the first Beatles "give it a try" at something heavier. And Paperback Writer. I also don't consider Yoko Ono a human being. She is a golddigger with no scruples or feelings. She used Lennon for fame and money. She even tried to dump him in mid 70's. In his lost weekend she had a quieter one, but filled with one night standings desperately trying to find a rich man to marry her actually. I don't consider her an artist neither. Most of her "work" was stealing other people's ideas. Long story. And about Goldman you are right. I might still have a book about Elvis by a German author where on lots of occasions he was like "According to Goldman..", or "Goldman mentioned this..". Be well. P.S. I actually wrote you another email which was concerning Paul and John, but it was put on a hold by Official Charts for some reason. We'll see.
Read and Weep
A Day In The Life Of A Pepper
Man At Counter: Is that all.
Mr Pepper. Yep, that should do it. Mmm actually make that 2 lots whisky- lots me mates coming around tonight.
Man At counter: What's the occasion?
Mr pepper: Me birthday and invited all my closest friends around.
Man At Counter: Wow you sure went all out with all the stuff. Close Friends??
Mr Pepper: Yeah, the best, and tonight I want to show them what I really think of them.
Man At Counter: Yep I know what you mean, sometimes mates are the only ones who get you.
Mr Pepper: I'm with you on that one, that's for sure. I'm not a easy guy to get along with.
Man at Counter: Well I hope you have a great time tonight.
Mr Pepper: Thanks man, better rush home as party boy needs to be their before the guests. See ya.
Wife: Oh there you are- cutting it fine aren't you. People are going to be coming in 5 minutes..
Mr Pepper: Be back in a tick just gonna have a quick shower and change clothes.
Wife: Hurry up then..
Mr Pepper: Gee needed that shower. Hey has anyone showed up yet.
Wife: No- no one.
Mr Pepper: Jeepers they were meant to be here half hour ago.
Wife: Well honey its now 1 hour since we have been waiting- I don't think anyone is coming.
Mr Pepper: Gee you are so negative, always looking on the gloom and doom side..
Wife: Well its now 3hours and I am not waiting up all night. Unlike you, I have to get up to go to work..
Oh there's the door bell- can you get it. Goodnight I'm off to bed.
Mr Pepper: Pepper opens the door, and none of his mates were there, but one, that he often mentions. The Clown.
Mr pepper walking about thinking..
A clown ? Wonder what that's all about
jake pepper
Hey Ginger is a British chap. Pip pip,,,,do you look like that fat, greasy perv, Benny Hill?
jake pepper
Still no evidence that Olivia ever mocked the lame, weak and timid. I did go to some of her early video clips when she was still considered country music. That blonde, blue eyed gal could sure sing like an angel. She was but kept on all her clothes. Of course, I remember her from the movie, "Grease." As a boy, I sure had the hots for her. Why do you lie about someone who is now struggling with a deadly disease like cancer? Oops, those Beatles fanatics are supposed to be about peace and love. Hey Ginger, did you bite your mum when your head was spinning out of her womb? Again, you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to my life. All you know is that unlike your heroes, I do not beat women and tease a lonely gay man and cause him to commit suicide. That was John Lennon. Ahhhhh....Instant karma.
jake pepper
Paul McCartney's Wings and solo career is mostly filled with elevator music, but you do have the right to your opinion. There are some fairly decent Paul McCartney songs, but not whole albums which all the songs are great. "Band On The Run" is often stated as his best album, but to me, it never really catches fire. McCartney wrote songs that reveal so little of who is really is. He very rarely goes deep like John Lennon did. If you took Yoko off his albums, Lennon did write great songs that meant something. He was not writhing about his dog or little dragonflies. Most of McCartney's albums contain a hit or two, a decent album cut, and the rest are fillers. But back in the seventies and early eighties, McCartney could get away with those things because he sold on the strength of being a popular ex Beatle. Now that he is old, the media simply falls all over him regardless of how crappy his new music is, or how is aging voice is fading during his embarrassing live performances. Elton John had his ups and downs as well, but was able to make a huge comeback with a remake of "Candle In The Wind" for Princess Diana.
Hahaha what a fool you are..
For the tenth time dummy I saw Olivia in that interview, where she pulled a face after making a mistake and went drrrr (like she wasn't all there) and while doing this had her hand/fingers to her face and head tiled slightly... It happened in late 70s or early 80s. So doubt it is around... I don't care that you have not seen it, or believe me, or cant find it. It does not mean it did not happen.. My point was do not point fingers at others when you cannot prove it . Seeing anyone on you tube without sound and making faces and then people making comments of all sorts does not mean anything. Everything these days gets edited, for better or worse..That subject is now closed. You sure contradict yourself a lot. You are such a huge hypocrite.. So sorry that Olivia did not take her clothes off for losers like you who has to rely on the TV for any woman excitement .Poor Loser. Plus you just had a go about me speaking about her,( and not in a bad way) and you just degraded her.. So you obviously think when a woman sings she should be showing off her body, because you did say "she was BUT KEPT ON ALL HER CLOTHE" , and don't you dare say otherwise and twist it- because we both know what you meant by it. Hypocrite.. Your true colour starting to show, but do not worry , as I worked you out from the very start. Haha and you talk about other people. Music is for the ears, not the eyes dummy.. Mr pepper I want you to imagine and remember that each time you bag the Beatles or John Lennon and you" POST" it- its a egg to your face from John Lennon and The Beatles.. If you died tomorrow on your head stone will read: The Most Words he ever used was John Lennon and The Beatles.
You need to go back to nappies, as you still have some growing up to do. You are one of these people who runs to you tube for info, and if it is not there, well it must of not happened. haha what a sucker loser you are... So scary the world has people like you in it. We are doomed.. Oh and I almost forgot. When I get a message from you it goes to my JUNK mail .Haha so funny and true as your words junk..
Oh and you are not intelligent.. I don't mind feral animals but I cannot stand feral humans and that is what you are. FERAL.
I know what you're trying to prove. And in a way it's ok, because we are talking geniuses here. But I can't agree McCartney was writing about his dog or whatever. If you mean "Martha My Dear", he uses his dog's name to actually write another "You Won't See Me" or "I'm Looking Through You" about Jane Asher, but in a lighter mood. He did the same with "Hey Jude", supposedly about Julian but after the first lines it goes about himself really. I can hardly agree "Dear Friend" or "Wanderlust" or "Treat Her Gently" being elevator music. Come on, man. You know what I mean. Lennon on the other hand (for me) was making albums with a couple good tunes, a couple descent ones and the rest filler. I mean what you must do with "Intuition" or "Hold On John" or "Going Down On Love"..I mean the songs he wrote surely meant something to him but in a way I might be not interested exactly about his conditions and feelings about the Japanese. I mean, the music is supposed to touch in a lot ways. By its melody or arrangement or words. And his post-Beatles songs are like a one chord half ideas with good or great text. But in the music like art, the most important is always the melody. Remember that. It's simple as that - McCartney wrote the best melodies. And sometimes great words to it. I mean I still can't believe how was one able to put so much meaning (the words I mean) and to literally make you cry in a 2 minute epic what "Eleanor Rigby" is for instance. Lennon with all his countless efforts never managed to do that. (I tell you an interesting story. Lennon claimed he had written at least half the text of Eleanor Rigby. Pete Shotton, a childhood friend of John was present at his home when McCartney brought "ERigby" and played it to the rest of The Beatles on piano. He hasn't finished the text though so he asked the others for any ideas. Ringo and George came up with a couple of lines. Lennon's contribution to the text was zero, according to Shotton. So, there you go.). I'm not trying to diss Lennon. But he was so blinded by his envy of Paul that not on one occasion he actually lied about his contributions to McCartney's songs. And in the same time telling other lies about Paul's contributions to his songs! I mean it wasn't Paul's fault that Lennon choose Ono instead of Beatles. 👍
The remake of "Candle In The Wind" was so embarrassing, man. I wish he never did it. And Paul should have stopped touring right after the "Back In The US" tour. I believe he went into Elvis's shoes in 1977 for the last 15 years. Nobody dares to tell him the truth. Or he won't accept any truth.
jake pepper
Elton John's remake of "Candle In The Wind" sounds like the original, except it's about another dead blonde. Elton apparently became a lot more wealthier because the remake became one of biggest selling singles of all time. I don't like it better than the original, but that does not change the fact that millions bought the new version as a tribute for the late princess. Paul McCartney could never be in Elvis's shoes. The "Back In The US" cd is a terrible live recording of Paul going through the motions. He sings well enough, but it is just boring, a snore. As for Elvis in 1977, I suppose you mean the dreadful CBS Special where the lights where turned on in the arena. That was not remotely a concert Elvis would do in the dark. Like everything, because Elvis was a drug addict, his shows were either up or down. Elvis never lost his vocal ability, due to aging. He might have looked terrible, but at that point, it should not have been a beauty contest. Same thing with Jim Morrison of The Doors, who became fat and bearded. Elvis was only in his forties when he died. Paul McCartney is still doing shows because he is cashing in. He can make a lot of money because ticket prices have never been higher. You obviously forget that McCartney smoked pot for many, many years. Even though he quit years ago, it still damaged his vocals. Simply check out someone like Paul Rodgers, who is old, but can still sing. McCartney simply failed to take care of his voice. He is still performing because it is what he does. The public will still pay to see a diminished McCartney, and Beatles fans still cheer him on. McCartney has no one to tell him the truth, except Heather Mills. She's blunt....
jake pepper
Lennon was definitely the better songwriter, as even his rejects, "Real Love" "Free As A Bird" and the still un-issued "Now And Then" prove. I do not know why you would go with McCartney, because the evidence of his superiority just is not there. Even George Harrison wrote much better songs. However, that doesn't mean that McCartney got lucky with a decent tune on occasion. I would not have expected Lennon to have come up with any of Paul's granny songs when they were The Beatles. "Tug Of War" was an interesting McCartney album, but it had it's share of filler like "Dress Me Up As A Robber." Honestly, the stuff was/is really laughable. Lennon's worst was probably "Woman Is the N Word Of The World." Paul is still alive, so wanted it changed to McCartney/Lennon instead of Lennon/McCartney, We all know who was the better songwriter. Simply follow Paul's Wings and solo catalog. He might as well be a Muppet like Kermit and do another duet with Miss Piggy. I listened to George Harrison's "Brainwashed" last night. It definitely better than any McCartney album he has done in the last forty-five years.
jake pepper
Sorry, but lying about Olivia Newton John does not give you any real credibility. I spoke with the honest truth that she simply made it with her natural beauty and talent. She did not have to expose herself to get attention like granny Madonna. Hey Ginger, does your honker grow longer every single time you lie with your screaming mouth?
jake pepper
Why would I degrade a talented, blonde like Olivia Newton John? The woman does not scream for attention and exposes her sagging jugs like granny Madonna still does.
Mr Pepper
The way you talk in a abusive way just proves to me that you have problems. Do not point fingers at others, but look at yourself first. You are a ugly person on the inside, and a pathetic excuse for a human being.You seem to dislike older woman, but do not mind the young ones,( pervert) and commenting on Olivia, saying She was BUT kept on all her clothes. If you do not understand the meaning of BUT in a sentence then do not say it dummy. Maybe go to your, mommy, wife and they can explain it to you. Better still, every time you write something have a dictionary on your lap. Who cares what you think of anyone. You are just a sad loser.
. You and the truth are not friends. You are the one who has absolutely no credibility at all, and all you are good for is to hide behind a computer and throw insults. I can bet that when you are face to face with a real man or even a woman you feel very inferior. Dummy, remember the Beatles song, Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds and what some people assumed it meant. Well dummy here is a new one for you and I made it real easy. Simply read the first letter from each of the first four words only below, and hopefully you will stand by what I said..
Fox --- Unicorn --- Cat --- Koala ------ OFF !!!!!!
Here is a song that you will know
I look at the floor and I see someone has knocked you down, while my guitar gently laughs.. Now do the above and F off.
I respect your opinion even only because you apparently have a taste in the good music. But man, Lennon was never a better songwriter than McCartney. Not a chance in the Beatles' years and even a smaller one post-Beatles. I consider Harrison a better songwriter than Lennon after the Beatles split up. His music was deeper and more inspiring than the stuff Lennon did. "Real Love", "Free As A Bird", and "Now And Then" were never intended to be released by Lennon. They were recorded with the exact idea that McCartney had to "touch" them and most likely to be released by The Beatles in the early 1980s. Lennon had the idea to go back in England in 1981 and he was quite into the idea to reunite with his former mates. The tape with those songs had Lennon's handwriting "For Paul", which says enough. Another thing you might not know is that in the beginning of their recording career The Beatles actually had their compositions "McCartney-Lennon". The singles "Love Me Do", "Please Please Me", "From Me To You", and the album "Please Please Me" all have "McCartney - Lennon" written. And it was then that Lennon forced Brian Epstein to convince Paul that "Lennon-McCartney" is sounding better, just because the letters in the alphabet goes this way. Paul was promised that any time in the future he can have it reversed if he wishes. McCartney was not so reluctant but as I said he was pressured by both Lennon and Epstein. So he agreed. But the McCartney-Lennon thing is not something new. If you paid attention it was first on the "Wings Over America" album (1976) that Paul reversed the five Beatles' songs he did to "McCartney-Lennon" for the first time. And Lennon was still alive then. And didn't say a thing. Do you know the story that Paul was on a vacation once and by a chance in the hotel restaurant there was a piano, so Paul out of curiosity took a look at the pianist's sheet book or whatever is called. Imagine his surprise to see "The Long And Winding Road" by "John Lennon" because there wasn't a space on the list for more words to be put. So I agree with the man that whoever is the main composer of a song should have his name first on the list. "Tug Of War" is surely a great underrated album. And "Dress Me Up As a Robber" is a bit strange, but I actually like this song quite a lot. I consider it better than the others he did with that Latino (or whatever) flavor "Hope Of Deliverance" and "Goodnight Tonight". But it is the "McCartney II" album that really impressed me. So ahead of it's time. 👍
jake pepper
"Just Like Starting Over"
"I'm Losing You"
"Beautiful Boy, Darling Boy"
"Watching The Wheels"
"I'm Stepping Out"
"Borrowed Time"
"Nobody Told Me"
"Real Love"
"Free As A Bird"
"Now And Then"
I politely disagree that Paul McCartney was ever a better songwriter than John Lennon. I just don't hear it. Anybody can get a period where they have writers block. In Paul McCartney's case, that was most of his Wings material, and his solo career. "Coming Up Like A Flower?"
I Like Olivia.
jake pepper
My original reply did not make it past the censorship of the Billboard. I wonder why the truth must be kept under wraps. Why do you lie?Especially since Olivia Newton John is way older than granny Madonna, who still feels the need to expose her aging body to get attention. Hmmmmmm....I am surrounded by riches and wealth, you jealous little man. There is no bigger loser than you and the spittle that dribbles out of of your yapping mouth, to the smooth rawness of your sore, wet chin. Gobble gobble gobble...
You are Key Board Warrior
Do not believe what you read.. They seem to either contradict what they say and or have it in for certain artists. Anyone who deliberately goes out of their way to rubbish a certain artist, especially with such lies, has problems. I am not trained in mental health but it is clear to see that some artists simply live in some people mind 24 hrs 7 days a week. These people are crying out for help.
good to see Five Star back on the album chart,30 years since they last were!
Yeah them gold CDs are doin really well for all them great artists n groups, ere are Belinda is still oldin on at 72 with er gold CD n all. Who needs them ultimates when you've got gold on ere.