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Official Albums Chart on 28/10/1956

28 October 1956 - 3 November 1956

The UK's Top 100 biggest artist albums of the week, compiled by the Official Charts Company based on sales of CDs, downloads, vinyl, audio streams and video streams. View the biggest albums of 2024.

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Take a look at the 4/4/1959 Chart in OCC. Expand the Elvis Presley: Rock 'n' Roll at #7 - says it charted 7 time in 1956 (which i agree with) but they don't actually appear - yet again OCC don't have a clue.


David Sutton


Whoops! Problem here. Correct chart should be 1. King & I, 2. Haley-R&R stage shows; 3. Elvis, 4. Haley-Rock around the clock. There was only a Top 4. Problem is that it messes up the week count for subsequent weeks for Oklahoma and Carousel.




Hi David, I hope you are still registered on this forum.
I am currently trying to cleanse all the data from this website.
Where have you got your information from for the old album charts?
Were Oklahoma and Carousel definitely not in the Top 5 this week?




Hi https://disqus.com/by/disqus_ZHG7wlyetN/ @david
Hi @Da




Hi @Dhttps://disqus.com/by/disqus_jcVYYJTCaD/
Grrr! This interface is rubbish. I accept that I don't really understand all this tagging a @ usage but this forum doesn't seem to work very well.
Are you both still active on this forum?
I just went to look at David Sutton's profile and it said he had made 600+ comments but then it said he hasn't commented yet.


David Sutton


Hi Gareth. I'm not available at the moment. But will be next week, so I can take a look then. From memory I got the info from another web site some time ago. The site has been taken down now I think but was very thorough and reliable. I've found several mistakes (mostly in the number of weeks on chart) but gave up as I never got a reply. Delighted you are looking at it and more than happy to help where I can. Probably won't have internet access for a few days. All the best David


The Poacher




David Sutton


Hi Gareth. Finally got chance to look at these. The original chart site I
looked at was very reliable and it had the chart as Top 4 only with no
Carousel or Oklahoma. I believe it. The site is no longer available, was
made to stop when OCC took over. There is clearly a problem with the
OCC chart as it has two number 3, and Bill Haley's Rock Around the clock
appears twice at number 4 and number 5. To check it properly you can
try and get hold of Record Mirror at the newspaper library at St Pancras
or Boston Spa. Another source would be Sharon Mawer who in an early
version of the site did excellent articles on the history of the album
chart - she probably had access to the original charts. She wrote this
in 2007:


David Sutton


Found another source. Not saying where in case OCC close them down

too, which would be a shame as they are probably more thorough than OCC.

Their other weeks tie up with what I have. For this particular week

they have: 1. King & I, 2. Bill Haley R&R stage shows, joint

number 3: Elvis and Oklahoma, joint number 5, Haley Rock around the

clock, OST Carousel. So ties up with OCC apart from their duplication of




Hi David
I had a scan through the article. She certainly did write some informative stuff. I don't suppose you know how to get in touch with her? The link at the bottom of the article did not work - unsurprisingly after all this time.
I can't go to the effort of going to a library to check each chart. I need a simpler way. I thought I had an old book that was all the Top 40 charts (possibly Singles and Albums) but can't find it in the loft.
If you guarantee that the chart is as you say, then I can easily update my own database accordingly.
Someone else had referred me to the loadsamusic discussion forum. He had posted all the data for singles, albums and compilations, but I can't fathom it out. I managed to find the compilations data once - but not again. I guess that some people get used to such forums, but it all just seems like a mess to me.
I have almost completed my cleansing of all the data (up to 7 Feb 2020 chart). I will then create a process for updating future weeks' data on an incremental basis with reference to the existing set of all existing 'records' (unique entries on each chart).


David Sutton


Hi, I've got two sources of data, but there are slight contradictions. Do you want to email me on vinylrules@sfr.fr. OCC tend to close down other sites, so I don't want to put their links here. For 6 OCt 56, one has 1. Oklahoma, 2. King & I, 3. rock around the clock, 4: Songs for swinging lovers. The other has 1. Oklahoma, 2. King & I, 3=. Carousel, 3=. rock around the clock, 5= Songs for swinging lovers. I wish I did have a contact for Sharon Mawer, but I don't. OCC may have one (though it was a long time ago now).