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Official Albums Chart Update on 16/11/2015

16 November 2015 - 22 November 2015

The UK's midweek official Top 100 biggest artist albums, based on sales of CDs, downloads, vinyl, audio and video streams and other formats. Compiled by the Official Charts Company from Friday to Sunday.

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Pekka Sahlberg


I don´t mean anything bad about One Direction or Justin Bieber but...why are they so very popular at the moment? Their music is listenable and videos are OK but what makes their popularity so...overwhelmingly...you know what I mean. Is it just that I have grown so over these kinda things? U know I feel that it´s just the music that counts not the performer. I find that the best music these days is found on the club scene. Both UK and the US. This is just my opinion. U all may disagree with me!