ABBA could be releasing an entire new album

The group have been busy in the studio.


ABBA's recent stint in the studio could result in a full new album from the group. 

The quartet revealed back in April that they would be releasing two brand new songs - their first in over 35 years - to coincide with their ABBATARS project, a digital avatar tour set for 2019.

Now, it looks like an entire new album could be in the works. Speaking to the Evening Standard, Björn Ulvaeus said their time in the studio could lead to "a new album, possibly". 

"Or four songs or something like that – that’s possible,” he added, before insisting the band would not be touring. "But for us to perform on stage that’s just not going to happen. That’s a definite," he said.

One of ABBA's new songs titled I Still Have Faith In You will reportedly premiere on the BBC in March 2019. 

Ulvaeus previously described one of the new tracks as "a pop tune, very danceable," while the other is "more timeless, more reflective, that is all I will say. It is Nordic sad, but happy at the same time." 

ABBA's music has been back in the Official Charts this year thanks to the release of Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again. The group's greatest hits, Gold, is currently the UK's 15th biggest album of the year. See the full list of 2018's biggest records so far here

View ABBA's full UK chart history, which includes nine Number 1 albums, nine Number 1 singles, and the UK's second best-selling album of all-time.

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Gary Feld


So you have an up-to-date sales only figure for ABBA; GOLD at all?


Official Charts


Hi Gary, we do - we'll be posting a fresh list of the biggest studio albums of all time in line with National Album Day on October 13.


Gary Feld


Fantastic news! I hope there will figures of sales only within, as well as streams-added totals?


Gary Feld


But this isn't a studio album :( you didn't


Gary Feld


But ABBA GOLD wasn't one of them :(