Number 1

- LW: 1,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 10
Number 2

- LW: 2,
- Peak: 2,
- Weeks: 2
Number 3

- LW: 3,
- Peak: 2,
- Weeks: 10
Number 4

- LW: 7,
- Peak: 2,
- Weeks: 4
Number 5

- LW: 4,
- Peak: 4,
- Weeks: 2
Number 6

- LW: 5,
- Peak: 5,
- Weeks: 2
Number 7

- LW: 6,
- Peak: 6,
- Weeks: 2
Number 8

- LW: 9,
- Peak: 8,
- Weeks: 2
Number 9

- LW: 10,
- Peak: 9,
- Weeks: 2
Number 10

- LW: 8,
- Peak: 8,
- Weeks: 2
Number 11

- LW: 17,
- Peak: 5,
- Weeks: 5
Number 12

- LW: 25,
- Peak: 12,
- Weeks: 8
Number 13

- LW: 12,
- Peak: 12,
- Weeks: 2
Number 14

- LW: 16,
- Peak: 2,
- Weeks: 17
Number 15

- LW: 13,
- Peak: 13,
- Weeks: 2
Number 16

- LW: 11,
- Peak: 2,
- Weeks: 4
Number 17

- LW: 22,
- Peak: 3,
- Weeks: 14
Number 18

- LW: 21,
- Peak: 7,
- Weeks: 4
Number 19

- LW: 23,
- Peak: 10,
- Weeks: 3
Number 20

- LW: 24,
- Peak: 19,
- Weeks: 5
Number 21

- LW: 20,
- Peak: 6,
- Weeks: 6
Number 22

- LW: 15,
- Peak: 15,
- Weeks: 2
Number 23

- LW: 38,
- Peak: 23,
- Weeks: 3
Number 24

- LW: 18,
- Peak: 18,
- Weeks: 2
Number 25

- LW: 27,
- Peak: 14,
- Weeks: 7
Number 26

- LW: 14,
- Peak: 14,
- Weeks: 2
Number 27

- LW: 26,
- Peak: 5,
- Weeks: 9
Number 28

- LW: 29,
- Peak: 4,
- Weeks: 15
Number 29

- LW: 19,
- Peak: 19,
- Weeks: 2
Number 30

- LW: 33,
- Peak: 9,
- Weeks: 9
Number 31

- LW: 31,
- Peak: 7,
- Weeks: 16
Number 32

- LW: 30,
- Peak: 5,
- Weeks: 14
Number 33

- LW: 32,
- Peak: 6,
- Weeks: 18
Number 34

- LW: 28,
- Peak: 28,
- Weeks: 2
Number 35

- LW: 42,
- Peak: 35,
- Weeks: 4
Number 36

- LW: 44,
- Peak: 36,
- Weeks: 8
Number 37

- LW: New
- Peak: 37,
- Weeks: 1
Number 38

- LW: 35,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 21
Number 39

- LW: 34,
- Peak: 24,
- Weeks: 4
Number 40

- LW: 40,
- Peak: 20,
- Weeks: 7
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At least Ed Sheeran can actually sing, unlike 90% of the trash on here.
Simon Flynn
What should happen as said before, if a song has 2 positions one for the sales chart and one for the naff official chart, then count the highest position so as when you click on the artist, let's say Sia, her last 2 have made the top 40 in sales but not in the other one. Vice versa if a song peaks higher in the non sales chart then treat it the same and which ever one spends the most weeks on chart count that number ( for the weeks on chart tally only). Steps should be credited with 7 on their profile not 37. This is the injustice part, I have no problem with 2 singles charts it's just that one is ignored when it comes to cataloging, it is not unofficial and very easy to do. They are too lazy to do it. Back date and repair the injustice now!
Lots of people in the comments using the word "interesting" about why the chart priority should change. I heavily disagree: the charts weren't made for the purpose of being interesting, that's just a side effect at times. Their purpose is to be relevant to their respective time period in showing what was most popular and making the most money. Streaming, like it or not, makes labels and artists money, and in the case of blockbuster acts like Ed Sheeran it comprises a giant proportion of that money, and the charts indeed reflect that with accuracy (what with the annual recalibration of the formula). Compromising the chart's integrity and relevance (which I feel this chart has done a good job of avoiding through the decades) solely to pander to those who want an exciting chart? That'd be selling out in my eyes.
James England
Rime, the simple fact is the OCC run the official UK SINGLES CHART. Singles are not an entire album! Ed Sheeran has not released 16 singles in 2017 - FACT - and yet the OCC is content to ignore that fact and classify them as singles. Until the OCC change the name and rules of the chart... it remains broken and without integrity.The OCC has done NOTHING to make the chart fair.
I've finally found the smoking gun to inter this argument, and it's chart week 10/6/2007. The rules established earlier in the year changed the Singles Chart to a Songs Chart, and because of it, a gaggle of High School Musical songs were able to debut on the chart despite (obviously) never getting single releases. There have also been other occurrences from that era like Leona Lewis getting several album tracks on the chart and Amy Winehouse getting a non-single upon her death on the chart.
You've had a decade to complain yet only now that album tracks are actually successful do you try to mount this argument. I'm pretty sure we passed the metaphorical statute of limitations a long time ago. Face it, the "Singles" in the name is simply an antiquity and the chart remains with integrity as it has for the past decade and beyond.
Daniel Ayquero
I vividly remember having a good laugh at the state of the Billboard chart a few years back when a year with more than 10 numbers ones was a particularly 'dynamic' one. However, my laugh has gradually turned into a grimace cemented by last year's statistics in the UK. US = 11 No 1s, UK = 11 No 1s. I'm not saying that having 30 No 1s was completely regular, nevertheless, for me as a charts fan it was so much more exciting and much more unpredictable. Right now we are moving in the opposite direction. After last year's Drake debacle it's only a matter of time when the old records are broken. Not because a song will deserve it but because modern consumers of music are becoming lazy. No offence Ed, but your song will never be remembered as one of the biggest hits ever, even if it joined the elite club of 10+ weeks at No 1.
Remember when we thought a song was a bit stale after three months in the charts? Now it takes weeks to reach the top, then it stays weeks at the top and then it slowly fades away (usually another couple of weeks). This week's 'very current' chart has 15 songs more than 6 months old (before Ed's invasion it was 19 songs). In the 80s that could have been the time of the whole album campaign.
Sometimes chasing trends is the worst thing you can do. By trying to stay hip and cool you actually destroy decades of legacy and reputation. And I believe we are witnessing such a process. Not surprisingly, I'm more interested in the comment section than the chart itself...
Scott Harris
Did the people for OfficialCharts ever wake up one morning and think to themselves: "You know what? This streaming service really isn't helping the charts". I'm hoping they'll notice the complaints and change things back to the way they were when we had a new #1 song almost every week.
I Am A Stegosaurus
YES! Remember in 2014 when there were only like 8 songs that were #1 for more than one week? Sure it meant we had weird acts at the top like SecondCity and DVBBS claiming top spots but it would sure be worth it just to escape the tedium
Cliff Minors
Just seen the travesty that passes as the Official Top 100. This is a farce and sorry, the chart is now a joke. The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Cliff Richard, even Abba, NONE of these managed to have 9 songs in the top 10, and sorry, you're an OK singer, but nowhere near as talented as the afore mentioned! The day the charts died!!!
Thank god migos song was a flop here
I Am A Stegosaurus
But now he's putting shame on Calvin Harris
Dave Brown
Hmmm, 12 Ed Sheeran songs in the Top 20 but only 5 when Sales only. Steps at Number 37 in the "Official" Charts yet at Number 7 in the Sales Chart. The mouthpiece for the OCC said this Ed Sheeran fiasco was a "one off" last week - This proves this is not the case and the charts are broken. Whether or not you like an act such as Steps, how can a 30 place difference be acceptable? Situations like this stop any variety or interest in the charts anymore.
Painmix King
As i've said many times before Dave. If the OCC made the Sales Chart the priority chart it would be a lot more interesting
Carl Mefkintallica Foxall
9 songs by Ed Sheeran in the top 10 for a 2nd consecutive week The charts r a joke now
I Am A Stegosaurus
Anyone know who JULIA MICHAELS is and why she's in the charts?
Yeah, she co-wrote Selena Gomez's Good For You and Justin Bieber's Sorry. Issues is actually is pretty good song whose video I just saw yesterday.
I Am A Stegosaurus
Howdy everybody!
(Well, all the ups this week consist of songs I dislike falling, pretty much)
As much as I'm not happy with the uprising of Solo Dance, I'm happy it didn't hit the top 10. Maybe it will when the Ed Sheeran clears out, but leave the pain for another week.
Steps' new song was set to hit well high but did that happen in the end? Ha, no. Horrible group.
Skin drops out of the top 40, I'm glad, it's a boring song
Play That Song drops out of the top 409. THANK GOD!!!!!!
Oh, I've got one: Martin Solveig's new song nearly hitting the top 40. Not a great song but I like him in general so it's good to see him even NEAR the top 40.
Seriously, still 9 songs in the top 10 Ed Sheeran? Well it's not quite the same in the top 20, but still excessive and downright stupid.
Lack. Of. Movement. There's a reason I couldn't be ar$ed to watch the charts on TV this week.
Will be doing Ratings next week!
Couldn't agree more on Solo Dance ... that's my current loathed song on the OC Singles chart! :P
I Am A Stegosaurus
The genericity is haunting me
I Am A Stegosaurus
Probably my third most hated. Second would be Big For Your Boots (hate Stormzy) and most hated is Slide. I can't believe what Calvin Harris has done. "Thanks for supporting me over the years. Time to reward you with a new song - a generic hip-hop song that will have the US climaxing. Middle fingers up!" -_-
I didn't appreciate Big for your Boots either. Although, You Want Me would be my second most hated one. :P
I Am A Stegosaurus
You Want Me? Thought we were referring to just the top 40. But yeah, I hate that song as well
Actually, Bad & Boujee as well, but I'm glad I didn't as well in the UK as in the US.
Hey Synthesiza! I hope you've had a good weekend. :)
Well I agree with both of your 'downs', but not too many of your 'ups'.
I look forward to seeing your ratings next week! Here are my for now...
Great (5 points): #2, #3, #4, #11, #34
Good (4 points): #1, #8, #9, #16, #18, #28, #35, #37, #38
Decent (3 points): #5, #7, #13, #14, #15, #20, #25, #27, #30, #31, #32, #33, #40
Meh (2 points): #6, #10, #12, #17, #22, #23, #24, #26, #29, #36, #39
Bad (1 point): #19, #21
Awful (0 points): N/A
TOTAL SCORE: 121/200 (60.5%)
I Am A Stegosaurus
I'm not surprised you disagree with lots of my ups...
Haha! Yeah, I know we disagree on 'Skin' & especially 'Play That Song'.
I Am A Stegosaurus
Didn't know you like Skin but you always speak about Play That Song
I know I'm in a minority when it comes to liking 'Play That Song' & 'Skin' is only alright, but I prefer 'Human' a lot more.
as i wrote on Monday its Ed Sheeran's official boring charts
James England
True chart fans will never accept the current state of the charts! We shall never be defeated!!!!!
At least last week's generated some discussion, so we'll see if something is done to prevent a repeat of it.
Simeon Davenport
Sorry Jamie, you unfortunately will have to accept it. Streaming isn't going away from the charts anytime soon no matter how stagnant it makes the charts look. Streaming is the most popular way people consume music nowadays so the charts have to include that to stay relevant, otherwise the charts would be useless, even more than they currently are. Can you imagine today's chart using the tracking methods from 1965? It would only include physical sales. They already have a separate chart for that:
Welp, I guess the #1 song this week is actually David Bowie's "No Plan."
No! Digital sales beat physical sales by a long shot and they're a better reflection of the most popular songs consumed nowadays, so they have to be incorporated to keep the charts up with the times. Streaming being added to the charts is pretty much the same thing. To keep the charts from using outdated methods, they have to be added to better reflect what's popular now. And whether you like it or not, that's not changing, so deal with it.
Still think streaming being added to the charts is dumb? Watch this video:
This guy explains why streaming is added. He talks about the U.S. Billboard charts specifically, but what he says applies to the OCC too.
Also, you're always welcome to check out the SALES chart to see what the chart would look like if streams weren't added.
Have a nice day, Jamie!
James England
Another week marking the demise of the UK SINGLES chart. The most pathetic top ten in chart history.
What's happened to the chart - what's been allowed to happen - is a national scandal. Obviously there are more important things to worry about in life, but even so, it's a national scandal/disgrace what's been done to the chart and I don't care if the OCC mods delete this post. I'm merely expressing my honest opinion! So there! Ed Sheeran is off my Christmas card list too! :P
Simon Flynn
It's not Ed's fault and he is not the first person to dominate the chart, the weeknd, Rihanna etc etc. They need to re name it songs chart or simply scrap it and just have the album chart which is interesting.
I sometimes like to look at old charts, just to see what was popular at a certain point in time. So if someone looks up this week at some point in the future, let's say to make a playlist for some kind of party, they will find almost exclusively Ed Sheeran songs in the top 10.
Painmix King
Just make the sales chart the priority one. Only 5 Ed Sheeran songs in the Top 30. A lot more interesting
Painmix King
News on the ridiculous state of the charts.The trouble is according to wednesday's Sun newspaper, the charts boss has said "you shouldn't change the chart rules for extreme cases". Yet earlier in the article it says OCC bosses are discussing measures to stop this happening again. So what do you believe?
James England
Good question, Painmux! My guess is if Sheeran's tracks fill up the top 10/20 for over a month or so the OCC will take action. My other guess is due to the relationship between the OCC and Spotify, the OCC boss can't say in public: "the current streaming model is broken." What he thinks in private may be different to what he's said in interview!
The next few weeks are critical. If lots of new songs enter the top 20 we may see no change to the rules but if Ed Sheeran's fanbase won't give other artists a chance then it's time for change. Sheeran is entitled to chart success but it should be fair and proportionate.
Ugh, why is Sheeran still taking up 9/10 Top 10 spots?
Too much streaming of them ...
Simeon Davenport
If you hate the fact that streaming is incorporated in the charts, please watch this video:
This guy explains why it's incorporated. Even though he specifically talks about the U.S. Billboard charts, the same thing applies to the OCC too.
Another thing. According to HDD, ÷ had 304k combined sales for the week, leaving it at a total of 976k over two weeks.
One thing to look out for is what king of impact the songs for Drake's More Life might have on the chart next week. It'll be interesting to see how OC handles the album if it indeed happens to be as rumored, only available for streaming.
Sunshine Gal
drake's next album will drop next week in england?? what about for us?
2mor. It supposed to be a playlist. But what's not clear if they're be an actually album to buy or if it will only via streaming. I hope it's the latter which would allow some albums released later to have a real chance at #1. ;)
"Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran remains at number one on the Official UK Singles Chart on St Patrick's Day. "Galway Girl" (by Ed Sheeran) is at number 2- this morning Ed Sheeran announced that this is officially the third single from his latest album "➗", accompanied by a lyric video "Galway Girl" is a very Irish song and perfect for St. Patrick's Day. Galway is a city in the West of Ireland in the province of Connacht. It is the fourth most populous urban area in the Republic of Ireland and the sixth most populous city in the Island of Ireland. Galway will be the European Capital of Culture in 2020, alongside Rijeka, Croatia. This week Ed Sheeran holds the entire Top 3, and 90% of the entire Top 10. "Nancy Mulligan", a lovely song that tells the story of Ed Sheeran's grandparents, William Sheeran and Nancy Mulligan who met at the age of 24 several years ago, is at number 15 this week (it's actually track 15 on the album, or atleast on the version I have).
"Something Just Like This" by The Chainsmokers & Coldplay is at number 4. This song serves as the second single off the Chainsmokers' debut album "Memories...Do Not Open", and the first single off Coldplay's thirteenth extended play (EP) "Kaleidoscope".
"Scared of the Dark" by British group, Steps is at number 37. It's the lead single off their upcoming fifth studio album, "Tears on the Dancefloor". "Scared of the Dark" premiered on the Ken Bruce Show on BBC Radio 2 on March 9, 2017. It's a Disco song written by Carl Ryden and Fiona Bevan. I think it's a great song- for some reason it reminds me of the British reality show, "The Only Way Is Essex" which is currently in its 20th season.
Thanks for the update on Galway Girl. Nancy Mulligan does have some Irish folk music in it, although a different kind than Galway Girl's, but still that's the reason I also do like it.
I Am A Stegosaurus
It's the third single? Has it been released yet?
Sunshine Gal
hey what's up mates! ok this week's throwbacks will be for the uk boyband 5ive. :)))) i honestly didn't know who they were @ the time, but i kept seeing them on the bb charts whenever i do my throwbacks for that era. so, let's take a look and see how they did over here :), i'll have 'em up in just a sec ;)
I remember them from When The LIghts Go Out. Had no idea they were British ...
Sunshine Gal
5ive has earned 1 top 10 hit that hit gold here in the states, 'when the lights go out':
enters hot 100 on 6/6/1998 @ #64-57-52-44-29-19-15-15-10 *final peak*. will remain in the top 10 for 3 wks and will remain on the chart for 26 wks. here's the hot 100 top 10 the week 5ive peaked @ #10:
hot 100: 8/1/1998:
1. brandy & monica/the boy is mine
2. shania twain/you're still the one
3. usher/my way
4. sarah mclaughlin/adia
5. nicole ft. missy elliot/make it hot
6. puff daddy ft. jimmy page/come with me
7. next/too close *#1 hot 100 song of the year*
8. all saints/never ever
9. madonna/ray of light
10. 5ive/when the lights go out
ok, so looking on the chart run, not an unusual debut @ the bottom 50. song makes a steady 2 wk climb outside the top 40 and then we move into the top 20 in just 5 wks. so, in all that time, radio airplay is picking up, albeit slowly in the 2nd and 3rd week. but 5ive is earning more and more radio spins in the coming wks enough to land in the top 10 amongst very heavy competition!
with that week's top 10, too many top 10 mainstays for 5ive to compete with. 'the boy is mine' will lock the #1 spot for 13 straight wks, shania twain will lock the #2 spots a good 9 wks before floating up and down the top 10 for many weeks afterwards. also, 'too close' would've spent 5 wks @ #1 and remain in the top 10 for a good length of time and become the hot 100's #1 song of the year.
and looking back @ that week's top 10, it also shows how very diverse the top 10 used to be. for so many yrs since i've been following the hot 100, there was always something for everyone. but, i would've suggested to 5ive's label to hold back on the release of the single *for example, 5ive's single is released the same week 'the boy is mine is #1 in it's first week and wouldn't leave for 12 more wks., of course there was no way back then to project a song's lifespan anywhere on the chart* but to keep following the hot 100 for the next month and see how the top 10 is rotating. it's never a good idea to release a single, esp. with an unknown act, amidst other top 10 mainstays.
but great job for 5ive earning a top 10 hit here in the u.s.! granted, it was not the perfect timing amidst all the summer smashes we had during that time...but great job to 5ive! next up, let's take a look @ their album's chart run :)
To tell you the truth, I never really did like the song that much. It sounded too similar to songs of boybands at the time. But interesting that it managed to cross the pond and become a hit in the US ...
Sunshine Gal
i had to re-listen to it to remember it. it's a fun and catchy pop song, but looking @ the top 10 also shows how stiff the competition was. i do recall tracking the 'ray of light' single back then and remember brandy @ #1. i don't think i knew who shania was just yet, more towards the end of that 9-wk #2 run.
but see what i mean when uk acts try to make a splash here and the u.s. music scene has too many momentums going on @ once? and check out that top 10! now that's the way the top 10 is supposed to look like, a variety of genres and the best of each *just about* genre. ok, i'll have their album's chart run in just a few ;)
Yeah, that was a pretty good Top 10. My faves are Adia and Never Ever. Least favorite Make It Hot.
Sunshine Gal
'five' *debut u.s. album* enters the 200 albums chart on 3/20/1999 @: #194-163-127-95-27 *final peak*. album will go platinum and spend 54 wks total on the chart. here's the top 10 the week their album hit it's peak of #27.
200 albums chart 4/17/1999:
1. britney/baby one more time
2. tlc/fanmail
3. eminem/slim shady lp
4. andrea bocelli/sogno
5. the offspring/americana
6. shania twain/come on over
7. various artists/family values tour 1998
8. lauryn hill/miseducation of lauryn hill
9. nsync/*same name*
10. dixie chicks/wide open spaces
well, a solid effort for 5ive, but very poor timing on their label's part. too many times when i do these throwbacks, i see that the uk labels get very dazzled by high u.s. sales and throw their acts in the middle of all the commotion and hoping for the best. :/
with this week's top 10, too many huge sellers and momentums going left and right and everywhere else in between :D. britney, shania, nsync and the dixie chicks will all go on to diamond status *10mill.* and even past that *britney will go 14x plat, shania 20x plat. and d.c. 12xplat.* and with other huge sellers there: tlc will go 6x plat. *their comeback was big that year*, lauryn hill will go 8x plat. and the offspring will go to 5x plat.
during this era of huge sales, it would've been wise to hold off on introducing debut acts, esp. international ones, until the momentums cooled down that way the u.s. public and radio can get familiar with them. for example: britney's album will be in the top 10 almost that entire year straight! and tlc, shania, lauryn hill, nsync and the dixie chicks will float up and down within the top 10 and the top 15 for many mos. and that year, we'll see more future big sellers: bsb's millenium-13x plat., kid rock's devil without a cause-11x plat., destiny's child's 'the writing's on the wall-8x plat., santana's 'supernatural'-15x plat'.
but congrats to 5ive on earning a plat. album here in the u.s. and i encourage more uk acts to come to the u.s., but keep an eye on the bb charts first ;).
Sunshine Gal
i forget 'make it hot'....that wk my fave would be ray of light and then later on when i became a shania fan, i would really like you're still the one. ok, i got their 200 chart run up, tell me what you think :)
That's also a good Top 10 for the BB 200. Offspring, while not mainstream rock I was quite a fan of during the 1990s. Kind of known as the geeks of alternative rock.
Probably the only album that I don't recognize is Andrea Bocelli's although I'm familiar with his work. Slim Shady LP has been certified 4x platinum and debuted at #2 behind Fanmail. One obscure fact I just learned is there was a Slim Shady EP, which had only 500 copies made.
The fact that Five managed to go platinum with the album, having only a hit song shows how different it was then to accomplish the certification. I think we'll see less and less newer albums certified platinum unless they have hit songs to help them to get there. Certain genres such as country and rock will always be the exception.
Sunshine Gal
yeah but don't you think that was bad timing for a debut and unknown international act? i mean, for the 200 chart on 4/17/1999 when 5ive hit their #27 peak: #21 is will smith/big willie style-9x plat. and #23 is bsb's debut album just starting to cool down from 14x plat. :D i have to say, i might've held off on bringing 5ive here maybe after nsync's debut album's momentum cooled down?
oh i checked the hot 100 for the same wk 5ive's album hit the #27 peak, guess who was #1? 'no scrubs!' remember it being in the top 10 for a very long time? it's beyond obvious the uk labels back then only paid attn. to the u.s. sales and not focusing on how long albums/singles locked the top 20.
but yeah, too bad we didn't have comments back then on the bb site ;). around that time is when i became a dc fan. their 'fly' album will debut @ #1 later in that year, 1st country group to do so! remember it like it was yesterday :)
Well, maybe they were trying to take advantage of the boyband train that was going on at that time with BSB and NSync ... That's what I mean by When The Lights Go Out not really having a distinctive sound and sounding it could have been by any boyband at the time. Kind of similar trop pop trend we have going now. You take advantage of it while it lasts, because if you're too late, you're left out to not even to be able to pick up the leftover crumbs. ;)
Sunshine Gal
but in the middle of all that??!! i mean, the fact the album stalled @ #27 also shows how stiff and un-budgable the top 20 really was. but i gotta say, bringing an act just like someone else will never work ;). you really gotta be yourself. and plus, the teen girls really liked nsync, esp. jt...i would've brought 5ive over here right when nsync was falling out of the top 20-30 and keeping an eye on any future bsb releases.
i mean, it just seems like uk acts like 5ive, bb mak, cleopatra, westlife just got swallowed up and chewed out :/. @ least how i see it, just very bad timing and not keeping up-to-date on everyone's momentums back then. i mean, you and i both know it took the dixie chicks, britney, etc. 1 full year to reach diamond status and that's a good 1mill. albums each month for a year straight! so if the dixie chicks are @ 6x plat. and not budging out of the top 10 over the past few mos. as well as other big acts, i would've waited a lil' longer before bringing 5ive here.
I don't think they cared for whatever positions they actually reached in the chart, but the actual sales numbers. The fact that they reached platinum (that's in pure album sales) without reaching the Top 20 in the BB 200, shows how many more albums sold in those days. So let's say the album managed to sell 30-35k at its peak. That's more valuable then than the 3-4k or so that an album can sell at a comparable peak today in Top Album Sales.
Sunshine Gal
you mean the labels didn't care about charts and more about sales? i def. agree with that sentiment ;). the evidence is loud and clear :). the uk labels didn't pay attn. to both charts each and every week but would hear about about all the acts that sold millions in just a 1 yr period? it's too bad they didn't pay more attn. to the charts though, other uk acts could've done much better than they did 1st time around. and it would've given the uk labels and acts more insight on what's going on each and every week in the u.s. music scene
and yeah, those were the days, weren't they? :D and to think i thought going diamond back then was such a piece of cake :D i was so shocked the 'ray of light' album didn't go diamond and britney and nsync could :D.
Plus, you have to remember Five's album was released mostly for an UK public. Their success in the US was more a side effect or accident of sorts.
Getting diamond status as with most milestones is mostly a marathon race rather than a speed race. It's more of matter of being the Energizer bunny and keep going and going. That said, you have to remember that Madonna has been more successful in singles than in albums. Which is why Like a Virgin remains her only non-compilation album to be diamond, with the Immaculate Collection being her other one.
Sunshine Gal
oh really? i just assumed their label brought them here like the spice girls, to see if they could make it here. and yeah i know about madonna's diamond albums, bought both around those times :). what i meant, ray of light was such a great, innovative and ground-breaking album (still an all time fave of mine) but couldn't move past the 4xplat. mark. today, it'd be a miracle to sell 4mill. albums :D
ok buddy, i gotta get going, talk to you later! go blackhawks! *tight race between them and minn. for the top spot in western conference*
That album might have been ahead of its time but it still did much better than Erotica (too controversial) and Bedtime Stories. Enjoy your games and talk 2 u later! ;)
Hey Sunshine Gal! Nice throwbacks again. :)
I don't remember too much of 5ive's music, but it's cool that they had a Top 10 on the Hot 100. My favourite songs from the Top 10 that week were probably: #1, #2 & #7! :D
With the BB200, considering the likes of Britney & NSYNC were in the Top 10 back then, no wonder 5ive couldn't get higher than #27.
Over here, the group have had 11 Top 10 singles (including 3 #1s) & 4 Top 10 albums (including one #1). ;)
Sunshine Gal
well, back then i didn't know who they were :/ i might've heard their song on the radio, but as you can see with the top 10 and all thruout the hot 100, it was too hard to compete. and esp. with their album...but see what i mean? you and i both know that many uk acts struggle amongst the big sellers. if 5ive's label had brought them to the u.s. a lil' later, i think things might've turned out differently for them.
and that's great they had 11 uk top 10 singles, i believe that's more than bsb and nsync over here ;)
Yeah, like you said, it must've been hard for 5ive to compete with another huge group like NSYNC on the Hot 100 or BB200. Do you think 5ive would've had more success if their record label had waited to bring them to the US?
Also, believe it or not, but BSB actually have 16 Top 10 singles in the UK, while NSYNC only have six.
Sunshine Gal
oh mate, did you catch my response about letting you be the 1st comment on the 200 article just this once? ;D and yes, if 5ive's label had waited until nsync's album fell out of the top 10 and started falling down more then yes i think things could've turned out differently and better.
you gotta remember @ that time, nsync and bsb were on different labels *nsync would later sign with jive records, same label as bsb for their 'no strings attached' album* during that time, and when 5ive was on the bb charts, bsb's debut album's momentum was cooling down. rca *i think that's the label nsync had in the beginning* purposely waited until bsb started cooling down before releasing nsync's debut single. and same when nsync would sign with jive, jive records purposely spaced both acts' albums a good 6-8 mos. so as not to interefere with each other. and it worked!
Yeah I did, but you know I'd get there first anyway! :P LOL
So did you give '÷' another listen then? I'll still try to review each track later if I have time.
Sunshine Gal
hahaha!!! i still can't get over how i beat you to the uk article :D that def. is a rare occurence ;)
well, i haven't had a chance to listen to ed's album again, maybe later in the week. you know i'll be busy 2mor morning. plus i got college basketball, warriors and hawks all this week. anything cool going on with uk football? are playoffs coming up soon?
and did you catch the bb article about liam saying donald trump once told our 1D mates to leave his hotel cuz they didn't wake up in time to meet his daughter?? the absolute nerve! they were guests in his hotel for crying out loud!
I don't think that's ever happened before! :P LOL
Oh by the way, I think 'Galway Girl' has been announced as the third single from '÷' & Ed also released a lyric video for it. I honestly thought 'Perfect' would be the next single, but 'Galway Girl' is one of my favourite from the album, so I'm fine with that. :D
Yeah, I did hear that news about 1D & Trump. Have you heard any more news about Louis after he assaulted that photographer? :/
Sunshine Gal
come to think of it, i think you may be right, either it's been a long time or never ever that i beat your ar$e to the uk article :D. but i'll go ahead and let you be the first comment next friday in case i'm working on some uk throwbacks ;).
i'll re-listen to 'galway girl' and no, no more news on louis over here. it doesn't seem like a big deal, he may have to plead guilty and pay some kind of fine. but this past week, donald trump's been the main breaking news story. i can't get over how delusional and unfit for the job he really is :/. so, is ed gonna lock up most of the top 10 and 20 for this friday too?
You weren't the first comment though! :P LOL
Well a lot of critics have said that 'Galway Girl' is their favourite too! If you like folk music, then you'll love 'Galway Girl'. :D
As for next week, I think Ed will have 6-8 songs in the Top 10 & 10-12 in the Top 20, but I'll keep you updated on that prediction throughout next week. ;)
Sunshine Gal
well, i still beat you to it :D oh i'll be signing off @ 1pm *24 min.* my time for a lunchbreak, i'll try and come on before the hawks 4pm my time. if i don't come back, i'll be on 2mor after the rest of my housework :)
well, i thought his whole album was too folksy...but remember 'somebody i used to know?' it was different from everything else on pop radio and became the #1 hot 100 song of the year. i think for 2012.
will ed still be #1 on monday's hot 100?
I'll probably be staying on until about 5-6pm your time tonight! Are you going to be on much next week then? :)
Well I think it's good to have folk on the album; it's something different than all of the generic: pop, dance & rap songs we have in the charts right now. :P
Yeah, 'Shape Of You' will certainly be #1 on tomorrow's Hot 100 & that would give it eight weeks at #1 in the US! ;)
Sunshine Gal
yeah i should be back around 1:30pm-2pm we'll see. and yeah i'll be online this week. oh i see the 200 article is up, a lil' birdie told me :D i'll be there in just a sec :)
My thoughts & observations on the UK charts as always…
- ‘Shape Of You’ by Ed Sheeran has reached 10 weeks at #1 on the Official Charts. This means it now becomes the longest #1 single this decade by a British act, passing ‘Rockabye’ by Clean Bandit ft Sean Paul & Anne-Marie (9 weeks). I still consider ‘Shape Of You’ to be a good song, but I know I’m going to get tired of it in the coming weeks. I like Ed a lot, but time for someone else at #1 now. I can’t believe he has nine songs in the Top 10 again!
- ‘Galway Girl’ remains stationary at #2 this week & it is easily one of my favourite tracks from ‘÷’; the fiddle line, the rapping & even the Gaelic choir at the end of the song are all brilliant! This is probably the only song on the charts right now that has a chance to be the next #1 & I would love to see that. The only problem I would have with that is that it’s a non-single on a singles chart…?
- There were three songs entering the Top 40 this week & the first of them is ‘That’s What I Like’ by Bruno Mars at #35, who now has 16 Top 40s. I think the production generally works well, like the use of the snaps & horns in the hook. I’m not as into the lyrics though, which seems to be Bruno bragging about his luxuries & that’s not an impressive attitude. Overall though, this is still a catchy party song & I certainly wouldn’t it becoming a hit at all.
- The second new song in the Top 40 is ‘Issues’ by Julia Michaels, rising 44-36. Julia’s vocals are fine overall; solid in the verses yet strain slightly in the upper range in the choruses. Other than that, there’s really nothing to this song other than decent backing vocals & a gentle bass beat. I don’t dislike this song, but I wouldn’t choose to listen to it & I can completely understand why some people would find this boring.
- The third & final new arrival to the Top 40 this week is ‘Scared Of The Dark’ by Steps at #37. It’s the group’s first visit to the Top 40 since ‘Words Are Not Enough/I Know Him So Well’ hit #5 back in 2001. This new song of theirs is exactly what the Official Charts needed right now & it has all of the elements to an awesome 90s throwback! I especially love the piano line in the first verse & that build-up to what is a fun & dramatic disco-dance chorus & Steps did all of this by sticking with their original sound & not trying to sound too much like current pop trends. I expect it will fall a lot next week, or maybe even drop out completely, but the fact that a song like this can make the Top 40 in 2017 is amazing! Also, I’ll add that this would’ve been an awesome Eurovision entry!
- The biggest climber in the Top 40 this week is ‘Stay’ by Zedd ft Alessia Cara (38-23). It’s just a shame that Alessia Cara’s highest charting song here is one that is only alright, when she’s released others that are far better in my opinion. Another notable climber is ‘Solo Dance’ by Martin Jensen (25-12).
- ‘Chained To The Rhythm’ by Katy Perry ft Skip Marley is #1 on radio airplay for a second week.
- ‘÷’ by Ed Sheeran remains at #1 on the albums chart for a second week. The rest of the Top 5 is: ‘Human’ by Rag’n’Bone Man (stationary at #2), ‘x’ by Ed Sheeran (stationary at #3) & ‘Gang Signs & Prayer’ by Stormzy (3-4) & ‘Semper Femina’ by Laura Marling (debuts at #5).
- Looking into next week, we could see Top 40 entries for: ‘Symphony’ by Clean Bandit ft Zara Larsson, ‘Places’ by Martin Solveig ft Ina Wroldsen, ‘Best Behaviour’ by Louisa Johnson, ‘You’re In Love With A Psycho’ by Kasabian & maybe more.
- Overall, this week wasn’t bad, but we desperately need a change from all of the Ed Sheeran soon! Thanks for reading everyone & have a good weekend. :)
Sunshine Gal
hey mate, i was tech. 2nd comment :) is the uk chart already updated? and i'll have my throwbacks up in a sec ;)
I can get the comments thread up, but not the actual Top 100 at the moment. I posted the highlights of the Top 40 in my review though. What do you think? ;)
Sunshine Gal
oh ok, does the uk chart update the day after the article like the hot 100 does? i'll check it out...ok just skimmed on the chart, it hasn't updated yet, still the same chart from last frid. so, does ed still have the top 20 almost locked?
No, it's supposed to refresh when the countdown timer goes to 0. But they were a bit late today. :| Probably some technical issues ...
Sunshine Gal
well, lucky for me :D hey, i hope you'll stick around for awhile, i got another uk throwback ready, i'll have them up in just a few ;)
No, the article & the full Top 100 posts on the same day for the Official Charts.
Ed had 12 songs in the Top 20 & like last week, nine of them are in the Top 10! :O
Sunshine Gal
oh really? i guess they're running slow today, is it some kind of federal holiday over there today? or just everyone wearing green?
Maybe an early weekend start with a pint of ale to go along with it. ;)
It might probably a good month for Ed's songs to clear out. Although, the more I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised Galway Girl ends up being his next release rather than Perfect. The non-singles being on a singles chart in the OC was discussed a lot during the week at Pulse.
Regarding TWIL, I didn't take the lyrics in it seriously as I would normally in Bruno's other songs. Is not like he's trying to flash all his bling to call attention to himself, although he has expensive tastes it seems. Regarding Issues, I haven't heard the whole song yet I think I might like it and will make sure to watch the video now that it's out. ;)
I actually think I do like Stay, although it's clearly not as good as Here. And you already know what I think of One Dance ... :P
Stormzy's album tracks are starting to drop out, but in Ed's case I think it might take a good month or so for the same to happen. It seems that some of the songs that dropped when Ed's album tracks debuted last week might not return to the Top 10. Another side effect is Mr. Brightside hasn't been able to match that number of weeks charted in the Top 100.
BTW, Best Behaviour already debut this week and places rose 53 positions to #47 ...
Sunshine Gal
hahah! but isn't england 7 hrs ahead of us? i would think the article would be long up before you or i were on.
I've seen in the homepage maybe half an hour to 15 minutes before the actual charts are refreshed.
Sunshine Gal
oh usually piran's 1st, but i guess i got lucky today :D ok i'm ready for the throwbacks, brb ;)
Gui C.
Hi Piran! Very nice breakdown of Ed Sheeran's official charts lol. My first question to you, why you don't like the new track from Zedd & Alessia Cara's that much? I agree with that she has some more meaningful songs, but the vibes of "Stay" are really good. Also, what are your opinion on Zara Larsson's album?
Hey Gui! Thanks for the comment. :)
Well regarding 'Stay', I don't hate it, but it just does nothing for me & the drop is quite bad. Alessia's vocals & the lyrics are the part of the song I actually don't mind though!
I haven't heard 'So Good' yet, but I'll try to at some time next week. Do you like it?
'Perfect' sounds more mainstream than 'Galway Girl', but the latter will almost certainly go to #1 if it is released as an official single. To be honest, I think 'Galway Girl' could do it as soon as next week if it keeps its sales up! :)
I wouldn't expect 'Mr Brightside' to still be in the Top 100 to be honest, considering it was barely making the charts before all of the Ed Sheeran songs debuted. How many songs do you think Ed will have in the Top 10 next week then?
I saw about 'Best Behaviour' & 'Places', which is why I changed "Top 40 debuts" & "Top 40 entries" in my review. :P
Another edit I made was that 'Shape Of You' actually sold more than 'Galway Girl' this week! I made the same mistake as you did & not include the Stormzy remix... ;) LOL
No, I think it would only be a holiday in Ireland today & not the UK.
Anyway, sorry I'm so late back... I was having dinner! :P LOL
Yep, that's tricky business ...
For my guess, I hate to say that Solo Dance would enter the Top 10 next week :P and probably Chained to the Rhythm. So probably 7 with Dive being a sure song to drop out.
I think 'Symphony' by Clean Bandit ft Zara Larsson also has a chance to debut inside the Top 10 over here next Friday. Zara released her 'So Good' album today, so hopefully it can debut at #2 in the UK next week (I know '÷' will still be #1 though). ;) LOL
Sunshine Gal
in ireland today all the banks and stuff would be closed? well, i got my throwbacks up, tell me what you think when you get a chance :)
Gui C.
Honestly, Alessia's vocals are some of my favorite female vocals out of all this "new" singers as well as Dua Lipa's. And regarding Zara's album, I'm actually listening to it as I type this reply haha. To give you an honest opinion I will probably have to listen to it twice. However, Symphony is a very good track in my opinion as well as its music video and TG4M is also a good song. I'm a fan of Zara's vocals. For me an artist that sounds just as good (or better) live as in the studio deserves a lot credit.
Hey piran! any thoughts on us charts
I Am A Stegosaurus
Kasabian don't stand a chance of getting in the top 40
Dan Love
Galway Girl has been released as a single
Yeah, I saw that last night & I'm very pleased. I think it's awesome that Ed released it as a single & made a lyric video on St Patrick's Day too. What do you think of 'Galway Girl' then? :)
Yeah, all of those artists you mentioned are ones that I really like as well. Even though Zara Larsson is my favourite of the three (I saw her live at V Festival last year!), Alessia is underrated in the UK, so it's good to see her getting some chart success over here. :)
I really like 'Symphony' at first listen & it might even debut in the Top 20 of my personal charts next week!
Yeah, I think they do! I'll check out the 5ive throwbacks of yours right now & let you know what I think. :)
'Eez Eh' from their last album made it to #22 though.
Unfortunately, 'You're In Love With A Psycho' is falling fast in sales & will probably have no streaming, so doubt it's going to make it after all... :/
On another note, what do you think of 'Symphony' by Clean Bandit ft Zara Larsson?
Hey Shekar! I hope your weekend is going well. :)
Regarding the Hot 100, I'm happy that: 'That's What I Like' & 'Love On The Brain' are both Top 10 hits there. However, while I think the US are making better pop/R&B than the UK at the moment, their rap hits aren't very good, e.g. 'Bad & Boujee' & 'Tunnel Vision'. What do you think of these songs then?
I Am A Stegosaurus
Just cutting in... :P I think it's good but it really does not sound like a single
I Am A Stegosaurus
Eez Eh was before the streaming age I think. Symphony is good TBH, WAY better than Rockabye
I agree to be honest. 'Galway Girl' is one of my favourite tracks from the album, but I thought 'Perfect' would've been the next single.
Fair enough. Yeah, I really like 'Symphony' at first listen! It might debut in the Top 10 of my personal charts next week. :)
Sunshine Gal
hey good morning mate! it's 11am here, can't believe all the housework i got done this morning :D so, no 200 article? well, i'll be busy finishing up my cleaning 2mor so you can go ahead and be the 1st comment, i'll allow it just this once :D ok talk to your ar$e later ;P
Hey Sunshine Gal! Good morning to you as well. :)
I can't see that the BB200 article has been posted yet, but I think it might be up within the next hour. :D
I'll see you later! ;)
I Am A Stegosaurus
Exactly! Perfect has all the elements of a single. Also, I happen to like New Man
Yeah, because 'Thinking Out Loud' was so successful, it makes sense that 'Perfect' could've been too.
Simon Flynn
Does it matter what single he releases as all songs have charted anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dan Love
Not his best but it's OK
What is your favourite song of his then? :)
Hey delves ! Yeah I don't understand hot 100. bad and boujee and black Beatles both made it to #1 on us and bad and boujee didn't even make it to top 20 in UK charts and Beatles stayed at #4 did u heard drakes new playlist "more life " what do you think of it. Let me know
There's a few reasons I can think of as to why 'Bad & Boujee' & 'Black Beatles' charted better on the Hot 100 than the Official Charts; both are by US groups, rap music performs better there, both were made into memes which are also more successful there & YouTube is also a chart factor on the Hot 100.
I actually think 'Black Beatles' peaked at #2 in the UK though. Regarding 'More Life', I've not heard it yet, but I'll to give it a listen before the end of the week! :)
Gui C.
I really hope that Alessia's popularity will continue to grow. She has such a different voice and for me she is an awesome songwriter as well. On the other hand, I hope that this album will give Zara some boost in the US charts as well. In my opinion, it was a smart move for her to collab with David Guetta last year she he is such a respected DJ worldwide. However, both Alessia's (w/Zedd) and Dua's (w/Garrix) collabs got better returns as "future bass" is sort of a popular trend nowadays in EDM. "Symphony" will probably be one of my most listened songs this week. I really like the vibe and melodies of it. On a side note, do you think The Chainsmokers album will have as much impact as Ed Sheeran's had once it's released?
Yeah I forgot that black Beatles was on #2 on UK charts. give you're review on " more life " please
I'll try to give 'More Life' a full listen before Friday, but I'm only a few songs in at the moment & it looks like 'Passionfruit' is going to be the biggest track from it so far. What do you think of the album then? :)
So do u think passionfruit is gonna top the charts
I don't think it'll go to #1, but I could possibly see a Top 10 debut for it later. :)
Sunshine Gal
hey piran! *waves hi!*
Haha! The Top 100 never refreshed for me for some reason...
You still weren't the first comment though! :P LOL
Sunshine Gal
yeah but i got here before your ar$e did! ;P i still can't believe it, cuz i was also on twitter too.
Well, for some reason the OCC website was down earlier ... And they haven't posted the articles that come with the charts. Somehow they manage to post one about Disney movie songs in the Singles chart.;)
This will be the only week that it happens though! :P LOL
So when are you planning to post your throwbacks?
Sunshine Gal
i just got lucky, i happen to refresh the page right when the article loaded up :D
Can you still view the full Top 100 then? I can't at the moment... :/
So what do you think of the Official Charts this week then?
Sunshine Gal
hahah! well, you never know mate ;) maybe i'll let you be first comment next friday :D well, i'm still on twitter, but i'll put up the throwbacks in just a bit :)
Yes. When I first tried the old one appeared. But after about 5 minutes I refreshed and I could see it. ;)
Oh, I didn't know they didn't put the article in the front page of the website yet. :O
You'll "let" me be the first comment?! Aren't I usually first though? ;) LOL
Well my laptop is running slow today, so I'll try again!
I really wanted 'Galway Girl' to go to #1 with it being St Patrick's Day...
Sunshine Gal
that's right mate :). we'll see how i feel next friday though :D ok mate, i'm almost done with my other online work and i'll the throwbacks up in just a bit ;)
Sunshine Gal
oh really? piran is usually the first comment, but i guess i was faster than him :D
Well, as I said, with SOY having all those remixes, it seems unfair. : \ Did you see it was #1 for a second week in Dance Club Songs in the US? In that article they didn't even mention the Stormzy remix.
I checked. The article is not even in the OCs Disqus page either...
Sunshine Gal was for me, that's how i found it and saw someone had already commented. ok, i got 5ive's hot 100 throwback up, tell me what you think :P
I can imagine the Major Lazer remix would be far more successful in the US than the Stormzy one. Interestingly, the former hasn't been getting any huge support here at all...
Yeah, sorry again for keeping you waiting for so long! :P LOL
Well I'll look through the comments to see if I can find them.
Consider that the former one is much different than the original one, which is why it's best suited for clubs. :P
Haha! Speaking of clubs, I need to get going now.
Have a good night Techfan & I'll hopefully see you again over the weekend! :D
Sunshine Gal
that's ok mate, no different when i keep you hanging for like 27 min. :D
I'm sorry I missed talking to you. Have a great one! ;)
so the Ed songs are still there
Sunshine Gal
hey, i love judge judy!