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- Weeks: 3

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- Peak: 3,
- Weeks: 7

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- Peak: 24,
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- Peak: 1,
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- Peak: 15,
- Weeks: 13

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- Peak: 24,
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- Peak: 4,
- Weeks: 23

- LW: 38,
- Peak: 1,
- Weeks: 43

- LW: 40,
- Peak: 15,
- Weeks: 23

- LW: 51,
- Peak: 33,
- Weeks: 3
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I think top 100 (Stressed Out) should be above some other songs I think it should be near top 20
Calum Pk7
it came out nearly a year ago it reached no.12 in late spring of 2016 :D so the fact its still popular is good- its pretty old now!
yeah i agree with you but its still a good song so it should be a bit higher then its current place
Calum Pk7
Well, if you really like stressed out theres another song which has just come out called Weak by AJR. for me it sounds pretty similar. I like it, have u heard it?
Paul Hollingsworth
My top 10 new songs released on Friday which I hope make the chart next week.
1. Rag 'n' Bone Man - Skin
2. Zara Larsson - So Good
3. Martin Garrix - Scared To Be Lonely
4. Kehlani - Escape
5. Nelly Furtado - Cold Hard Truth
6. James Blunt - Love Me Better
7. Jamiroquai - Automation
8. Cazzette - Oceans
9. Major Lazer - Run Up
10. Goldfrapp - Anymore
I Am A Stegosaurus
Rather than Ups & Downs, I'm doing songs I like in the top 40 this week, considering every one else is :D
These are the songs I like: #2, #4 (somehow), #5, #8, #21 (even though I hate her as a whole) #23, #24, #25, #29 and #39. TT's new song should be pretty good but I ain't heard it yet. Still though, that's 10 out of 40., so at least a quarter of the charts are good
Nice! This would be my full opinion on the Top 40 this week...
Great: #2, #21, #23 & #24.
Good: #1, #4, #6 (only the remix though), #7, #9, #14, #16, #18, #19, #25, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33 & #37.
Decent: #3, #5, #8, #11, #12, #15, #17, #20, #27, #36, #39 & #40.
Meh: #10, #13, #22, #26, #35 & #38.
Bad: #34
Awful: #28
Calum Pk7
for me:
Amazing: #17
Great: #6, #10, #13, #24, #33, #35 and #40.
Good: #1, #2, #3, #4, #7, #8, #9, #11, #14, #16, #18, #20, #21, #29, #30, #31 and #37.
OK: #15, #19, #22, #23, #25, #27, #32, #34, #36 and #39.
Bad: #12, #26, #28 and #38.
Rubbish: #5
Which shows how happy I am with the charts right now.
And Piran, ur review looks nothing like ur chart. Paris was ur no1 and uve put that behind at least 4 songs. does that mean ur chart will change 2moro? ;)
So we generally seem to agree here then! :)
Regarding my charts & my ratings, both 'Castle On The Hill' & 'Shed A Light' will actually pass 'Paris' tomorrow. Even though '24k Magic' is in the great tier here, it would've easily been #1 on my Crown Note Charts if I started them a few months ago.
Calum Pk7
but do u still like it as much now? because theres songs lower down I used to like but don't now. theres actually not many songs I never like
I used to like '24k Magic' a bit more than I do now. However, while it would be much lower than 'Paris' on my charts tomorrow, I prefer '24k Magic' overall. :)
I noticed that you had 'Human' as rubbish. Why do you dislike that so much?
Calum Pk7
i dunno I just do. I don't like his voice and its kinda rock and I hate rock so yeah
Fair enough. I probably dislike 'Fake Love' & 'Bad & Boujee' because I'm not too into R&B/hip-hop as other genres.
Random question, but what do you think of country music? :)
Calum Pk7
not really sure. I don't really listen to it so I don't really know. I probably wont like it that much but I dunno ;)
Fair enough. I'm starting to become quite a big fan of it though, but we know that it never charts well in the UK.
As for next week's charts, it should be more exciting as we get more songs debuting! ;)
Calum Pk7
yeah- hopefully so good, not in love, scared to be lonely and run up will make top 40!
I thought 'Not In Love' would make the Top 40 this week actually, but I agree that it certainly will next week. :)
'Play That Song' by Train might have a chance too!
Calum Pk7
whats that? haven't heard of that before :/
Calum Pk7
anyway I'm currently working on my chart on crown note I'm doing a thing where I say each song's real peak and number of weeks on the chart (as ive had it way more than 2 weeks). I might not finish today but ill tell u when I do ;)
It's such a feel-good song, so I would definitely recommend it. :)
I need to check it's streaming figures later, but it's currently inside the Top 15 on iTunes!
Awesome! I look forward to seeing it. :)
Mine should be up by tomorrow morning & I'll let you know when I've posted it!
Calum Pk7
its not bad, it might grow on me ;)
I Am A Stegosaurus
Have you heard the Rudimental remix of Human? First GOOD remix I've heard in like 10 months (not looking at you, Kungs)
I Am A Stegosaurus
I've never even heard Fake Love, but Drake has been basically cheating by not posting his songs on Youtube just so everyone streams them, thus I've never heard it.
I Am A Stegosaurus
Ay, I should do this like once a month or something and structure it like you, I like your way of doing it
I'm pleased to hear that you think it's fine at first listen. Are you going to stay around for the Official Chart Update then? :)
Yeah, I have & I actually prefer it to the original! :)
Oh the original of 'Call On Me' would be in my meh tier by the way.
Calum Pk7
yeah when do they put that up?
I think everyone's tired of listening to Drake after he got 15 weeks at #1 with 'One Dance'! :P LOL
Well even though 'One Dance' was far too overrated, at least it had good production, unlike 'Fake Love'.
Thanks! I'm pleased that you like this idea. :D
It'll be published at 5:45pm today. :)
Oh I also updated my Crown Note Charts earlier today too. Here is my Top 40:
Calum Pk7
cool ill check it out! mine will be up soon too ill tell u when :D
Thanks buddy! I look forward to seeing yours too. ;)
Calum Pk7
I commented on ur chart on crownnote
Awesome! :)
Oh I just heard the update for the Top 10 on Greg James' BBC Radio 1 show... nothing too interesting in that region to be honest.
I Am A Stegosaurus
Yeah, even I like the Rudimental remix better, funny because first time I heard HumanI thought he sounded like the sort of person who would sing in a Rudimental song, oh and I've not heard the Call on Me remix
The 'Call On Me' remix is really good in my opinion.
Do you like Rudimental in general then? :)
I Am A Stegosaurus
Yeah, if you count them as a band they may or not be my favourite. Love Feel The Love, love Waiting All Night, love the Bloodstream remix...
I loved all of those too & I was also a fan of 'Right Here'! :)
I Am A Stegosaurus
Eh? Thought that was Jess Glynne.
Rudimental did a song with Foxes of the same name, but it only peaked at #14.
I Am A Stegosaurus
Oh, don't think I know that one
I think you'll like it. 'Right Here' by Jess Glynne was awesome by the way! :)
Calum Pk7
Piran, ive finally put my chart on crownnote! it took so long I'm sorry as ive had mocks to revise for this week and my computer always restarts and loses all my work. the real stats is done which took so long and ive also added a couple of extra breakers too ;) so yeah tell me what u think. I will do another on Saturday too- I'm not getting this far behind again. soz :D
Hey Calum! I hope you get good results in your mock exams. I actually have a few assignments to do over the next few days myself.
I'll check your Crown Note charts & comment there now! ;)
Calum Pk7
Calum Pk7
I'm looking forward to the charts 2moro! I sure hope all the big new entries from major lazer, zara Larsson, martin garrix and mo get in top 40! and I really hope major lazers album comes out 2moro- it was meant for January but is late. and theres at least 1 track with Camila Cabello on there maybe 2! :D
I think all of those artists you mentioned will probably get new entries in the Top 40, which means my review will be even longer than usual tomorrow. LOL
I'm definitely excited for Major Lazer's new album too! When do you think that Camila will release her debut solo album then? ;)
Calum Pk7
i think in the summer but dunno when. love incredible should come out in march/april I think (I heard it leaked on youtube but its deleted now)
Awesome! That'll be around the time of my birthday. :)
I found out that Hailee Steinfeld had a new song released with Digital Farm Animals today. I don't think it will debut in the Top 40, but I really want it to!
Calum Pk7
yeah my bdays in the summer too! and yeah I heard that hailee song on radio 1- its great!
I'm pleased to hear that you like it! Have you updated your Crown Note charts yet? :)
Calum Pk7
no but ill do it as soon as I can tonight hopefully ;)
I look forward to seeing it later or tomorrow! ;)
Did you see my Top 10 throwbacks of the week then?
Calum Pk7
sorry its late again but I put my chart on crownnote this week I will DEFINITELY do it on Saturday or sunday ;)
Haha! You said that last week. :P LOL
Just joking! I'll go over & check it out now. :D
I hope you've had a good week Calum! ;)
Calum Pk7
soz :/ ive checked urs too and left a comment
Calum Pk7
I have thanks. I'm just waiting for capital to announce the winner of best fans- do u know when they'll do it? hope camila wins- I saw on Monday that shes still winning bu I really hope she does ;)
I'll check their website soon & let you know! Does Camila still have a huge lead then, or it is slipping slightly. How's Taylor doing in that poll by the way? :)
Thanks! I responded to your comment. ;)
Calum Pk7
well, on Monday one direction were only like maybe 150,000 behind- both had 4 million. so its getting closer. taylor's never been in top 10, I don't think (but not absolutely certain) and it doesn't show below there- soz mate :/ I hope they announce it soon! cos roman's meant to announce it- its been an hour and a half! :/
Aw... that's a shame about Taylor not being in the Top 10, but I'm sure she will be next year after we get more new music from her! :)
Well Roman's show doesn't finish until 10pm & considering it's quite a big poll, he'll probably wait until the end of his show to announce the winner.
Calum Pk7
ok roman said theyre about to announce it!! SO NERVOUS!! turn on capital if u wanna hear- itll probs be within the next 10 mins!!
I've got Capital on right now! Let's hope Camila wins it then. ;)
Calum Pk7
yeah I really hope she does! I mean 2 poll wins in 7 months is great!
Calum Pk7
OK HERE GOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Calum Pk7
It sounds like Roman is about to announce it! ;)
Calum Pk7
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate one direction for this- ARGH!!! she came so close...
Aw... sorry about that! I was really convinced Camila would win it. :/
Well Camila & her fans should be very pleased with second; remember, this is before she's even released a solo single as a lead artist. I'm sure she'll get it next time! :)
You're probably getting the same feeling that I am every time Taylor debuted at #2 on the singles chart... :(
Calum Pk7
just that she can go to no1 one week later however this doesn't happen again for a year! ok anyway never mind- I mean one direction are a global force and will be forever so yeah.
Calum Pk7
good for camilas career tho!
Fair enough.
Yeah, 1D have easily been the biggest male group of the decade, maybe even the entire century.
Some good news about Camila though: 'Bad Things' kept at it's #4 peak on the Hot 100 this week & went atop the Pop Songs Airplay chart in the US! :)
Yeah, the fact that all of those people voted & that radio are supporting her like that is a good start for her! :)
Calum Pk7
that's cool!
Oh I just replied to you on Crown Note by the way! :)
Hey, you can always join me & Sunshine Gal on the Hot 100 articles every Monday night if you want to.
Hey Calum! I've noticed something strange on the Official Chart homepage:
An article has already been posted saying that Ed Sheeran's 'Shape Of You' has claimed a fifth week at #1, yet it's not midnight at the moment, so the songs should still keep being tracked for tomorrow's charts. The full Top 100 hasn't updated yet, but some of the Top 40 debuts & climbers have.
Anyway, it looks like 'I Don't Wanna Live Forever' & 'Be The One' are going to climb into the Top 10 which I'm very happy about. 'Big For Your Boots' debuting in the Top 10 though, not so pleased about that.
Also, Ed Sheeran's fifth week at #1 & #2 makes him break the record for the most weeks occupying the Top 2 by an artist. :)
Official Charts
Hi Piran, this was an update based on Thursday's sales flash that was posted in error. The updated story (along with the full Top 100) will be posted on Friday at 5.45pm :)
Thanks for the reply! I look forward to seeing the full chart tomorrow. :)
Calum Pk7
Oh piran, I'm gonna try and put up my latest chart on crownnote now. I'm really early!
Hey Calum! I hope your weekend is going well. :)
Well I'll head over to Crown Note to check out your chart right now. Did you see my Top 10 throwbacks of the week too? :D
Oh great review on the new Official Charts article by the way! ;)
Calum Pk7
no its not up yet but I'm doing it like it takes like 20 mins to do the stats thing and to type in all the songs. ill say when its done
That's fine! Well I look forward to seeing it. ;)
Calum Pk7
the chart is done! tell me what u think!
Awesome! Also, I should have a new #1 for the week after next. ;)
Calum Pk7
Digital Love finally made the Spotify uk top 200! its 193. hope it makes charts soon
Calum Pk7
I commented on the chart! I don't geddit tho- how can a song climb from 24 to #1 in a week? crazy ;) I mean up23 is my highest climber ever, by stressed out in march/april last year (35-12), followed by Faded up 21 (37-16) and Girls Like up 20 (27-7). all those were within 2 weeks last year! but having a large climber to no1 is unheard of in my charts (I would like up 2 is the largest climber to reach 1). but I guess it makes it all the more exciting!! ;D :)
Hey Calum! I'll head over to Crown Note & check out your reply. :)
Well here's the reason for that; most new songs are released on a Friday & I update my charts on a Monday, so unless I love the song at first listen, it probably won't debut in the Top 10. Most songs need to take at least a week to grow on me, so that's why they start off low in their first week for me & then climb a lot in their second!
Awesome! I think it might do what 'Starving' did & take a few weeks to become big. :)
Calum Pk7
hope so
Oh by the way, Hailee Steinfeld got one week at #1 in my charts in late 2015 with 'Love Myself' (actually debuted at #1!). Her other appearances are; 'Starving' (#2 peak), 'Rock Bottom' (#3 peak) & 'You're Such A' (#7 peak). :)
Calum Pk7
cool. shes only had starving for me (8 wks at no1) but the others are good too! what about nos and headphones? for me its like joint with love myself as her 2nd best solo track!
' Nos & Headphones' just missed the Top 40 for me, but now you've reminded me of it, it might just be able to reach a new peak soon! ;)
Calum Pk7
have u heard maroon 5's new song yet? it came out on Tuesday for some reason. it features future. its similar to don't wanna know in the way its like a grower. I like it!
Calum Pk7
and I love anne-marie's new song Ciao Adios too
Calum Pk7
this could be a really good week for new entries on Friday! so chained to the rhythm, solo dance has good streaming so might make it, and cold and ciao adios have strong downloads so at least the latter should make top 40! (as I'm not sure like 3 days is enough)
Calum Pk7
and digital loves back outta Spotify top 200 now btw ;(
Calum Pk7
AND theres a new kygo and selena Gomez song which sounds AMAZING!! and Bruno mars has a new song that's what I like which is gaining momentum! CRAZY week for new entries!
I haven't yet, but I'll certainly give it a listen soon.
I'm more excited for the new Kygo ft Selena Gomez song though. Apparently, Jax Jones said he is working with the latter artist too! :D
So where will we see 'Ciao Adios' debut on your next charts then? :)
Also, 'That's What I Like' by Bruno Mars might be heading for a Top 10 debut on my personal charts next Monday thanks to his Grammy performance!
Do you think 'Helium' by Sia can make the Top 40 too? That has very good sales (nearly Top 10 on iTunes). :)
Aw... I hope it re-enters again soon! I've not seen it on iTunes recently either. :/
Calum Pk7
never heard it but it probs will yeah especially as the soundtrack came put this week I swear so will get buys
Calum Pk7
both of those top 15/20
Calum Pk7
yeah it aint me's sick have u heard it
Loved it at first listen! I may need to hear it a few more times, but I think it could get at least a Top 10 debut on my Crown Note Charts for the Monday after next! :)
Awesome! Other songs that might go Top 10 in my charts soon are 'Chained To The Rhythm' & 'Love On The Brain'. ;)
Also, what do you think of the performers for the BRITs next week? :)
Some of the artists that have been announced so far include: Katy Perry, Emeli Sande, Little Mix, Ed Sheeran, Bruno Mars, Skepta & The 1975.
Calum Pk7
decent! but wheres camila cabello ;)
She could still be announced though. ;)
Even if she isn't, I'm sure 2017 is going to be an awesome year for her anyway!
Calum Pk7
hopefully ;)
Calum Pk7
I was joking anyway :D
Well she's popular on Capital, so maybe Summertime Ball? ;)
Calum Pk7
yeah quite probably ;) ill try and go if its at Wembley my dad works there ;D
Awesome! How many times have you been to Wembley before then? :)
Calum Pk7
4 I think. Senegal v mexico football Olympics 2012, QPR v derby play off final 2014 (I'm a QPR fan that was an amazing day), England v estonia euros qualifying last year (got those tickets free) and saracens v harlequins last year too. quite a lot I think! have u ever been before?
Cool! I've not been to Wembley before, but I have been to Twickenham once before to see England v Scotland in the rugby. I'll be seeing England v Italy there next weekend too! :)
Oh just as a quick update, 'It Ain't Me' by Kygo & Selena Gomez should easily be debuting at #1 on my charts for the week after next.
Calum Pk7
cool itll be top 10 for me defo. love incredible will definitely challenge for #1, it might not get there for a couple of weeks but itll get there in the end I'm sure. :)
Calum Pk7
oh piran just so youre ready the last 20 secs of love incredible are crazy. don't judge the whole song on that. camila doesn't do that bit. just so ure aware... ;) :):D XD:P all the faces possible ;)
Awesome! What's been Camila's longest #1 on your chart again? :)
I did hear a bit of it & it's not bad, but I think it might have to grow on me before I can say I like it.
Anyway Calum, I'll see you on the new Official Charts article later today mate! :)
Calum Pk7
well flex was 14 weeks and bad things 5 so far. that's all shes had :(
Calum Pk7
really? u don't really like it? oh ;( well I love it. I heard eds new song and its defo worse than soy and coth I think. itll probs grow on me but right now doesn't seem amazing
19 weeks is still very good though! Do you know which artist has had the second most weeks at #1 on your charts then? :)
Yeah, not really a massive fan at first listen, but I've said that about 'Black Beatles' & '24k Magic' before & ended up really enjoying both.
It's a shame that you don't like Ed Sheeran's new song though; I prefer it to 'Shape Of You', but 'Castle On The Hill' is still my favourite of the three! :)
Calum Pk7
not saying I don't like it, just dont love it. itll probs grow on me tho, like right now ive already forgotten the name and how it goes! ;) itll probs hit my top 40 but not top 20. shape of you still remains definitely my fave of the three!
That's fine! I might've asked you this before, but do you prefer the Hot 100 or the Official Charts right now then? :)
Calum Pk7
hmmm...well Justin timberlake has most weeks actually as mirrors was no1 for 2 and a half straight years!! but my chart was very static then; like the top 4 stayed same for like half a year!! since my chart had movement (2016 onwards), camila is the only artist to have 2 no1s. like cheat codes have hit 1&2, craig david 5,2,4&3... actually if features are included g-easy had 2 no1s in you don't own me and me, myself & I. however hes only had 3 weeks in those 2 combined. so id say its a tie between cheat codes and sigala (s3x and say you do) for 9 weeks each!
Calum Pk7
I don't actually know the whole hot 100 just some. but id say probs the official chart anyway- although bad things is way higher there. its gonna fall today aswell. ;( cos its now 25 on Spotify and 31 on iTunes. ;( ;(
Calum Pk7
love incredible 36 now on iTunes!! keeps climbing!! might make top 40 on iTunes next week if climbs further. sure hope it does!! even tho I'm not sure which will be no1 out of it and bad things... hmmm.
Do you think 'Love Incredible' has a chance at the Top 40 on the main chart though? :)
Yeah, it looks like 'Bad Things' has peaked in the US too, but it's cool that it reached #4 there. :)
Calum Pk7
yeah that's pretty good! I mean 16 is good too, I'm surprised it even hit there!
Calum Pk7
if it has good streaming. however, these days most songs except massive ones get popular on downloads first then streaming, so it may take a couple of weeks to hit even top 100. I hope quicker though! but big top 40 is enough to make my chart so the most important thing is that it hits one of them at least.
Awesome! :)
'Mirrors' was #1 on my charts for four week & then 'Not A Bad Thing' went to #1 for a couple of weeks too. :D
'You Don't Own Me' peaked at #8 on my charts, but 'Me, Myself & I' was at the top for one week early last year. Cheat Codes are a featured artist on 'Shed A Light', which has currently spent five weeks at #1 & 'Easy Love' was at #1 for Sigala for two weeks. ;)
Wow... Ed Sheeran's new single now has almost over double the sales of 'Shape Of You'! :O
Calum Pk7
cool! not a bad thing got like 15 weeks at no2 for me ;) it was static then. like ed's sing was the first song to break the original top 4 of mirrors, treasure, give it 2u and take back the night! that hit 2 in june 2014!! and I started a top 20 in October 2013 I think and it took about a month for that top 4 to begin! :) then not a bad thing was next no2, before staying on top 40 for over 2 years till late summer last year :D yeah, jt's last album was one of my faves! hope his next one is just as good!
I hope 'Digital Love' gains eventually, but right now it's still not charting on the Spotify Top 200. :(
Calum Pk7
actually yeah u remind me cheat codes have had a #1 and 2 #2s!
Calum Pk7
yeah ;(
Calum Pk7
WHAT?????? ok he is a superpower in the music world!!
Wow... you certainly liked JT a lot then! Well CSTF was my #1 song of 2016 by accumulating a total of seven weeks at #1, which is actually his longest #1 to date on my charts! :)
I can't think of a time when my chart was quite static, but there was a new #1 for like seven consecutive weeks throughout this time last year.
Yeah, he's just unstoppable right now! :D
I know this a very early prediction, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if 'Shape Of You' is the #1 song of the year for 2017 & '÷' is the #1 album this year.
Calum Pk7
cant stop the feeling hit #5 for me which is good, but it was by no means near my fave song of his. and tbh I'm really bored of it now. ;( I'm still working out my top songs of 2016 ill tell u when its done and put it on crownnote! I'm guessing cstf will be around 28/30!
Calum Pk7
what about his new song? yes divide will befo be biggest album- especially as it comes out early enough to get sales all year round!
What's the biggest drop that a song has had on your charts then?
His new song has a chance too, but I think 'Shape Of You' is looking more likely because it's the lead single. Will Ed's fourth album be called '-' or '='? I like his theme of mathematical symbols! ;)
Calum Pk7
yeah its pretty weird!! maybe have enough money to retire! who knows...
It was extremely overplayed, but it was such a great song in my opinion, that it doesn't matter how many times I heard it on the radio! ;)
I posted my Top 10 songs of 2016 on some of the Billboard articles back in December & I'll let you know if I can find them.
Calum Pk7
well after the afterparty fell 14 at xmas. xmas songs don't count tho as they always start low, climb high then fall loads again when 2017 starts! I had 2 xmas songs in my top 10 this year, santa tell me at #8 and all I want for Christmas is you at #10!
Calum Pk7
ok don't u remember? do u have a top 40 u can put on crownnote or anything?
Well Crown Note automatically constructs an annual leaderboard based on weekly charts, so my favourite songs of 2017 should be easy to determine. As for 2016, I'll try to add a Crown Note chart for that year when I have time. I know my Top 3 songs of last year were: CSTF (#1), 'Closer' (#2) & ITAPII (#3). :)
Calum Pk7
minell probs be flex, s3x and say u do but ive no clue what order! ;) I have my own points system and stuff!
Calum Pk7
solo dance didn't make the chart's top 40. ;( but ciao adios did ;)
Calum Pk7
will ragnbone man be no1
Calum Pk7
no- it would've been shock of the year if he was! even shifting castle on the hill is massive!
Yeah, I'd rather 'Solo Dance' made the Top 40 than 'Ciao Adios' did to be honest.
Happy to see Katy Perry debut at #7 though! ;)
Albums chart, yes. Singles chart, no. ;)
Did you see his album figures though? They were huge! :O
Calum Pk7
yeah I heard on the radio that he had 10 times everyone else in the top 10!
Calum Pk7
I said that literally 10 secs before greg announced it ;)
Calum Pk7
I like all 3. solo dance most tho
Yeah, he outsold the rest of the Top 10 & even had higher opening sales than '+' by Ed Sheeran & 'In The Lonely Hour' by Sam Smith!
Haha! Well do you think Ed Sheeran can replace himself at #1 on the singles chart next week? ;)
From most to least favourite, I would say: 'Chained To The Rhythm', 'Solo Dance' & 'Ciao Adios'. :)
Calum Pk7
for me, solo dance then ciao adios then chained to the rhythm. I think anyway. all 3 are gonna be at least top 17 for me tho
Calum Pk7
depends on if he gets 1 on streaming. if he does then yes. if not then he will have to keep up his amazing sales to make it. either way; ed Sheeran will be #1 next week I'm sure!
Calum Pk7
not X tho surely
I Am A Stegosaurus
I'm glad Not In Love didn't hit the top 40
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yeap.another boring chart
David Poza
Admit surrender. The charts are truly dead. Same songs in the Top 10, same 2 songs in the Top 2 (Grease and Father Abraham in 1978 comes to my mind), same bullsh*t songs popping up in the charts, songs that spend 3 years in the charts,... Music has touched its all time low (in chart terms, I mean). 2017 is the new 1976. The worst year in pop music. I am listening now to the 1975 charts, and although it was bad (Kenny was bad, Yin and Yan worse, Tammy Jones the worst!), at least there were songs going up and down, new songs in the Top 10 every week... Now? Just rubbish, rubbish, blandness, pop losers and computer generated "songs". Yes, modern music is rubbish.
There has always been bad music. And that's funny, you guys complain about songs staying here for awhile, and we have Americans complaining about the recurrent rule of their charts.
Painmix King
At least we got a range of different styles of music back then David
David Poza
Oh yea! In a week in 1975 we had post-glam of Gary Glitter, hard rock of Ian Hunter, country of Tammy Wynette, soul with Jim Gilstrap and the Moments, disco of Silver Convention, cheeky pop of the 10 cc, vocal pop of Tammy Jones and the northern soul of the Sharonettes and Frankie Valli; and a week later it would appear the sheer madness of Kraftwerk! Somehow, even if the standards were lowering, there was room for all styles, from wacky Goodies to serious Judy Collins. Now? Everything is uniform and boring and predictable.
Is being a hipster cool?
This week Ed Sheeran keeps the top 2 spots of the Official UK Singles Charts for a third week. "Shape Of You" remains at number 1 thanks to 56,000 downloads and 9.57 million streams. Meanwhile, "Castle on the Hill" remains in second place thanks to 46,000 downloads and 6.6 million streams. Ed Sheeran is at the peak of his career. He is one of the biggest pop stars in the world- he's right up there with Beyonce, Rihanna, Drake, Taylor Swift and Adele. That's very impressive for someone coming from the genre of folk music ("The A Team" was essentially a folk song).
"You Don't Know Me" by Jax Jones (feat Raye) rises four places to number 3.
"Text From My Ex" by Tinie Tempah debuts at number 35 this week . The track, which will appear on his upcoming album "Youth", marks Tinie's 23rd Top 40 hit.
"Solo Dance" by Martin Jensen from Denmark debuts at number 63. I don't like this song , I love it. I can't get enough of this song. Martin Jensen was ranked number 82 on the list of the 100 Best DJs in the world by DJ Magazine.
"Another Day of Sun" debuts at number 75. It is the opening number from the musical film "La La Land". The ensemble number portrays drivers in a Los Angeles traffic jam on a highway ramp singing and dancing about their aspirations to succeed in Hollywood. I like the movie "La La Land". The ending of the movie is spectacular- the ending itself is worth the price of the movie ticket. I want to watch it again before the Oscars.
I Am A Stegosaurus
Nope, You Don't Know Me only rose 1 place to number 3. The second column is last week's position, not the number of places they have climbed/fallen
Anyway, great week for Dua Lipa as "No Lie" reaches the top 15 and has yet to reach the top 10. And "Be the One" finally on the edge of reaching top 20!!! Also great week for Ed Sheeran as he hasn't been at NO. 1 & 2 for 3 weeks!!! And his longest number one yet, Can't wait for the album!!!! Also such a shame that there's no re-entry from Justin Timberlake with "Rock Your Body" as it had been on iTUnes chart all week. Nothing too special but still a great week. ANd also guess what I found??!!? MY Britney Spears - Bron to Make YOu Happy single in the back of the pantry, loll. Remember buying this about 15 years ago. Don't know what it wasn't doing in the back of my pantry.
Sunshine Gal
jt's 'rock your body' would've been on the uk charts this week?? wow! i was tracking that single on the u.s. hot 100 back then :)
Sunshine Gal
hey what's up mates!! ok for this batch of throwbacks, i'll have the bb chart runs for 3 uk acts that achieved success in the u.s. i'll have them up in just a lil' bit ;)
Sunshine Gal
rixton hot 100 'me and my broken heart': enters on 4/12/2014 @ #87-65-55-41-29-14 *final peak*. will remain on the chart for about 17 wks and will be #70 on the hot 100 year end list.
this was rixton's only u.s. single release, so let's take a look @ the chart run ;). so, the single customarily debuts @ the bottom of the chart (even big acts start @ the bottom, nothing unusual) jumps outside the top 40 in 3 wks. 2 decent jumps within the top 15, but as time will tell, it's almost never easy for international acts to compete with the current u.s. music scene. i do feel if the single had more promotion, it might've landed in the top 10. here's the top 10 the week 'me and my broken heart' hit it's final peak @ #14:
hot 100 5/7/2014:
1. john legend/all of me
2. pharell/happy *will become #1 hot 100 song of the year*
3. ariana grande/problems
4. iggy azalea/fancy
5. katy perry/dark horse
6. jason derulo/talk dirty
7. dj snake & lil' joh/turn down for what (i couldn't believe this was in the top 10!)
8. jt/not a bad thing
9. idina menzel/let it go
10. bastille/pompei
Sunshine Gal
rixton 200 albums chart: 'let the road' enters on 3/21/2015 @ #32 *final peak* and unfortunately can remain only 1 wk on the chart :/. this was their only u.s. album & here's the top 10 on the 200 chart that very same week:
1. kelly clarkson/piece by piece (#1 debut)
2. fifty shades of grey soundtrack (soundtracks usually do great over here!)
3. tay-tay/1989
4. drake/if you're reading this, it's too late
5. ed sheeran/x
6. big sean/dark sky paradise
7. maroon 5/v
8. sam smith/in the lonely hour
9. brandi carlile/the firewatcher's daughter
10. meghan trainor/title
hmmm...i would've advised rixton's label to hold off on an album release until they can notch a bigger hit. in this week's top 10, we have tay-tay and ed's albums (tay-tay will be locked in the top 10 for 1 full year and ed's right behind her just shy of a few wks of a full yr). granted, uk labels usually get dazzled by u.s. sales and chart runs and never really pay attn. to what's really going on in the u.s. music scene.
for example, both ed and sam are brits, correct? too many uk labels automatically think the same type of success can also happen to their other uk artists...it don't always work out like that. but with rixton's debut single peaking @ #14, i would've advised to do a follow up single to see if rixton can generate more u.s. radio and consumer interest and THEN release the album.
overall, too many albums in this week's top 10 won't budge outside the top 10 for many weeks, i say this was bad timing to release their album and obviously too hard to compete with the current crop of mainstream artists in the u.s...but overall a good effort! and hopefully more uk labels will pay more attn. to the u.s. bb charts and any momentums going on...and after that momentum dies down, THEN bring your uk act over here :D
Awesome throwbacks Sunshine Gal! I remember that 'All Of Me' took something like six months from debut to reach #1 on the Hot 100. The only song I really didn't from that Top 10 you posted was 'Turn Down For What'. Overall though, the charts look much better then than they do now! :P LOL
That was a pretty strong Top 10. The lowest charting song in the 2014 Year-End ended up being Not a Bad Thing at #45. It had the Top #4 Year-End songs and the #6 for that year! ;)
Sunshine Gal
ok next up, we'll be taking a look @ the script's biggest u.s. hit 'breakeven'. enters hot 100 on 12/19/2009 @ #96-93-89-85-84-73-66-59-53-40-28-22-19-19-17-18-15-15-13-14-14-12 *final peak*. spends 1 wk shy of 10 full mos. on chart and will be #27 on the hot 100 year end list. the single will go 2x plat. over here (2 mill.) here's the u.s. top 10 for the week of 5/15/2010 when 'breakeven' hit it's final peak of #12:
2. b.o.b. & bruno mars/nothing on you
3. riri/rude boy
4. taizo cruz/break your heart
5. lady antebellum/need you now
6. train/hey, soul sister
7. b.o.b. & eminem & haley williams/airplanes
8. kesha/your love is my drug
9. jason derulo/in my head
10. jay-z & mr. hudson/ young forever
ok, so let's take a look: the single takes a good 2 mos. to move up into the top 40. so, when a song is just hanging by a thread outside the top 40 just shows that it's getting minimal, but steady radio airplay. not enough as the songs in the top 40 would get.
and then we see a very impressive and consecutive 12 wk run in the top 30...not able to crack the top 10. but this also shows the single is picking up more radio 'spins' (plays) on a weekly and widespread basis *the u.s. has thousands of radio stations nationwide*. so, looks like u.s. radio seems to like the single! :) after the peak @ #12, the single will remain on the chart another 5mos.
the script will have 2 more u.s. singles later on: 'for the first time' final peak of #23 & 'nothing' with a final peak of #32. so, a solid debut effort, also goes to show how stiff the pop competition always is esp. on the hot 100 chart. @ this time, u.s. radio is playing lots of pop and hip/hop...not too sure where the script would've fit into a lot of radio stations' formats *which is also prob. why the single was floating on the bottom bracket of the chart for a good month and a half*. but still a solid effort and esp. to stay within the top 20 for a good 3mos. straight :)
Sunshine Gal
i do recall 'all of me' did float in the top 10 for awhile before it reached #1...but even the top 10's for that year, my response is blahhh! :D i've seen so many really good and fun top 10's over the years, i'd say the hot 100 from 2005 and prior were much better compared to the later years.
Sunshine Gal
and the script have released 4 u.s. albums: 1. 'the script' *final peak #64*; 2. 'science and faith' *final peak #3*; 3. #3 *final peak #13*; 4. 'no sound without silence' *final peak #10*.
we'll take a look back @ their biggest album here 'science and faith': enters 200 albums chart on 2/5/2011 @ #3! :))))! unfortunately, can only remain in the top 10 for 1 week: #3-22-52-76-*off chart*. here's the top 10 the week 'science and faith' hit it's final peak @ #3;
200 albums chart 2/5/2011:
1. the decemberists/the king is dead
2. kids bop/kids bop 19
3. the script/science and faith
4. social distortion/hard times and nursery rhymes
5. gregg allman/low country blues
6. bruno mars/doo-wops & hooligans
7. katy perry/teenage dream
8. tay-tay/speak now
9. nicki minaj/pink friday
10. mumford & sons/sigh no more
so, we're able to have a good 1st week sales tally to enter in the top 3, but unfortunately can't get a momentum going. might've been better to hold off until katy, tay-tay and nicki can fall out of the top 10 (all 3 had decent-big hits on the hot 100 chart, esp. katy. she would notch 5 straight #1's off this album and then 1 more on a re-issued version of 'teenage dream'). i have to say, this was also bad timing on the part of the script's label...granted the debut single peaked @ #12, but i would've had another big single out before dropping the album over here.
but again, congrats to the script to a debut @ #3 *albums chart has 200 entries* here in the u.s. and all their u.s. achievements :)
Sunshine Gal
remember when jt had 2 top 10's the same week with 'not a bad thing' and the mj duet 'love never felt so good'? ;). i just finished the 2nd uk act 'the script' and then a surprise 3rd uk act i've been keeping piran in suspense with :D be sure to tell me what you think ;)
That was also a relatively strong Top 10 that week. Young Forever ended up being the lowest one in the 2010 Year-End Hot 100 at #50. You have 5 out of the final Top 10 and the rest were in the Top 20 Year-End. ;)
I didn't know The Script is Irish. I always thought they were from the U.S.
I do recall JT having those 2 songs, just because Love Never Felt So Good only managed to have that #9 peak for a single week in the Top 10. It was actually back to back with Not a Bad Thing at #8 that week. ;)
Sunshine Gal
and here's the 3rd and surprise uk act: leona lewis! let's take a look @ her biggest u.s. hit 'bleeding love':
enters hot 100 on 3/1/2008 @ #85-62-41-21-8-1 *will spend 4 chopped up wks @ #1 and a solid 6 wks just @ the #2 spot*. will spend a lil' over 4 mos. in the top 10 and become the #2 song of the year on the hot 100 year-end list. 'bleeding love' will remain on the hot 100 chart a solid 8 and a half mos. here's the top 10 for the week of 4/5/2008 when 'bleeding love' hit it's first wk @ #1:
1. leona lewis/bleeding love (i recall hearing this a lot on the radio!)
2. usher & young jeezy/love in this club
3. ray j & young berg/ can i
4. chris brown/with you
5. sara bareillis/love song
6. jordin sparks & chris brown/no air
7. flo rida/low
8. riri/don't stop the music
9. lil wayne & static major/lollipop
10. lil mama/shawty get loose
so, as we say over here, leona lewis hit an amazing home run on this one! :))))! it's very rare for any artist to have their debut single do well over here, let alone to get a top 10 or even a #1 smash. with this single, even with a low starting peak, it quickly zooms up the chart and flies past everyone to the #1 spot in just 6 wks??? and then land @ #2 (later on) for a solid 6 wks?? that also means, u.s. radio couldn't just let it go so fast :D. i recalled seeing her in the top 10 for many wks during this time ;)
and considering all the u.s. pop, hip hop & rap artists dominating the top 10 all during this year, this was a fantastic response and chart performance to an unknown international act's debut effort. i not only consider 'bleeding love' an instant u.s. hit, but def. a huge smash hit! so, while this is still leona's only u.s. top 10 hit, an incredible response to her debut single over here and i think with more promotion and possibly better selections, the top 10's might've kept piling up :) so congrats to leona on achieving a u.s. smash hit! but wait, she ain't done yet ;)
Sunshine Gal
oh yeah...wasn't lady a in the top 10 a long time? and 'need you now' was in the top 10 year end list? oh i just finished the hot 100 run for the 3rd act, gonna go over their 200 chart run.
Sunshine Gal
i didn't even know who they were either LOL! piran will tell you, i thought their name was 'the scripture' :D i really didn't know too much about them, but the script have something like 4 plat. singles: 'hall of fame' 2x plat.; 'the man who can't be moved', 'for the first time' and 'breakeven' (2x plat.). 'breakeven' is their best hot 100 chart performance so far. and they also have 2 gold singles: 'superheroes' and 'nothing'.
Sunshine Gal
'spirit' album enters 200 albums chart on 4/26/2008 @ #1!!! *she becomes 1st uk female solo act to debut a #1 album over here.* and will remain in the top 10 for about a month and a half. album will remain in the top 20 for about 5 mos. ;) and spends about 14 mos. on the overall 200 albums chart. album will go platinum and peak @ #19 on the 200 albums year-end list.
and while debuting a #1 album seems like an everyday occurence in the u.s. each week, it's still a rare feat for artists to do so with their debut album. and leona lewis joins a rare and short list of female artists that were able to debut @ #1 with their debut albums:
1. selena/dreaming of you-1995
2. eve/let there be...eve-1999
3. britney spears/ baby, one more time-1999
4. christina aguilera *debut album same name*-1999
5. alicia keys/songs in a minor-2001
6. ashanti *debut album same name*-2002
7. beyonce/dangerously in love-2003
8. leona lewis/spirit-2008
9. susan boyle/i dreamed a dream-2009
10. kesha/animal-2010
11. ariana grande/yours truly-2013
12. selena gomez/stars dance-2013
13. meghan trainor/title-2015
so, congrats again to leona on a triumphant debut effort and best of luck to her in the future, esp. her career over here ;)
I particularly loved Bleeding Love and Love Song from that particular Top 10. Leona Lewis also had another hit I liked called Better in Time that peaked just outside the Top 10 at #11. ;)
Sunshine Gal
yeah, i noticed that this was her only top 10...i don't recall 'better in time' though. but i do remember 'bleeding love' was on the radio all the time! oh i need to re-edit her 200 chart run...give me a few min. to add some last minute details ;)
Sunshine Gal
ok i think i'm done with leona's 200 chart throwback...one question: i listed what i could find on all the female solo acts that had their debut album enter @ #1. can you think of any other female artists i overlooked? i recall tiffany being one of the first to do so with their debut album, but those are all i could come up with.
Sunshine Gal
i just double checked, tiffany's debut album didn't debut @ #1, she was the youngest female artist to have a #1 album :D !! all these years i thought her 1st album entered @ #1 :D
I couldn't find anymore. Maybe it's one of those those that should be asked in "Ask Billboard". ;D
Sunshine Gal
ok i took tiffany out...i always thought her album debuted @ #1 all this time :D back when she used to be in those teen mags. i remember reading how her album going to #1 was some type of unique feat.
but yeah, i can't think of any other female acts in the past that debuted @ #1 with their debut album...and that's not a bad idea to 'ask bb' LOL! but yeah, if you think of anyone, lemme know. unless it was a female act that had a brief splash.
Sunshine Gal
hey i found something interesting...madonna's had all her top 10's peak in all top 10 positions on the hot 100. but mj's never peaked @ #8 :D even with the j5 and the jacksons discography :D
Well the Top 10 for 2013 was much better than in 2016, even though there were a lot more controversial songs.
Here's an idea for a future throwback; choose a year & then say what your favourite moments on the Hot 100 & BB200 were in that year! :)
Sunshine Gal
sure mate :) you can even request a year or 2 and i'll take a look back or any big chart moments for that year. the 90s are jam-packed of history making and unforgettable hot 100 chart runs :)
well, i sure hope you like the surprise act i picked ;). ok mate, i'm really sorry, i have to get going...i saw you on my notifications and wanted to say goodbye. but tell me what you think of all the throwbacks ;) talk to you later :P
Hey Sunshine Gal! :)
Yeah, I just saw your throwback for The Script. I can't wait to see who you're going to choose next. I'll think of some years for you to review as well; one that comes to mind is my birth year, 1998. :D
Anyway, chat to you later or tomorrow now! ;)
Well, Madonna has the most Top 10s hits at 38. So she's the most likely to have accomplished that. The Beatles have the second most, but due to their 20 #1s, they had very little chance. Rihanna has the third most, tied with Michael is also missing a #10 peak. ;D
Hey, sorry I didn't see this post of yours from earlier! :)
Well I absolutely loved 'Bleeding Love'! In the UK, that song debuted at #1 & would then spend seven consecutive weeks there. Leona's other two #1 singles over here were 'A Moment Like This' & 'Run'.
Sunshine Gal
hey mate!! well, i was surprised she technically has only 1 top 10 hit over here...didn't she leave simon's label? but i have to say, i'm still impressed on how 'bleeding love' did over here. i knew it was a big hit back then, but i didn't realize it was in the top 10 for a long time. and we both know how hard it is for uk acts to hit it big with their debut single. but i haven't heard anything from her in a long while.
Sunshine Gal
believe it or not, i think there's a # the beatles never peaked in within the top 10 :D metgala and i chatted about that one time. but i forget what # it was...brb ;)
Sunshine Gal
it's #9 :) i couldn't find a beatles top 10 that peaked @ #9, but they've peaked in all the other top 10 positions.
Hey Sunshine Gal! :)
Well it's cool that 'Bleeding Love' had three different stints at #1; I can't think of many songs that have actually returned to #1 on the Hot 100 twice. I believe she's also the only X Factor winner to have a #1 single in the US. :D
Yeah, she did leave Simon's record label. She also hasn't charted a song in the UK recently either. :/
Sunshine Gal
so you mean, you want me to do hot 100 retrospects of the year you're requesting? that sounds like fun! 1998 was def. a fun year on the hot 100 and bb 200 charts...lots of diamond+ albums, bsb would've been in the top 10 that year :), the titanic soundtrack slayed left and right :)...yep, lots of great memories.
did you want me to do them here or on the hot 100 articles? i think some of the brits might find what went on in the u.s. during those times very interesting. and esp. all the huge momentums and mind-boggling sales we had :). going diamond today is nothing compared to back then ;). it seemed like everyone in the top 20 could sell 1 mill.+ albums a month, each month for a year and even longer than that ;). and 1mill. is 10x plat. in the uk, correct?
Sunshine Gal
she started out on the x factor? i never knew that...well, we've had other #1's that were chopped up, i do recall the spice girls' 'wannabe' did that. mariah's 'we belong together' spent some chopped weeks @ the #1 spot. so, it's still a rare occurance, but not like it's never done before.
so, is she still making any music in the uk? after her debut single, i started hearing her less and less on the radio :/, but that's still pretty cool getting a big #1 hit over here.
That's what I'm saying! :)
You could post them on both articles if you want to. I think other than Adele's '25', we won't get an album that reaches Diamond in pure sales in the US for many years yet.
Well you actually need a total of 600k units (sales & streaming) for a platinum single & 300k for a platinum album.
Sunshine Gal
oh woops! the spice girls 'wannabe' never spent any chopped wks @ #1 :D i thought they did ;). i might be thinking of their debut album.
Yeah, that's right! Leona Lewis & Little Mix have easily been the most successful X Factor winners in the UK in terms of chart performance. :)
Well the latest album that she released was 'I Am' in 2015, but the lead single only reached #51 over here & barely charted at all in some other European countries.
Sunshine Gal
oh really? i always thought 100k was plat. in the uk. believe it or not, when pink's album 'misunderstood' was out (it went 5x plat. over here) i actually thought that was so low LOL! 2day, it'd be a miracle if an artist could go 5x plat. without streaming. but back then, the top 10 would usually be flooded with huge sellers. but still, everyone did great back then...esp. with no itunes, streaming, youtube, etc. people either liked you or they didn't.
and i have to agree with that sentiment, it'll be a long time before an album reaches 10x plat. in pure sales over here...unless it's an older album that got re-certified. and not only was it cool for albums to go diamond left and right back then (hard to believe today!) but to see a # of artists able to repeat that momentum with a back-to-back set of diamond albums :). talk about great public relations! :D another reason i'm always rooting for jt, nsync was 1 of those acts that could do that :)
The last song I know that had three different stints at #1 in the US was 'Can't Feel My Face' by The Weeknd. :)
That feat is also quite unheard of in the UK, with songs like: 'What Do You Mean?' by Justin Bieber & 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams being the only recent songs to return to #1 twice. I think that has only happened two or three other times over here. :D
Anyway, I'll see you later Sunshine Gal. Nice chatting to you again as always! ;)
Sunshine Gal
really? never heard of it...well, i sure wish her the best and if she can never achieve anymore success in the states, she did pretty good for herself ;). has she announced any plans of releasing any new music over here?
Well for our next chat, I'll tell you more about Leona Lewis' chart run in the UK, as well as The Script's & Rixton's! :)
I don't think she's had new music on the Billboard Charts recently, but I did see her most recent single, 'Thunder', on the Hot Club Songs Chart! :D
Anyway, this is definitely my last post for now. See you later! ;)
Sunshine Gal
and i double checked, it was their debut album that spent chopped up wks @ #1, but i was right that they achieved something like that :). ok mate, i gotta watch some more hockey vids...but yeah let me know what yrs you want me to do retrospects on. 1998 is a great year to start on, that was jt's 1st time on the hot 100 chart with 'i want you back' :). i wasn't into nsync too much back then, but @ that time, i never thought he'd be this big solo star. who would've thought he'd still be pulling out those top 10's and #1 hits 19 yrs later? :) ok mate, i'll catch your ar$e later :P
Sunshine Gal
oops! i didn't see this post of yours, i thought you had signed off :D yeah see, i rarely follow any of bb's sub-charts...the hot 100 and 200 albums charts were always my faves, esp. the hot 100. ok mate, i'll talk to your ar$e later :p
Hey Sunshine Gal. I hope your Saturday is going well. Maybe I will see you later on. And I promise I won't talk about the Heat and Bulls lol.
Hey, I'm back again! :)
Yeah, being a huge dance fan, I often check out the Hot Club Songs chart especially. :D
Anyway, chat to you soon if you're still on. ;)
Yes, it is! ;) I just corrected the Wikipedia article since they didn't have the #7 peaking song for the Beatles as such.
Sunshine Gal
hahah!!! yeah i was thinking about you the whole time...well, yeah the bulls are sucking really bad...thank god for the warriors :). last night's game they beat the clippers by 45 pts.
but listen, piran and i were getting lots of complaints from the brits that some of us stray off topic on uk articles. if you wanna chat about sports and such, mind if we do that on the bb articles? over here, piran, techfan and i try to stay just on music topics. sorry! but glad to see you back, i was 1st comment on the last hot 100 article ;)
Sunshine Gal
really? sorry i missed this post, i was watching golden state *oops!* LOL! i made a non-music reference...LOL! ok mate, i'll see you on the hot 100 article in just a bit ;)
Haha! That's fine. ;)
Yeah, I'll chat to you again in a bit!
Sunshine Gal
isn't that wierd about the beatles and mj? all their top 10 hits and yet, there's still a peak # they never peaked @? and esp. with mj, that was a 5 decade span of top 10 hits.
I guess its one of those dumb luck achievements for chart buffs like us! ;) I guess The Beatles would take having all those #1s over that achievement anyday.
Sunshine Gal
hahaha!! i know right! hey, wanna join me and piran's chat on the hot 100 article? so far, it's just him and me on there.
I am out right now but should be on the Billboard 200 article later. See you later Sunshine Gal.
Sunshine Gal
ok talk to you later :)
Wow, I really hate most of this entire chart.
My thoughts & observations on the UK charts as always…
- Ed Sheeran remains at #1 with ‘Shape Of You’ & #2 with ‘Castle On The Hill’ on the singles chart for another week. This is now the former’s third week at #1, making ‘Shape Of You’ Ed’s longest running #1 single so far.
- As well as ‘Shape Of You’ keeping a sufficient lead on both sales & streaming, it also managed to climb 2-1 on the airplay charts. The song it dethroned was actually his own ‘Castle On The Hill’. This wasn’t unexpected though, as ‘Shape Of You’ was inspired by tropical-pop, which usually performs better than rock on the radio these days.
- ‘Castle On The Hill’ is probably the only song in the entire Top 100 right now that is a contender for the next #1. Ed Sheeran has said in multiple interviews so far that ‘Shape Of You’ would be the instant hit, but ‘Castle On The Hill’ would be the grower & I really hope he’s right there. He’s already performed the latter live & released an official video for it too.
- Ed Sheeran is not the only artist to have a great week on the charts though, as Dua Lipa has two big climbers in the Top 40 this week. The first is ‘Be The One’, which soars 54-21. Even though the song was originally released 30 October 2015, it became a Top 10 hit across numerous European countries throughout last year. Her record label decided to release it again in the UK now that Dua Lipa has charted some hits here & that was a wise decision because this is her best song so far in my opinion. I expect this to be in the Top 10, or maybe even Top 5, in the next week or two.
- The other Dua Lipa climber is the fun ‘No Lie’ (with Sean Paul) which ascends 21-11 & will very likely also be going Top 10 next week. I’m also happy that ‘Now & Later’ by Sage The Gemini jumps 32-20; the whistling in the hook is so catchy!
- Even though ‘I Don’t Wanna Live Forever’ falls 17-18 this week, the release of the official video & increasing sales could allow it to reach a new peak next week. This song might even be able to make the Top 10 at around the time ‘Fifty Shades Darker’ is released (10 February).
- ‘Text From Your Ex’ by Tinie Tempah ft Tinashe is the highest debuting song of the week, entering at #35. It becomes Tinie’s 23rd Top 40 hit (7 of them were #1s). ‘Text From Your Ex’ is taken as the fourth single from Tinie’s upcoming album called ‘Youth’, which is due to be released at the end of March. I’m inclined to say that I like this song at first listen, although it’s probably something I won’t remember in a few months from now.
- There was also one re-entry in the Top 40 this week, as ‘Don’t Leave’ by Snakehips & MO moves 51-40 in its third week charting. Hopefully it can stay around for a bit longer now!
- Meanwhile, ‘Closer’ has now spent six months inside the Official Charts & still remains in the Top 25. ‘One Dance’ is now spending its 43rd week in the charts (only one of these was not in the Top 40).
- At the moment, the potential Top 40 debuts next week could be: ‘Run Up’ by Major Lazer ft PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj, ‘Safe Inside’ by James Arthur, ‘Scared To Be Lonely’ by Martin Garrix & Dua Lipa, ‘Skin’ by Rag’n’Bone Man & ‘So Good’ by Zara Larsson ft Ty Dolla $ign. ‘Not In Love’ by M.O. ft Kent Jones didn’t quite make the Top 40 this week, but there’s still a chance it could be there next Friday.
- Finally, a look at the albums charts. Pete Tong earns his first #1 with ‘Classic House’ (6-1), a reworking of Ibiza dance classics. Completing the Top 5 is: the ‘La La Land’ soundtrack (3-2), ‘Glory Days’ by Little Mix (2-3), ‘Return To Ommadawn’ by Mike Oldfield (debuts at #4) & last week’s #1, ‘I See You’ by The (1-5).
- Thanks for reading! Have a good weekend everyone. ;)
Sunshine Gal
hey what's up mate!!! ready for the throwbacks? ;)
Hey Sunshine Gal! Of course I'm ready to see them. :D
Sunshine Gal
ok, which uk act do you think i'll post up first? ;) maybe the surprise act? :) i'll have 'em up in a sec :)
I'm not sure, but my guess is Sam Smith... ;)
Sunshine Gal
sorry mate, your ar$e is wrong on that one ;D. ok, i'll be putting up rixton's album chart run in just a sec :)
I should've guessed that, considering we were recently chatting about them. I look forward to seeing it! :)
Sunshine Gal
hey mate, you'll have to refresh the rixton album throwback, i had to re-edit it ;)
I'll checked them out right now & tell you what I think! ;)
So, it does seem that the streaming formula adjustment is helping the singles chart at this point. Its just that Shape of You and Castle of the Hill had such an large advantage over everybody else in both sales and audio streams that it isn't surprising they held the top 2 spots for 3 weeks running. Also, it's a good thing that YouTube video streams aren't allowed to be counted. Maybe they'll eventually taken into account official videos be counted. Anything, as long as they don't count the memes. ;)
One song that I wonder why it isn't chart in the UK is Bebe Rexha's I Got You. It'd seem the type of song that would do well there.
Yeah, I love 'I Got You' & really wish it would appear in the Top 100. She hosted the EMAs (European Music Awards) so I'm surprised that it's not entered yet.
I definitely agree with you regarding YouTube, which is why 'Bad & Boujee' isn't charting incredibly well! ;)
Well, I think it would be good to include YouTube streams, but only if the music video and audio is coming from the artist. If it's not official, it shouldn't be counted.
I agree! Billboard has it wrong in that sense, in my opinion. If the Official Singles chart did, Shape of You and Castle on the Hill would even distance themselves even more than now.
I Am A Stegosaurus
I gotta say, I should have taken you more seriously when you said 'Be The One' was Dua Lipa's best song, it's actually somewhat good, sounds more real and has a nice beat. And no horrible kissy noises!
Good review Piran. It is amazing to see that Ed has been number 1 and 2 for 3 consecutive weeks. Really impressive.
Closer and One Dance have had a great amount of longevity as you have pointed out. Closer might even get to 30 weeks within the top 10 in the U.S. I don't wanna live Forever will get a boost with the video. It was cool it returned to the top 10 on the Hot 100.
Hope all is going well today Piran. If I don't talk to you later on I should be on the Billboard 200 article tomorrow.
Thanks Jstar! It's great to see you again. :)
So what do you think of the IDWLF video then? I thought it wasn't bad, but nothing incredibly exciting. I still love the song a lot though! :D
How do you feel about 'Closer' possibly being the Top 3 songs of the decade then?
Anyway, everything is fine with me thanks & I hope it is for you as well. Chat to you later or tomorrow then! ;)
Yeah, I agree & I'm pleased to hear that you like it. :)
Are you going to be doing 'ups & downs' later as usual then? I always find them interesting!
I actually haven't seen the video yet. But since it is on Zayn's and Taylor's VEVO accounts. It will help a lot. It has a combined 20 million if we combine the views for each.
I still do like Closer even though the majority of people on billboard have grown tired of it. I haven't listened to it in awhile though. But it is amazing it has remained this long. It would be cool to see it get 30 weeks. But I do like Uptown Funk more so I don't want it to eclipse that lol. But it just might at the pace it is at. It is not in my personal top 3 of the decade. But I always enjoy songs doing phenomenal like Closer.
Good to hear your night is going good. It is finally a little colder today in NYC. The weather has been relatively warm so far this Winter.
It's also on the 'Fifty Shades Darker' one as well, but it won't get as many views there. I also saw that the song itself is #1 on US iTunes which is awesome! :)
Yeah, I wouldn't 'Closer' to pass the all-time Top 10 longevity record set by 'How Do I Live' by LeAnn Rimes though (32 weeks). I'm probably the only person who isn't tired of 'Closer' yet. :D LOL
Well it's very cold in the UK right now too (about 35*). I can't remember if I've asked you before, but what do you think of the two new Ed Sheeran singles? ;)
I know you measure the temperature differently in the U.K. You do it by Celsius and we do it by Fahrenheit. But thanks for doing it in Fahrenheit lol. All this extra promotion for I don't wanna live Forever has really helped this song to take off. That is good for Zayn and Taylor.
I need to listen to his songs a few more times. But I would give them both about a 7 as of now.
Yeah, I sometimes get it confused when I chat to Sunshine Gal! I would usually say about 0*-5*, but that would be far too cold in Fahrenheit! :P LOL
So do you think IDWLF has a chance at getting to #1 on the Hot 100 then? My current ratings for the Ed Sheeran songs are a light 7/10 for 'Shape Of You' & a 9/10 for 'Castle On The Hill'.
I know you measure gas differently too and drive on the left side of the road. It could have a chance in the upcoming weeks maybe to go number 1. That would be 5 number 1s for Taylor and 2 for Zayn. Well I am glad you like Castle on the Hill a lot. I only heard each song once so that is why I need to listen to them again so I can give you a better answer in the future.
I remember I was watching this Australian T.V show. I remember he said it was warm and that is was 28°. I found that so hilarious since I live in the U.S.
Yeah, it's always funny when Sunshine Gal says that it can get to 100* in Arizona; over here, it would be physically impossible to live at that temperature! LOL
Well I'll take anything at #1 as long as it's not 'Bad & Boujee'! I'd be very happy though if Tay-Tay got her fifth #1 in the US. :D
Have you checked out my Crown Note Top 40 recently then?
Did you have Paris at number 1 last time?
I could understand how that would be funny when Sunshine Gal tells you that. Well it looks like Bad and Boujee though will be number 1 for a 3rd week though. I think Shape of You probably will return to 1 first. But I don't wanna live Forever might be able to be number 1 after that.
Yeah, that was #1 on my charts when I updated them on Monday. It probably will be next Monday as well! :)
I actually agree with your prediction. Oh what do you think of 'Paris' by the way?
It is a good song. I don't like it over there other 3 top 10 hits so far. But I hardly have listened to it so I will listen to it more. But that is cool you like it a lot. What is your favorite song by them then?
'Closer' still has to be my favourite song by The Chainsmokers, but honourable mention to 'All We Know'. What about you? :)
Roses is still my favorite. I knew Closer probably would be your favorite though. Are you going to stay on much longer? I know it is 10 over there on a Saturday night. This is the day to party lol
Incredibly, we actually party more on Tuesday, as I have Wednesdays off! :)
I will be staying on for a bit longer though.
Well 'Roses' is certainly decent, but I just didn't like the drop as much as in their other songs. '#selfie' is still by far The Chainsmokers' worst song for me. LOL
Oh yeah. How is your schedule now? I know you had Friday through Sunday off before. I actually don't dislike #Selfie. But I don't think it compares to their other songs. I just found Roses so unique when I first heard it. So I just really like it. But I have pretty much liked all their songs I have heard. New York City was pretty good to me too.
I still do, but I get more hours every Tuesday though. What is your schedule like at the moment then?
Well I also really like 'New York City', but you might enjoy even more considering you live there.
Sunshine Gal thought 'Closer' was cool because it mentioned Tucson! ;)
So now you get 4 days off? You son of a gun lol. I work 40hrs each week and still do a lot of OT. I still get off around 2 Monday through Thursday and work later on Fridays. But I still be working some Saturday's and Sunday's anyway.
Maybe that is why I like the song so much. Oh yeah. Sunshine Gal couldn't stop talking about the Tuscon reference.
Well that's 4 days off from classes, but I still have assignments to do on those days.
Sunshine Gal still doesn't want 'Closer' to break the record for most weeks in the Hot 100's Top 10 though. What is your opinion on 'Starboy' having four weeks at #1 atop the BB200 so far then?
Yeah, I know you probably have a lot of assignments. At least at work you really don't have homework lol. Well I don't want it to break the record either. But I won't be outraged if it does.
That is good for The Weeknd. But sales are dismal for everyone. Even though people were giving Drake a hard time. Views still had higher sales at this point lol. But nice for him. He has a lot of streaming.
Yeah, it would be unfair considering it has streaming & YouTube advantages over 'How Do I Live', but 'Closer' is an awesome song regardless! Techfan says that it might've already entered the All-Time Hot 100 already! :O
Yeah, they usually are during January, but traditional sales have almost reached record lows in terms of album sales. I like both 'Views' & 'Starboy', but probably a latter more.
It kind of would be unfair considering it has streaming. But it is what it is. It probably will end up in the top 20 range or higher of all time.
Pure album sales have been historically low it seems like this January. Maybe that is why those articles have seemed much quieter this month so far haha. I know you probably preferred Starboy a little more over views. Both are fine. I don't have a favorite between them.
Yeah, I think it will do that as well! Remember when everyone was saying that 'Closer' or 'Uptown Funk' could pass 'One Sweet Day's record? :P
Well I've found each article a bit boring as well to be honest. What albums are you looking forward to in 2017 then?
Uptown Funk was so close to How do I Live and One Sweet Days record. But it just fell short. I think Closer will fall short too. Katy, Taylor if she decides to release one. I am really not sure who is releasing albums this year. I have to take a look.
I think Katy & Taylor will probably be releasing new albums in 2017. I would definitely be excited for both of them as well! :)
Well if I'm completely honest, I think 'Closer' will beat 'How Do I Live's record. 'One Sweet Day' won't be passed for a very long time though.
Ed has a album coming out early this year I believe too. You think Closer can get 33 weeks we will see. I don't think it will but maybe it could. A lot of songs just seem to fall off a lot when they get to the very bottom of the top 10. It has 25 weeks now so we will see.
Who is shaping up to be number 1 in the U.K this Friday you think. Will Ed secure a 4th straight week?
I remember that day I was going to do the 6 peaking list. We only had like 150 comments on that article lol. Hopefully February will shape up better for the billboard 200 articles.
Yeah, it's called '÷' & is due to be released on March 3. 'Shape Of You' & 'Castle On The Hill' were already enough to convince to buy it when it's released! :)
Well 'Closer' only needs eight more week inside the Top 10 to break the record. It's already at #4 (could be #3 next week!) so I wouldn't be too surprised if that happened.
Ed will very likely be #1 again next Friday with 'Shape Of You' & he should also remain at #2 for another week with 'Castle On The Hill'. :D
Yeah, I never got too many responses each week either recently. Also, let's hope Billboard don't post the articles too late! ;) LOL
Well we already know Ed will debut at 1 when he releases his album. It really depends in those 8 weeks if we have other songs outside of the top 10 take off all of a sudden. Uptown Funk can thank the surprise of See you Again from breaking the all time record from One Sweet Day. So you never know lol.
I know if you had it your way Castle on the Hill would be number 1 while Shape of You would be 2. But at least you like it better at top then the current billboard chart.
The hot 100 articles still have a lot of comments though. I wanted to do my lists on Sunday's . But it is getting more difficult on the billboard 200 articles. They are either quiet or late recently.
Well even Ed himself said that he prefers 'Castle On The Hill' to 'Shape Of You'. He said that he knew the latter would be the instant hit, but the former would be the one that grows on people. :)
I think that's why he wants to promote 'Castle On The Hill' more than 'Shape Of You'. If he does replace himself at #1 in the UK, then I'd be very happy with that! :D
I'm sure that the BB200 will start getting busier again soon, but like you said, there's nothing too interesting going on there at the moment. The Hot 100, however, has had a lot more movement recently, especially near the top. ;)
He can't take sides on his songs. Just kidding lol. Of course you like more songs you write more then others. I have favorite songs that I have made. I will probably share the lyrics to one of my songs on billboard one day.
Castle on the Hill dropped a lot in the U.S though. Well I have another list idea that I wanted to do on the hot 100 at the same time while I am doing my song peaking list on the billboard 200 article. I will probably unveil my idea on Monday. Stay Tuned. I actually wrote a song called Stay in Tune though haha.
I definitely look forward to seeing them. I still think it's so cool that you write songs! :)
Well I think 'Castle On The Hill' will recover in the US soon though due to it's official video. Unfortunately, radio aren't supporting it very much in your country. :/
I certainly look forward to that new idea of yours. I'm also starting Top 10 throwbacks of the week, so look out for that soon. ;)
Maybe I will give you a few song names to choose from. And whatever song you pick I will reveal the lyrics to that song.
Don't tell me about radio refusing to play songs I like. I know the pain lol. I have a surprise list and you have a throwback's list. It will be very interesting these coming months. Alot of cool ideas.
Sounds like a good idea! :)
Well sometimes the opposite can happen & radio overplays songs I like. Recent examples include: 'Can't Stop The Feeling', 'Uptown Funk' & 'Closer'. :D
Yeah, it should be great getting more lists on each article. I'm also starting weekly polls too. ;)
Also, do you follow any other international charts, or just the UK & US ones?
Alot to look forward too. I follow the Canadian one and Australian one sometimes. Well like I said it is Saturday. This is my one day to really have fun lol. I am going out now. But have a goodnight Piran and probably see you tomorrow.
Yeah, I sometimes follow both of those charts as well, but probably the Australian ones a bit more.
Well have a good night Jstar & chat to you again soon! :D
I Am A Stegosaurus
Sadly, no, I think just like last week, there wasn't much chart action so I'm not doing it